Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Retroactive Combat Action Badge 2010

biased application of the "netiquette" on the monitoring of comments on Radio-Canada.ca

Julie Miville-Dechêne, Ombudsman,
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Subject: Implementation of the biased "netiquette" on the control of new comments at the bottom of the CBC. AC

Occasionally while browsing the site of the new Radio-Canada.ca I read the footnotes the "comments" that each user can leave. Sometimes it says things stunning, anti-American conspiracy theories, anti-racism Canadian English, Anglophobia, dubious explanations of crime, this can sometimes push yourself to intervene to make another point of view, correct facts, or just show his indignation.

So I created an account on the website of Radio-Canada.ca, "Jammer", recorded a few months ago with only a dozen which interventions have been published since May of this year. I must say that I avoid usually go to comments so it is often distressing , except that late last night, I made two exceptions that were demonstrations of a rather disturbing phenomenon from my point of view among employees of Radio-Canada, which is do not know the name but have the power to control opinions under the guise of "netiquette". By checking this "netiquette" fairly restrictive, rigorous, which lends to many interpretations, I realize that its application varies greatly in the range of interpretation that the policy position / ideology that is issued by the member.

Last night (Sunday night November 28 to November 29), I sent two interventions. Other times, I used to copy and paste my intervention in a "Notepad" in Windows to keep a copy in case my response would be published as if it would be modified to compare ... But yesterday I did not. I trust you would not find a reason in the "netiquette" to prevent publication of my comments.

New # 1


A member comes to the bottom of the news and wondered why people pay for a service that is free elsewhere.

My response provides an explanation:

can pay because we do not like conventional radio regulated in Canada with 65% of French music in the French-language stations, quotas imposed by a judge as I worthy of totalitarian nationalism.

Since it is late, I check the next day in the afternoon (Monday, 29 September) to see if my response is indeed released ... Surprise, it's not. I therefore conclude that I can not challenge a measure of the state, even with rational arguments and placed in correct French. So I can not challenge the idea of "protecting" a language and restrict the choice to listeners ... So I can not answer the question arose the other user. This is not the right answer according to the censor paid by my taxes Radio-Canada. So there are good and bad opinions, direct violation of my freedom of expression under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which breach is not justified by any abuse from me, rudeness, or other behavior not -acceptable.

New # 2


There I knew it would be difficult given some editorial positions at Radio-Canada. My speech focused on questioning the validity of disclosures of secret diplomacy of our Western governments. Especially this time, any user can reveal the cards that our governments have in hand, the analysis and thoughts of our diplomats, governments directly thugs who cause us trouble.

I said that "any idiot" could now with a computer, "intervene in peace or war between countries" and that this situation was very unfortunate. course, my position contrasts with those that dominate in the comments of users and Radio-Canada.ca that they are "allowed" by the moderators Radio-Canada.ca.

Again, I have issued no rudeness or direct insult other users . The term "idiot" seems possible to describe people like me, people of Quebec, the regional people, people who vote Conservative, people who want a car rather than public transit, people who believe that democracy and market economy are what is best to serve humanity. Described as "idiot", the act of publishing information that highlight such requests to the United States by Saudi Arabia to attack Iran, without analyzing the impact and relevance ... it does not go for the "moderator" Radio-Canada.ca.

I think it's possible to check what is accepted or rejected by the moderators ... it is normally stored somewhere. Myself I moderate comments on my blog and posts I find offensive is held.

I could cite other examples, I could keep copies of my speeches refused. I could try it and you build a case. You could also send my complaint to the boss censors called "moderators" ... But I fear it will be useless because nothing will change. I'm convancu well as employees of Radio-Canada today are clearly selected according to endorse the editorial policy of the CBC, a state within a state , a Crown corporation that serves the interests of private companies such as Gesca / Power Corporation. Needless to remind you that while it "welcomed" the publication of diplomatic notes on Wikileaks, Radio-Canada is a Crown corporation opaque worthy of North Korea, which goes to court to prevent publication of infiormations how are spent billions of taxpayer dollars whether in talk shows or in the expense accounts of senior executives golden. Ironic ...

In my opinion, he should not have much space for comments on Radio-Canada.ca, because in fact there is often more room for the news itself. These comments are not serious, the research, the rigor of a new completed by an information professional. These comments are not needed in the current role of Radio-Canada, in the absence of a neutral sort based on strict rules as simple as possible.

Thank you in advance for your attention.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Small Islands Tourism Education

I am not their

The broad definition of friends aujoud'hui by social networks like Facebook can bring many misunderstandings. One of these misunderstandings is that my blog is published on the "Banana Republic", along with funny characters. We identified all right, we put in one basket ... Therefore, we are "friends".

The Quebec law is in full reflection (thought long and sometimes have to act). On one side was lucid nationalists who could join the movement still imaginary Francois Legault, and maybe Joseph Facal, a man almost too polished in Quebec who do not like intellectuals, or when they not say what one wants to hear, when they are not universally available for the leisure society or arrives without effort, as a retreat after not really worked.

other hand you have the Freedom Network Quebec, with Éric Duhaime has firmly responded to the court Everyone speaks Version Plateau Montreal. Securely, but still on a defensive, being in hostile territory. Réjean Parent, who fled the live debate in front of Eric Duhaime LCN ... Jeff Fillion but Eric invites his event in Quebec, as a good dose of populism (bin yes it exists) in a reflection serious intellectual who wants ... a sort of hot dog mustard in a restaurant 4 services. Hot dogs, it's good every once in a while, before a hockey game or baseball, not parliamentary, not in its place.

Still, there is another group, those who claim the "real right", more than others.

Personally, after defending attacks surnoises La Presse and Radio-Canada against Jeff Plante for their support in a campaign where the ADQ's ideas were really stir, I find his friends and Facebook co-authors (with whom I have no link) on "Banana Republic" people who condemn contraception and denounce "the murder of millions of fetuses.

past few weeks I pinch myself, I even think ... hallucinating.

Full of ideas, Scuse the term "To shit", as backward as the burka, as that mothers should stay home with their rolling pin ... washing diapers and listen to the fires of love preparing good pies, mmm ... nostalgia of good pies. Stakeholders on this blog criticizing the position of Gerard Deltell ADQ wants more emphasis on English in school ... I found myself having to intervene and convince people of the importance of English, before I seek treatment for "Francophobe," "Idiot of Quebec" which "excludes" (bugz in the head nationalists unilingual greater Montreal, who think more with their prejudices cultivated by never going out of their corner of the country).

One commenter even said that English was a "useless skill. Do not you think it feels disappointed because the PQ a little too close MNLQ?

They leave a very valid opinion, is the challenge of being RCTs to take us elsewhere. It reminds the person a little light that opens the door to Jehovah's Witnesses, who dressed as itinerant insurance salesmen from one gate to another, address the people on topics that will join them as economic hardship, wars in the world, and after they have the solution to all by god + 10% of your income. Do not just accept them, do not deal with them. Reclosing the door.

Just last week, Jeff relayed to me by Facebook a text of an author not so identified, a hysterical against abortion, and another link ... A woman who denounces contraception. A few weeks ago, by automatic I do not know, a text which set out the Pope's position on contraception in Africa (which I think is a crime against humanity). Fortunately, it appears to have been removed.

Jeff Plante denies wanting to debate. It relays positions that would not necessarily his, to provoke discussion ... what? We can debate the necessity of exterminating the Jews for that matter ... if everything is valid discussion ... No, no and no! It undermines its credibility and mortgage just over his political future now providing real weapons at his opponents that will be used against him, and this time it will be untenable.

That would be, the real debate, the "real right"? We will take what is more stupid the right, the marginalized, as why not people who believe that dinosaurs came into contact humans? In debating? A scientific conspiracy to keep us out of God fabricated evidence that invalidates the Genesis. Yikes!

Bravo for the credibility of the right of Quebec! It would have been able to unite freaks and create a sanctuary where ideas are the most reprehensible now acceptable in the name of democracy. You know, East Germany Es t which we could not leave without taking the risk of being shot boasted the name "German Democratic Republic" (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) and there are also Democratic Republic Congo where democracy is still a word used indiscriminately.

is a fine line positions before when racist advocates reducing immigration ... Especially there is no guideline or theme. What I am among those blogs on "Banana Republic"? Is this a recipe for the establishment of a real banana republic?

I already wrote here about the comparison between the right and the Anglo-Saxon countries a majority of Catholics (this also applies to the Orthodox). We like with our two small words that Americans have a strong moral conservative right, pourtant l'avortement est y est permis depuis les années '70. Là nous avons des pseudo-libertariens qui veulent que l'état intervienne par-dessus les droits individuels des femmes... Tout cela ressemble bien plus à un néo-fascisme que des débats cohérents.

Voici le vidéo d'un homme fâché que des imbéciles pro-vie aient insulté sa femme qui doit subir une intervention dans une clinique parce que son bébé est mort.

Pendant qu'on se bat (depuis des années) pour faire comprendre que la droite c'est pas nécessairement reciters of these rosaries protesting against abortion and insult women who live a drama in front of clinics, or the brown shirts of Adrien Arcand ... The line to which I belong does not accept the argument, nor the presence of senile white berets marching alongside them. I have much in common with them than with Françoise David and Alexa Conradi.

This is not true that every debate deserve to be honored. The earth is a ball, we will discuss it. The dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago ... even though the Bible says that the world was created not bad after. We will not retreat to discuss with people for whom it is not worth the trouble. is not discussed with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for Israel's right to exist. We do not market what Pyongyang has the right to kill millions of its inhabitants. These are obvious. Banana Republic

aptly named, and I know where it comes from the name (and this idea of the flag). During my years as a blogger and a few times on the radio, I denounced the forces who wanted to lead Quebec to become a banana republic, they are identifiable both the left and right. The right to Latin America, Italy (Berlusconi fraternizing avec les néo-fascistes), les nostalgiques du régime franquiste en Espagne, ils ont toujours accouché de monstres hybrides entre l'oligarchie, le libre-marché, l'interventionnisme étatique fort dans la vie des citoyens, l'autoritarisme, le despotisme.

J'vais y aller dans un autre sens; même Stephen Harper et George Bush, des épouvantails de droite dressés par les extrêmistes de gauche, ont accédé au pouvoir en prenant le soin de faire le ménage , continuellement dans leur entourage, les vieux monstres dans les enclos... Pour ne pas que des intrus indéfendables viennent saboter tout le reste. Un député conservateur de l'ouest ne pourrait not be seen participating in a demonstration where they burn and trample the flag of Quebec, he would return.

Maybe a party would join the neo-white beret 0.7% of the vote in an election ... they have the right to exist, the right to make a contest of nonsense ... There are already the Christian Democracy Party (nothing to do with the Christian Democrats in Europe), No Party, the Reform Party financial , Affiliation Quebec, and the well known but not so popular Bloc Pot . But all this is without me and without any complacency on my part.

I was hard with Jeff Fillion and his populist level ... but it can not cause as much trouble with his inconsistencies and blunders that are not always in bad faith that creationists, people against the use of contraception (which we want to happen as rabbits question "Africanizing the planet"), and nationalists who want to be taught in Cantonese instead of English.

So ... For these reasons, j'officiallise withdraw my support for Jeff Plante, who is desperately seeking "friends" to the point of having impaired. I am greatly disappointed because his speech few years ago was not at all in that direction and I fear he uses these "debates" to find a niche in the comfortable margin, which manages the platform very far into the stands. I do not want to be part of this "federation" of bloggers, leaves my side to have fewer friends, especially fewer readers. I'm betting that my personal beliefs, my integrity, without price and I can not continue to write on my blog as if all was well, for my own credibility, if released to sides of extremely non-credible.

I do what I asks the gaugauche: look with which you fight, show, act, the G20 Summit of the Americas, or events for what they call "peace." It is inconceivable to say for the peace and be with Hezbollah supporters, waving the flag with the AK-47 above. We can not be both against breakage, deploring the vandalism, and be part of the same event without denouncing the thugs.

I can not accept to be with "Quebec-life" and "Rallying identity" in particular. This gives me the creeps. Jean-Francois Plante, I believed and still believes smart enough, with whom I extensively discussed in recent weeks, has to choose these friends. It's me or them, and that's his problem if he chose them as a political calculation.

I invite other members of Banana Republic to force Jeff to plant the same choice, a matter for them as to not to put a white beret against their will, a dunce cap, due to our detractors.

I count on your decision, but you do what you want.

My position on abortion: http://philbelanger.blogspot.com/2010/03/la-demagogie-de-la-gauche-sur-la.html

Si je devais disparaître de République de Bananes, updatez vos liens avec la réelle adresse de mon blog: http://philbelanger.blogspot.com et joignez-vous à la page Facebook de mon blog qui publie régulièrement des liens et decourts commentaires: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Brouilleur-dondes/221981437115


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Circular Bump On Knuckle

friend George Bush is still right

C'était encore une fois troublant de voir les amis de Radio-Canada avec Michel C. Auger commenter l'entrevue accordée par le président George W. Bush à NBC hier, dans le contexte du lancement de sa très attendue auto-biographie, aujourd'hui. Ils se demandaient... mais il n'a no remorse? As if he had to have ...

I am honored to not hide from anyone, wherever I go, where I hear the usual comments, to remember that there is a Canadian minority, even smaller in Quebec, people who support policies this president unloved. Be more likely to believe and repeat the same things does not necessarily prevail on the merits.

A "crimes" that one criticizes the president who had to respond to the attacks of September 11, 2001 is allowed to have what is called "torture" by Radio-Canada, definition rather wide. Few people will learn to know what was actually used as "torture" against Islamist fanatics like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed by the CIA in the war on terrorism.

When most people talk about torture has made the U.S. think it electrocutions, burns, cuts and blows.

This "torture" has admitted that he allowed George W. Bush against lawyers advisers at the White House is "waterboarding" (waterboarding). We do believe in a bath which is filled to the person she will drown if it does not cooperate, the water will rise ... Finally, the CIA has drowned person. Khalid was the jihad that wet, need a towel?

has often told Radio-Canada that Omar Khadr was tortured at Guantanamo. Information has accrued in 2004-2005 that the U.S. military were listening to Metallica in the speakers to the men who want to find a few tens of deflowering virgins after death. What was the volume of sound? Which Metallica album was playing? (I preferred the Black Album) To torture me personally, Fadri put Celine Dion. You do not Adisq fact, in a "wide" definition of torture by imposing 65% of French on the radio?

Omar was rescued by the Americans, when it was found he was dying after his injuries. The first to be treated in the field, was the colleague infrmier that Omar killed with a grenade. He was treated and fed better than the Americans and Canadians. He has lectured, he was in school during his stay at Guantanamo ... his family would have liked to see him die a martyr like his father did not have to pay a penny. It tells very little of this reality.

So there would be for critics of Bush, an ideal possible, without which "waterboarding", only in offering a sweet coffee, could be drawn into the nose of a fanatical terrorist, to prevent attacks in preparation. I do not believe me. If we could save hundreds of lives of the Madrid bombings in London or "wetting" a bearded man, who badly needed a bath after being pulled from his cave ... I do not see the problem.

So there would be for critics of Bush, a solution called "diplomatic" to all problems. That's not counting 15 years of diplomatic failures in Iraq with Saddam Hussein ... erased from our collective memories, even those who are responsible inform us. Forget the tens of times the UN inspectors were expelled from Iraq when they found tracks leading to weapons of mass destruction. Forget those Scuds fell on Tel Aviv, Haifa, Kuwait City. Forgotten these satellite images released to the world, however, military convoys on their way to Syria in January 2003 during the France of the "diplomacy DeVillepin" trying to save time by all means "friend Saddam."

Bush does not regret having made the invasion of Iraq in 2003 while writing his memoirs. Like Tony Blair, was not forgotten the need to depose Saddam Hussein responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths before the invasion. There are still graves. If you have a little memory we often Kurds gassed by Chemical Ali too.

Not ... the president did not apologize to light, naive, disconnected, watching the fragments of events, news, and believe it should. Did you also forget that over 60% of Americans favored the invasion of Iraq? Is it difficult not to be made?

Michel C. Auger Radio-Canada said in a facies frustrated that attempts to "rehabilitate" George W. Bush. As if his sentences place had ever actually been founded ... George Bush is my Facebook friend, like 576,340 other people and his autobiography "Decision Points" will be very interesting. ****

Top photo: George W. Bush is in a Florida school one morning in September 2001, everything comes to switch, he learns.