Have you seen the movie Idiocracy of Mike Judge ? ... The creator of King of the Hill, Beavis & Butthead, among others ... Following a recommendation, I tried and I fell on this small budget film and retail distribution in 2006, this week. It hilarious from beginning to end, I put it in my list of cult films.
Synopsis: An average American, very average IQ of 100, little ambition, officer in the army, without family, is cryogenically frozen for an experiment. Following a scandal that has settled the creators of this experience, Joe frozen with a prostitute, are forgotten for 500 years before to thaw. They wake up in a society (a prophecy) that the idiots have created a lot of idiots. Simply put, the idiots have reproduced so that society, our civilization is in decline for a long time 2505, our U.S. moyen et Rita la prostituée sont des génies qui sauveront l'humanité devenue trop stupide.
Bien sûr il y a des petits clins d'oeil qui peuvent faire sourciller le droitiste, des allusions à FoxNews (prenons la caricature), aux médias de masse et à la surconsommation (bin oui ça existe, vous et moi parfois achetons des trucs dont on a pas trop de besoin).
Étant plutôt à droite, j'y ai aussi vu de ma perspective, la déchéance que pourrait amener une société où les réformes scolaires font que les cancres ne redoublent plus une année d'étude , où un assisté social peut emprunter à la banque 500 000 $ For a house, or getting paid in-vitro fertilization by the government.
There is also a nod to the "creationist", you know, these believers in God who imagine a prehistoric human cotoyant with dinosaurs. For them, it has no sense or is irrelevant, because all that was written long ago, and since it's written And that it's been, so it must be true: That how to think in idiocratie.
At the time of the 20th century, 500 years before idiocratie, there were dinosaurs when you have founded the United Nations "dénazifier" (A for "A-nazified the world" in English, history courses in idiocratie)
The idiocratie, this may be the forfeiture of Quebecers paid model by other provinces. This can always be better to tax the fat parasites in voluntary programs created for various reasons (including elections). The idiocratie, this may be a society where the ideology of no fault, no one is responsible. Fatal crashes car produced by young idiots out of the bars weekends are just "accidents" caused by the "bad luck" will read the Facebook pages dedicated to teens who kill themselves and kill others on the road, see the state of this generation "texting". The idiocratie is the model where mediocrity is rewarded, where illiterate can say what they think every day on the radio, wanting to ride crazy freely Mustang, cell in hand, without being stopped by police .
It's not only good in the right. There is not all bad ideas left. This is not a revelation.
It are the "straight banana" on this planet. Usually you can see the problems of political balance in Latin societies, Catholic. These companies say they are more "emotional", where the defect is not frowned upon, where all "sin" is more forgiving, where the "freewill" rather let the whole place to superstition, the fate, luck versus bad luck. 's relationship with these companies is unhealthy money, money is the source of evil and man has nothing to do.
In these countries, the right is wiped off the map, it's almost the case in Quebec, is the case in France (the FN are ultra-statist), or replaced often by nationalism, ethnic emotion.
Take the relationship of the right in Italy (Berlusconi) with ultra-nationalist, descendants of Mussolini, or examples for all Latin America. I
rational right here, as is the case in Anglo-Saxon. Our fellow Canadians are English, Americans, British. I believe that
Deltell people may join, or see Maxime Bernier in practice, surrounded by creative minds, going beyond the thought and speech. But it must be Realistically, there are limits to what can be done in Quebec. There are speeches that much of the electorate does not want to hear.
*** This weekend's event was held Freedom Network Quebec to which I was invited (by Facebook), and which I could attend. After a hard week of work (I do not work in radio), I decided to see my family on Saturday and go out walking in the old Quebec with my wife on Sunday, going for coffee in a coffeehouse, eating at the restaurant. I can not believe these thoughts here ... believe in thinking it's like believe in the wind. It is this wind, the air stirred and that's all ... I have the same opinion of "reflection" Legault ... Stop thinking and do something! Tune in, dive instead of analyzing the temperature of the water! Water is good we have all seen with the CROP poll yet, last Thursday, which puts a party that is not in power.
wait that Radio-Canada and Gesca (Power Corp.) gives permission to vote for them is always that what Quebecers do.
weekend Jeff Fillion made a speech at the Freedom Network Quebec. One who has captured the creation of the ADQ, the Conservatives successfully Quebec, birth by cloning Mario Dumont (it therefore has the right to kill the media), Jeff had "invented" the right in Quebec. All this in the last 10 years! It's really a daunting task! A tour de force! Imagine what we'd be without him ... that on the eve of each election blubbering for not voting, even when the CRTC Liberal would close its radio station ...
I wondered if he could help the right of Quebec than it has done until now from between a few speeches derogatory towards intellectualism, people with glasses and diplomas he has "given birth" in the effort and pain of Mario Dumont, Josee Verner and Jeff Plante also ...
Are all these kids recognize the paternity policy? Ask them!
I was wondering in the presence of a highly charged crowd that cheered wildly at the former king of the waves of Quebec, if some wanted was not a idiocratie, a straight banana in Latin America, all with subscription fee for coherent speech of the leader. It would certainly
more while Stephane Gendron!
That the Board of Secretaries of State meeting to the White House in 2505 (Idiocracy)
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