Internet gambling
Games, there are thousands on the Internet. Everyone can play, some provided they reach the age of majority and other specially designed for a much younger clientele. There's something for every taste, from fighting games, racing games, the puzzles and role playing, games that could be called classic. But one thing is certain, they all have an audience and are very popular with surfers.
The game causes excitement but also a darker side, that of dependence and potential dangers with Internet gambling. A parent
interested in his young and plays with him better able to target problem gambling and those who encouraged him to play for money but a parent who is not interested or has too much confidence in his Young might be surprised to learn that there are young people who have stolen to get money to repay debts contracted on the Internet.
At age 14, a youth has had a status of a compulsive gambler and had debts to repay. Another had to be treated for his addiction to gambling on the Internet.
No, it does not only happen autres et il ne faut pas être naïf en tant que parent, on doit s’intéresser à son jeune et à sa vie virtuelle.
Oui c’est possible de trouver des jeux sécuritaires pour leurs jeunes même à partir de 4 ou 5 ans. Il suffit d’être attentif, de jouer avec l’enfant et surtout de faire des recherches plus approfondis sur le site trouvé et sur le jeu, afin de savoir qui est à l’origine du jeu, depuis combien de temps il existe et s’il y a des internautes qui ont déjà clavardés au sujet du jeu, dans un forum de discussion. Questionnez votre entourage pour savoir s’ils connaissent le jeu où s’ils ont vécu des expériences with games on the internet, you may find useful.
A young person must be well informed to understand that it is not necessary to enter personal information to play an Internet game. Why would he write to his age, address and city if he wants to play a racing game? The parent must be able to explain to his young that he did not answer these personal questions to play a game and if there is, it should not come true information.
Be close enough to your child and his life Virtual vouchers to give safety tips.
should be aware that the games specially designed for customers age 18 and older is not for him since he stewed elements can possibly harm him. We must explain that life on the Internet is not real life and the scenes we can see, are purely fanciful.
The parent must teach him to judge for itself the quality of the game, its origin by querying the Web about it. If in a game, he was asked to pay with money should a light switch to enable d’arrêter tout de suite avant d’aller trop loin. Il n’est pas raisonnable de passer plus de 2 heures en ligne à jouer à un jeu sans avoir pris le temps d’aller dépenser son énergie.
Le jeune doit apprendre à faire de bon choix pour que le jeu, reste UN JEU où l’unique but est de s’amuser.
Montrons aux jeunes que le jeu est dans le sport et que ce qu’il y a sur Internet n’est qu’un passe-temps qui ne devrait jamais devenir un endroit où l'on passe tout notre temps.
Nancy Roy
Consultante-Conférencière à la prévention de la cybercriminalité
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