Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dsj 2 Dościągniecia Fuul

Roadmap to MALI - The saga of winter

The first posts of this blog will be dedicated to the new "saga" of winter ...

And yes ... As promised, you'll be able to live and relive our honeymoon in MALI.

We returned enchanted. It is a beautiful country, both by the variety of its landscapes and the human wealth that we have discovered.

Throughout our journey, Nick held a travelogue we'll share here. With a few pictures, then you can follow our path every day.

history to be even more immersed in the atmosphere, we suggest you listen to some music group "Desert Rebel" (a group that we used to listen during the trip) while reading this diary.
Copy the link: in another tab, then click the play button of the cassette which will then appear on the page:

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

South Park Stream Francais

Roadmap to MALI - Day 1

25/09/2007 - 7:30

's it, the big day has arrived. Claude and Lucille take us to the airport. Our plane takes off at 10:00.

And they're off for adventure! ...

On our arrival at the airport we were distributing a leaflet which explains a man will be deported today to Sénagal. The unfortunate who ends up in the same plane that we did a lot of noise and we keep asking for help to get off because he will not return there. After an hour and a half waiting in an atmosphere a little heavy, for newlyweds, as passengers, the captain decided not to take off. He asks us to land to allow the police to bring down the deportee.

After several stages of information from agents of stops, we finally took off at 6:00 p.m.!

This incident has resulted in us sleep in Dakar and losing a day of vacation ... (sniff)

We arrive in Dakar at 22:00 local time. Air Senegal we took charge and we deposit our bags at the hotel around 24H00 MIRAMAR.

a shuttle to pick us up tomorrow at 10:00 to take us to the airport and take our letters to Bamako to 15H00 ...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Writing A French Wedding Card

Roadmap to MALI - 2nd day

26/09/2007 - 8:00

The first awakening of the holiday sounds ... Phew !....

We take breakfast on the terrace of the hotel.

We descend to the reception at 10:00, as expected. And there, the first African experience ... After an hour of waiting, we decided to go for a ride ... And then the second African experience ... Just a few meters traveled, and a pseudo guide to us. From there it follows a whirlwind tour of the neighborhood without leaving the intersection, then barter, our refusal (the merchandise is not very interest and we have not yet CFA), the endless discussion and a return right away to the hotel.

The bus finally reached 11:30. I meet the driver in the hall, he looked at me and smiled and said: "Were you afraid that I can not?! . I make him understand my concern and explained that we had to leave at 10:00. He says he has left, for its part, Air Senegal at 11:00!

We got into the bus and put 25 minutes to arrive at the airport, instead of two hours announced yesterday.
We store our luggage and take advantage of waiting for go to exchange office (For more events, be aware that 1000 FCFA equivalent to 1.50 €).

We finally arrived in Bamako ...

The flight went smoothly and a man took charge of our reception when we arrived in the lobby of the Bamako airport.

chalereux After a reception in the stunning VIP lounge of the airport, we realize that this man did not in fact part of the agency! We understand that he may call our office with his laptop, but he has no plan. Then we give him 1000 CFA to call the director of the local agency. We decide to leave the airport and meet an extraordinary character who was waiting quietly outside finally!

This character will be our driver for the whole journey:

The Tuareg GAO

MOHAMED takes us directly to Bamako. After making us discover the main city ...

... nous arrivons à la maison d'hôtes VILLA SOUDAN, sur les berges du NIGER.

Cette maison d’hôtes est merveilleusement calme avec sa déco digne d’un musée d’arts premiers. Celle-ci est composée d’un côté, de l’hôtel en lui-même, de l’autre côté, du restaurant en plein air, et au centre, d’un joli salon abrité par une pergola et d’une piscine hypnotisante !

We discover our room ...

... with terrace overlooking the NIGER.

The team has kindly offered a basket of local products for the body, and a welcome message: "Aw Bissimilah"

We take our first meal on the African continent. This dish is called Mafe. It is a sort of peanut-based stew and rice with this time of lamb. We are not able to finish our plates more than hearty!

Then we go to bed ...

First night of our honeymoon!

Best Push Up Bra For Small Breasts 2010

Rumeurs de remaniement

Hammadi Ould Meimou va remplacer Yahya Ould Waqef commee ministre secrétaire général de la présidence, quand à Ould Waqef, il s'occupera désormais uniquement du nouveau Parti-Etat.

Kaber Ould Hamoudi, l'actuel directeur de la radio, devient ministre chargé des relations avec le parlement, à la place de Ould Brahim Khlil qui lui, devient directeur du cabinet présidentiel.

Ould Hamma Vezzaz devient conseiller à la présidence, et le ministère des finances sera scindé en deux partis, du coup, Ould Emejar devient ministre des finances, et Didi Ould Biyé ministre de l'économie.

Dernière rumeur : Maarouf Ould Heiba, The third accused killer of French tourists, still on the run, hiding in Lemden, hometown of the president. Note that Ould Heib is close cousin of the president, he is also the name of his brother (Maarouf Ould Heib is called Maarouf Ould Cheikh Abdallahi, the president's brother Sidi).

Still on the ruling family (but here it is no longer a rumor), the President has appointed two of his brothers to Mauritel, one as secretary general and one as chief financial officer.
As you leave the register for the rumor that the news of the revolution haratine" dont les graffiti tapissent les murs de Nouakchott se résume en réalité à une seule personne : Biram Ould Ebeidi, il était porte-parole de Zein Ould Zeidane durant la dernière présidentielle, comme il n'a pas été nommé, il est revenu voir Messoud (qu'il avait quitté pour Zein), mais Messoud l'a congédié, alors, aidé par deux jeunes cousins, il lance la révolution murale. Si le gouvernement veut que cesse ce mouvement, ils n'ont qu'à nommer Biram, et il verrons que ça va s'arrêter, comme par magie.

Une autre info : samedi 12 janvier, dans l'après midi, Ould Abdel Aziz arrête sa Corolla SG (voiture de la présidence) next to the church and share jogging. In his absence, strangers have opened the car without breaking, then they took:
- 12,000 Euros in cash
- 200,000 CU liquid also
- 4 mobile phones,
- 1 laptop.
The most serious is his computer, he has all his files in it. The thieves, after closing the car, went to the house Ould Ghazouany, and threw the keys to the guards before starting a whirlwind. Ould Abdel Aziz made his survey, but quietly by his henchmen, he does not want the matter noised abroad, lest that one of his many enemies get their hands on the computer before him, and use it to cause his downfall.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Apizaco Tlaxcala Mexico

Roadmap to MALI - Day 3 Notebook

27/09/2007 - 9:00

Today the adventure begins in Bamako. First contact with a taxi that takes us to the bank. We request 10 000 FCFA for the race ! He said 1 000 FCFA farm, he laughs and we go up. After getting small cuts (we Blowin well now with our 300 tickets in the bag!), We arrive on the market. What


is a giant anthill, where pedestrians and vehicles cross through a maze of tiny streets. The stalls are installed everywhere, even in spaces no bigger than a toilet ...

After a few erring in the big market, not too see the variety of goods, because we had our eyes at once everywhere and nowhere, we arrive at the crafts market. We decide to get into the business. We discover the business methods of Mali. The principle is:

MUST talk!

The seller offers a first prize, then we propose our prices (not more than one third of the starting price!). Then follows a fierce but still trading in a relaxed mind. The loggers seem relatively easy, even for small European tourists face financial experts Mali.

We also had to deal with street vendors, less pleasant, but who can still talk. We even surprised to romanticize our arguments also purchase!

Pupuce must admit that was a great help! ... Because in Bamako, the Britons have a reputation for being tough in business. We were constantly asked if we were Britons. The moment we clarify the loggers stopped net!

We leave this amazing atmosphere and oppressive. New trading taxi (it easier!) To get to the National Museum. We become real small Malian (admittedly, a little pale)!

We here at the Museum. But first, you're hungry!

We enter the restaurant of the Museum, the AFRICAN GRILL, and choose both the WIDJILLA (lamb, tomatoes, spices and steamed bread). What can I say ?!...

- It rocks! (Pupuce)
- I, too, it rocks! (Toune)
- we! (Flies)

confess that calm returned to the restaurant we made a good crazy!
We travel the park's Museum and see some architectural miniatures of Mali.

Pupuce and I found a small chip stall any cute! We seek the rental agency ... in vain!

We decide to visit the Museum with clim! It is a joy! After going through the crafts market in the morning, sculptures and other tissues do not appear to us as singular objects, given the multitude of similar products. But it was instructive nonetheless.

Leaving the museum, we cross the street to a walk in a park in Prehistory. A guide a little "wacky" is catching up to us to visit "flash" site (10 minutes top chrono!). Then we take a taxi to the hotel. This is the worst we've had so far: the back of the car dancing the Lambada each acceleration! We did not have the ability to open our windows because there was no handle or lever, or dashboard, either! The people there, merely a minimum: an engine, a steering wheel and seat! We later learned that the majority of taxis are vehicles repaired briefly from Europe.

We have not taken this taxi photo, but here is another. It gives an idea of the thing! ...

On the way, we discover several scenes of everyday life in Bamako, tinged with poverty, poor sanitation, lack of hygiene, but also to "System D" anything goes. Today we would be unable to do so with the resources they have! The comfort was installed too well with us!

Finally the hotel and its pool miraculous!

After a shower and a drink, we decided to continue the adventure in an African restaurant in town. Our driver MOHAMED (we do not call again MOMO), who came to see if we were still alive after the first day takes us nicely to the restaurant ... THE SAVANA

And then we dive deep into Africa. We see the African chefs make pizzas, the background music is led by the traditional music of Joe Cocker! We have a Mojito and the joy we enjoy a glass of mint syrup with a hint of rum. Pupuce died of laughter at every event this meal!

Our plates are still to go. Pupuce chooses the CAPTAIN ALOCOS with lemon sauce (fried plantains). A DE-LICE! And I do not regret my grilled chicken with honey roast potatoes ...
It recognizes those who have a taste for adventure!

In return, we noticed that there were many people who apparently remained day and night on their market position. To believe that it is also their home! But they do not seem to have a roof here.

Another detail, seemingly typical ... Every time we say hello to a Malian this, we automatically ask: "Are you okay? "(Even if it's the only time that we speak).

Malian spirit is there: warm, generous, friendly ... and very commercial.

We also noticed that even though they have no roof, the accessory is essential ... the cell phone!