Sunday, June 21, 2009

Kerala Good House Names

Impressions at 10 months of travel, printing at the end ...

long asked question: so what? How does it feel to return? Enter
... But we are not back yet! For now, the return means reviewing our loved ones, find the heat if the significant relationship.
And then return it to what we used to do so, we who live in La Reunion is back to where we come from and still experience that feeling of "never left." In France, everything is as before: I know the signs, I know the streets, I know the faces of people I know (know? ...!) Prices, customs, and especially, I found all of Following my friends as I left. Indeed, yesterday, right?

10-month journey, it was awesome, an experience of crazy life, landscapes and people head full of sacred life lessons. And then 10 months of travel that includes an end. We knew there was a return ticket. Then 10 months of travel is also a preparation insidious at the end of the journey was a natural for several weeks. So ... 10 months of travel, it was great and of course it was over.

I think of all the "tourdumondistes" who have returned, but really back: back home, back to work. For us it is easier: we go without going, we go for vacation with our loved ones in a different environment than our daily then end the trip ... not quite! What luxury! Over time it will return to work and there ... We'll talk!

10 months is a long time and it's short. Today, 10 months is a handkerchief which encompasses my perception of the world. Yeah it is: included in a pocket handkerchief, you take a better measure of our smallness.

live the world and soon for another trip. Because anyway, it starts soon, huh darling?!
Already? Finally! But it was fast! I still want, to live and see things, people, landscapes, cultures and enjoy everything! But no, it ends too soon, too fast, a little forced, a bit fast, but fun to ask ... It's also good to be home.
Yes, we finished the trip without the icing on the cake, an attempt that did not work, that of having a child, the fruit of wealth and pleasure travel. I do not feel too sad, but more by rapport à la situation et ma chérie. La vie n’est pas tout le temps comme on le souhaite, mais elle ne fait que remettre à plus tard ce projet. Finalement c’est sans échéance que l’on va pouvoir revenir à la Réunion, sans être débordé, le temps de se remettre à la recherche d’un nouveau quotidien, retrouver une maison, un travail, une voiture, passer enfin ce putain de permis moto, refaire du Morey, retrouver les potes et faire la cuisine (vivement un petit rougail saucisses!!)
Je suis heureux de ce voyage, de ce temps pris pour moi, pour nous, de vivre d’autres choses dans un contexte parfois et même souvent hors de ce qui nous entoure dans la vie du Western world (not modern). Apart from an overwhelming technology, a consumerism, a pervasive and stultifying gavage. And that's it's happening: one runs at 100 miles an hour to earn money and try to take time when you can not run and take it. Not easy in times of crisis!
So what is the favorite country? Or you would like to return? These are questions that will happen, but I have little preference, so everything has had a positive outcome, even in our small galley (no real tile ...), our shouting matches, beating unlucky. All happiness landscape, with the weather, with meetings with ourselves. I had no revelation, only confirmations on some of my doubts and accuracy of what I like, I want and I do.
Just disappointed by a weak human nature, which is left to drift, because no one looks beyond the tip of his nose, with this need to dominate and still have more than its neighbor.
Just a page is turned, a book that is closed, this dream has been fulfilled, the second for me and there will be others ... What are you doing tomorrow?

PS: A big thank you to everyone who had the courage to nous suivre, de nous lire, de nous voir, de nous répondre.
Un grand merci aux visages rencontres pour une minute, une heure, une discussion, une marche, un transport, un foot, une bière!!
Un grand merci à ma famille qui nous a rejoints dans le voyage.
Un grand merci à ma chérie.
Et un super merci pour Kiki.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Clonk Rage Registrierungsschlüssel Free

Review Cuba


- En rencontre : ben oui, toujours les rencontres en premier, et autant dire qu’à Cuba, y’a des choses à dire… Après 2 semaines passées ici, nous en arrivons à la conclusion suivante : les Cubains pensent que tous les touristes ont de l’argent (“mais vous pouvez bien vous payer une chambre à 40$!” dédaigne l’infirmière en direction de Matthieu…) et surtout, surtout, les Cubains laissent régir toutes leurs relations aux touristes par l’argent. Du coup, ils sont menteurs, arnaqueurs, En gros, touriste = vache à lait = sourire et gentillesse pour extirper le plus de maille possible du pigeon = mais quelle horreur. Le hic? C’est que énormément de Cubains se comportent comme ça, et pas seulement ceux en contact direct avec les touristes (casas particulares, restaus, transport), comme nous avons pu le voir à tant de reprises… Pourtant, nous pensions vraiment que la salsa allait nous ouvrir des portes, mais à part les portes des chambres, chiottes, voitures et autres portes cochères où j’ai été invitée… Rien.
Heureusement, nous avons eu aussi de bonnes surprises, comme David et Lidia de La Havana, la famille à l’ananas près de Vinales, Amerys et Félix, mes parents de Playa Larga, et surtout, la famille de Dulce, adorables Cubains rencontrés sur un coup de cœur… pour une paire de chaussures! qui auront été jusqu’à venir me visiter à la clinique : simples, brillants, un vrai plaisir. Et nous parions que les Cubains, dans l’intimité ou entre eux, sont, à l’image de la courtoisie demonstrate that they know, caring and considerate. Too bad we do not have experienced more in these conditions ...

- On the road: and rightly, is on the road that we observe the first citizenship of this people turn signals! The pedestrian's right of way! Respect the rules of the road! Incredible! We had almost forgotten it existed! As for local transportation, not a Cuban will remain seated in the presence of a woman or an elderly person. Thank you for them. But the road to Cuba would not be what it is without the presence of cars which we have already spoken, transforming le bitume en pellicule de film poussiéreux. Cuba, ses américaines et son style suranné, prend toute sa saveur là, dans l’allure tranquille d’une Lada lancée à pleine vitesse (60km/h)…
Par contre, Cuba connait, à notre goût, un gros problème de transport tant les bus, trop irréguliers et rares pour accueillir la foule qui s’amasse sur les bas-côtés des routes, débordent de passagers, laissant toujours la moitié des Cubains en partance sur le carreau. Heureusement, ce n’est pas la lecture qui manque, et si l’embargo a préservé Cuba d’une des facettes de la société de consommation - la pub -, ce sont ici les panneaux propaganda that law requires ...

Revolution - In landscape: buildings with crumbling facades of old Havana to the green and tropical generously to the campaign through the turquoise waters of the coast, Cuba has everything to offer the traveler in search of exoticism. And if our disappointment at not being able to leave the label of "tourist" has somewhat spoiled the landscape, we must recognize that the island is beautiful for one just to watch it ... Too bad for us!

- In food: We were told, as in almost all countries of our journey, that food in Cuba was not good and was horribly undiversified. However, if the basic flat rice "Congress" (made with black beans) - chicken or pork is the only flat for sale in small shops of the inhabitant, the menu paladares (restaurant Homestay) or restaurants, a choice of meats, fish and shellfish for grabs. And I would rather tell you that, yes, the French with our kitchen (so sacred that he would well capitalized), we have grown accustomed to being a little hard to convince, we can appreciate the true value to the lobster white wine sauce and tomato! 4 times my friend! Mum!

- In music: ben and let us talk, music. It seems that in Cuba, it would be an insult to say that plays salsa, this music belongs to the Cuban and Puerto Rican community in New York, as the music of Cuba is and must remain the "Cuban music ". Then we heard the sound, yes, but also to the ears of famous bands like Los Van Van salseros or Azucar Negra, in short, desoleee Cubans, good salsa that moves your feet in shoes! Nevertheless, we were disappointed with the poor sound that made it difficult to assess instruments in the famous "Casa de la musica" La Habana (18 euro entry still ...) and the atmosphere "hey, I listen to a CD" of the room that not even applauding at the end of Songs ... Especially, we have heard at least as many reggaton the flipchart pro-U.S. Caribbean, the younger generation as the others now seem to prefer his rival Latin. Deception of the public!

- In dance: dance and then? Same price, same punishment. We were able to dance very little time, so the salsa was often alternating with reggaton and that the atmosphere has often encouraged to go home to participate in the general movement. Yes because I did not mention here the cuban attitude. Here, if half of the female prostitute was 50 years ago and that this trend is still difficult to hunt (a lot of Jinta, "hostess" informal evening), if the Cubans boast of their freedom, however, more conditional that when we know that nothing and no one comes or leaves the country, if we take the measure of unbridled capitalism demonstrated by Cubans against tourists then that is everywhere praised the glory of communism, in short, if one considers some of the contradictions in Cuba, one wonders what is all this "pride" in Cuba, so close to disdain snobbery or ... By cons, we do not ask on what basis the legendary Cuban machismo, or why the national sport seems to be for men to "fish of the White." I never had the sensation that the dance was
- an excuse to drag heavy
for men - an opportunity to move, but when I say ... move for women

- In physics : Well then by cons, I admit, both the Contest huge loaves and short-belt has spun sacred neck pain to Matthew (and you really think I'll complain?), both on my side is the look that I admired ... transition strength graceful bodies of the dancers? For it is true that many Cubans could afford their arrogance and a smile, a look green on a dark skin or muscle protruding Blacks, we confess, we love. Groar!

- Silver: Ben is that correct the problem, money ... Since 2004, Fidel creates the CUC, the convertible peso, understand the currency for tourists to replace U.S. dollar (Same exchange). And while Cubans mostly use their Cuban pesos (25 Cuban pesos for 1 CUC), the products "expensive" is still paying in CUC. Add to that the race-currencies Communo capitalists and that's it, every relationship is changed. Nothing is free, everything is money, and preferably at a high price. Cuba becomes an expensive destination for tourists: 30.5 euros per person per day, between 15 and 25 CUC for a double room, the breakfast 3 CUC per person!, 12 CUC the 2:30 bus and between 4 and 8 CUC for a dish at the restaurant. Especially, tourists pay price for tourists: no access to local buses, and as for the Cuban tourist = rich, each service is offered at a price aberration. The same dish, the restaurant sold CUC 4-5, is proposed in the street at 20-25 Cuban pesos, or 4 to 5 times cheaper ... A journey of 3 hours paid 7 pesos Cuban with local transportation is offered to 100 CUC a car! 300 times the bet!! And then we will say that gasoline is expensive, that Cubans are so poor. Yes they are poor, but we have never heard so many people complain about our whole trip, while they have the health, education, housing if they do not and a minimum of food. So we're a little hard on the issue, but that this financial issue is so difficult that made our relationship with people, changing the mindset of turning the Cubans and tourists traveling in the portfolio ... What a pity ...

- In politics: the question that interested us very much, necessarily, before and during our stay in Cuba was how Cubans lived their political system. We who have learned early on that the Villains Villains were the Cocos and that the Gentiles were we (yes, inevitably), the rich countries that we want more money left to enslave the "small country, "we received by the school the image of a communist dictatorship, claiming a human ideology serving the interests of its vile megalomaniac despots ... However, visiting the country, discovering the health system, literacy and education, discovering that the book was not a book but rather a rationing booklet issued commodity for poor families, yet reading the story, revealing that Fidel Castro was also his ideas to his people, always preferring the interests of the population to benefit individuals and constantly giving the means to realize his ambition and moral principles and ideology, yet talking with people, we always heard, without jargon, the generous appreciation of a population. Admittedly, our sample was poor and we are aware that other echoes must demand more freedom. But for our part, we found that the policy of Castro, right, clear and direct, has considerably increased the country (formerly a brothel, glorious past, but today's difficulties without misery) while respecting the revolutionary will always active : to restore a political destination du peuple et non d’une poignée de nantis.

- En tout : Cuba, c’est la fin du voyage et c’est la désillusion. Il y avait l’image de Cuba : l’exotisme, les vieilles bagnoles, la salsa, la plage, l’ambiance Buena Vista et les cocktails. Et puis il y a eu notre séjour : rencontres difficiles, déception concernant la mentalité cubaine, pas le temps d’aller à la plage, peu de salsa, pas d’alcool pour moi, et surtout, cette fin de rêve de bébé… La conception mais aussi tout ce que nous avons aimé avait participé à dire : “la Bolivie, le pays qui vous réussit”. Très vite une autre term was coined, repeatedly confirmed: "Cuba, the country that you failed." And then the quest for money and that feeling of being taken for a badger often, it almost makes us say "Cuba, do not go." Review comments ...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Alaga Bike Carrier Instructions

End of a trip, end of a dream ...

Ah so that's it, the blank page syndrome. That thing where you do not know where to start ...
Our blog has always been an open page on our journey as our world. So naturally and by common agreement which I will attempt the difficult story of the end of our trip.
We had a desire, we turned into the project: our world tour. Many people told us we were lucky. Many people think that everything we succeeded. And there are many times when I suffered this belief, let alone because after all she is doing well, everything is working. But that's another story. Lucky that we had, we are the created. And so, yes, we enjoyed some luck, because before everything, we had the means to achieve it.
We also had a dream that we wanted to turn into reality, that of bringing our travel beyond the beautiful memories we want to offer our surroundings or among whom we live, the project of a lifetime, a new journey ... a baby.
I stopped the pill in Argentina, Brazil I was crying at not being pregnant, fear of the specter of infertility. And Bolivia, after our journey by jeep in the beautiful region of Uyuni, we learned that the fruit of our love and our desire was being formed in me. What delight, what joy in which there was submerged, moved by what has become our secret ...
to Tunupa Yet, our ascent to 5400m, I had bleeding. While in La Paz, we consult the gynecologist who prescribed a week of rest, while Matthew will make his Rahan in the mountains.
The weeks pass and engages with them count, rather than the number of months elapsed travel or the number of weeks we left to travel, but the number of weeks of pregnancy. The specter of a miscarriage, however, waving a sword of Damocles as traces of blood dotted the advance in the calendar, clouding the outlook and asks us to keep our entire measure. You never know. And
Vinales, we do share a bike ride that I consider too long, well qu’elle ait été déconseillée par Matthieu au départ. Mais une femme enceinte n’est pas une femme en sucre, non?
Et puis quelques jours plus tard, après la plongée, les traces deviennent sang. On attend, moi les pieds en hauteur sur les barreaux du lit, Matthieu à mon chevet tentant d’exploser le score au solitaire.
On attend et l’attente devient moisissure à mesure que les petits saignements augmentent. Accompagnés par Amelys, ma maman Cubaine, nous partons donc à l’hôpital du coin pour la consultation gynécologique la plus improbable de tout le voyage, à l’heure où j’en ai le plus besoin, et dans LE pays de la santé de entire American continent. Lying on a metal plate that pops warped hamper my communication with the executioner who serves me as a nurse, with health coverage for a piece of cardboard caught carelessly on the shelf next to a decrepit, the lady in white coats plunge no frills instrument gynecological preferred women, out with the gloves (but not for equipment hygiene, gloves ...), its cardboard packaging these gloves before continuing the examination without further precautions. The verdict is dry and sent to Amely: rest, and a pregnant woman does not travel. Clearly, y 'is one that has missed its vocation butcher ...
diagnosis, if dictated by a summary review and incompetent, does not reassure me, and it is with resignation that I found my room with the only difference with cell is the loving care of his mother and Amely. I must say that since I'm pregnant, I always enjoyed the natural benevolence and enthusiasm of the whole South America, starting with the gift suerte (good luck) and Stéphane Tanya (a magnificent whole baby), to tender congratulations to all the people Latino. It is also thanks to my pregnancy we had the best contacts with the Cubans, pineapple offered to pregnant women in Vinales, to test for sex of the baby which I paid 2 times, always claiming they had never heard before to enjoy once more this time of collusion between single women of the world and myself.
But in our room at Playa Larga, not collusion, which is the rendezvous but empathy in sadness and fear.
More blood, more blood. We can not stay like that. And if the trip to Havana triggered the miscarriage? It is difficult de savoir que faire dans ces moments.
Nous partons pour La Havane le lendemain matin, refusant “l’offre” de Félix de nous y faire conduire en taxi (pour 50-55 CUC contre 27 CUC réellement payés avec le bus. Félix serait-il comme tous les Cubains à vouloir faire de l’argent jusque dans ces moments-là??).
Demander une voiture particulière jusqu’à l’autoroute.

Attendre sur l’autoroute le passage du bus.

Prendre le bus. Retenir ses larmes pendant le trajet et ses secousses.
A La Havane, on attend le contact médecin de Félix qui ne vient pas. Je me sens faible, j’ai des sensations de règles dans le bas du ventre : stop. On file en taxi à la clinique des touristes.
Un examen gynécologique ; l’utérus est trop petit pour contenir 9 semaines de grossesse. Un test de grossesse positif ouvre les portes de l’écho mais…
Mais l’œuf est trop petit et irrégulier. Avortement spontané. Le monde se coupe en deux et s’effondre.
Une fausse couche pendant le voyage, subir un curetage loin des miens, avoir peur de ne plus pouvoir avoir d’enfant après, voila ce que je redoutais le plus, le numéro 1 de mes angoisses.
Les idées se débattent ; nous partons tant bien que mal de la clinique qui refusait de nous laisser partir et nous demandait de payer une somme impossible (120 euros l’échographie à titre informatif) : sommes-nous les meilleurs clients de la semaine? Les Cubains ne peuvent-ils pas s’empêcher à une occasion aussi grave de chercher le profit? Nous sommes perdus et préférons prendre l’avis de l’assurance pour savoir si un rapatriement est possible.
- C’est une urgence Mademoiselle, vous ne pouvez pas risquer de faire une hémorragie dans l’avion.
Opérée à Cuba. Je suis fatiguée, vidée. Et bien allons-y maintenant s’il faut le faire.
Souvenirs de mes larmes incontrôlables et de mes tremblements d’émotion quand les infirmier et anesthésiste sanglent me and prepare me for the operation.
- Do not worry, everything will be okay.
But I lost our desires, our baby-world tour, our joy and malice to imagine how we were going to announce my pregnancy on our return. When we toast when we return, we could say ... so fantasized images floating in your head, but the dream is dead in me three weeks ago. Fall asleep, I want to close my mind in these pictures too happy that the Grim Reaper removes all hope of reality.
I open my eyes on a body sore and tired. The thought comes to me and with her tears. It done. I'm not pregnant. We will not have babies around the world to start a new journey. 2h
In a taxi picks us up for repatriation, fortunately possible and masterfully orchestrated by Matthew and insurance in France. Finally, being a series of numbers, it is good sometimes. 5h
In our plane takes off. It is seven days before the date of our return. It is also an eternity after the end of our trip.
world tour is over.
Another trip will start later, goodbye to the embryo that was with us in recent weeks. Thank you my love to allow my grief speak without betting on my strength and alleged to be as attentive and caring. Aude

Sunday, June 14, 2009

5 Month Old Baby Flem On His Chest

Playa Larga, Bay of Pigs in Cuba

So here we FINALLY arrived at the place of our vacation. Indeed we plan to stay there a few days to breathe, enjoy the beach and Caribbean Sea, we relax and make the transition from rhythm to our return trip soon. Just landed
bus (which we still say we could have told him "before" But we came down here ?>!%..> Jose, you put the destination on our luggage in the hold, thou 't read on our tickets and we have you applied when we went up!), we are greeted by a man, obviously only passing through, who kindly informs us about our direction. Here, a Cuban disinterested, we tell ourselves, though suspicious in view of our Cuban experience ... It still follows its guidelines for reaching the "downtown", a vague place which grazes on a horse. It relies ultimately on backpacker's guide to land in Amery and Felix, two adorable Cubans who explains away that wants to be warned of what will be paid or not, telling our disappointments and betting on this explanation for our live peacefully stay home. Amery woman strong character and good head on his shoulders, literally hallucinating what he says and assures us that her house, the fruit is free and we are his guests. Indeed, taking our quarters in the room, we at the same time took our quarters in the house, the room is open to the living room and facing one of the landlords, gives the traveler as an inhabitant of the house more than tourist.
We start to make a quick stroll through the village, just enough to recrosses the gentleman from earlier and check the thesis of Kindness (what fun ...) and to test the avidity of the mosquitoes! We learn at our expense that we are in a swampy area ... a little shade and presto! An armed attack in order! This is reminiscent of the armed attack of the Bay of Pigs where we are ... Anyway, who would have been quickly forgotten had given the scent given the number of panels propaganda found here ... We could not take pictures for fear of us confiscate the camera (Fidel apparently do not like the export of its propaganda ...) but sometimes the signs mentioned the glory of the Revolution in its opposite army ("the Revolution has triumphed here Yanki of imperialism "etc),

sometimes in the face everyday (" The Revolution has equipped schools with computers "or" Revolution fight against injustices in the world "). Especially, the famous slogan "The Revolution is disinterest, heroism, socialism, altruism and solidarity." A word ... That said, the Cuban revolutionaries were still able to dismiss as many as 1,200 men armed to the teeth by the USA (not so discreet that French journalists announced 4 days before the landing! C'te shame, Americans!) With the means at hand, the force deployed by the human idealism Castro ... and one phone in working condition! And now that Cuban prisoners being captured in 1100 sent by the U.S. in 1200 was strong, but when it's more cons then exchange for 54 million dollars of food and medicine destined for the population there, I say Fidel is the kind of guy who makes c'qui said, who said c'qui fact who has c'qui and said that while his speech lasted for hours, unlike Sarko c'qui said, is for the welfare of the people (referring to the memorable skit from Roumanof Anne Drucker I urge you to download ...) and that's hat.
short! We return finally puffy from mosquito bites and thirsty in this heat (but what a delight!), Take refuge on the porch of Amery and his nonchalant rocking chairs ... a little cocktail? Go! As it is good to be Cuban! A meal of lobster will complete the sweetness of that first day ... Quiet!
very next day, Matthew is seduced by the bait Caribbean and we start with Felix, our host, but also a sea bass, diving instructor and co-diver with Cousteau during his only visit to Cuba ... but I leave my love to tell you that ...
Here we got up early to go enjoy the day and a small dive. We start as planned with a driver who still cost us about 20 CUC (around $ 20) is almost the price of the dive! Initially we are entitled to a superb car, a Fiat good old 50's beauty. It's a real pleasure to do this half-hour drive through the pines and swamps to reach the dive site Punta Perdiz. Once there, it equips with Felix and I throw myself into the water. We're in the middle of a bay, which is actually a lagoon of blue emerald dream.

And we're off to the reef. Indeed, the departure is from the coast and the first shot of palms in the lagoon are already home to rocks covered with sponges, coral, plants and other vegetation in tropical colors, like in an aquarium. Then quietly, go down a little deeper around 14-15 meters to discover what is so rare black coral, which can take Sometimes the appearance of a large grid paper, which swings in water: superb. It then begins to descend more and the big chimney-shaped sponges are of yellow, purple, green. We come close to falling where flora and plankton have literally taken over the place. This is an opportunity to come across some pretty fish that resemble those seen in the Red Sea or at the meeting as promised ... and seeing that it runs for me, we go through caves, houses some lobsters and other crustaceans. The second tunnel, the output is on a wreck, the remains probably military since we are very close to Playa Giron, which took place decades ago, missed the landing anti-Castro, trained and supported by the U.S.. The opportunity for me to visit my first wreck of the sea Then we continue with another aquatic tunnel leads to another drop, this one even deeper because the visibility is 20-25 meters, I do not see the After that I am myself ... 35 yards! It does well, no problems with compression, good light and have the chance to see a barracuda! We come back quietly on the end of the dive by the lagoon, indoor plant species stained. At the exit, despite concern over the final meters with my mask, I'm delighted. Suddenly, Felix moved me to remake one of the next hour, just to relax, enjoy a good watermelon, let the 15 people who have just arrived and shoo! We share in the lagoon again. Diving totally different, I'll take your eyes full of colors as well as animal plant. Fish are in abundance in shoals and are of all colors, all sizes, playing hide and seek in the rocks, seaweed, sponges, corals and plants. Over 50 minutes, where the fish dishes, fish, unicorns, triggerfish, jellyfish will be, as Felix had warned me, as many works of art live surrounded by shells.
Total: 2 dives quality at a price defying any competition, because at least 50 euros in a sea very clear offering varieties of living species. The coastline here is one of the best preserved in the world, not suffering or fishing or the boat traffic passing by and few divers. For the rest, my legs enough memories to keep a tan!
From my side, I also enjoy the excellent conditions of visibility because Felix had kindly provided me with the total fins-mask-snorkel and is supervised by his son 8 years (!) that I let myself be seduced by the fauna and flora of the lagoon. I know that sharks in the Caribbean can meet up to 0 feet deep, so alone, I am not my clever and I do not risk falling into the darkness of: brave but not foolhardy to conclude I am not reassured not be a chicken ... wet! Then I stayed in the hut in the shadow and eye rocked by the turquoise sea of other women are there to supervise their children while their husbands plumb the depths. And as so often is in these unexpected moments et surtout informels que, loin des contraintes économiques de la possibilité de vendre quelque chose au touriste, le contact s’établit le plus naturellement et le plus facilement. Nous voila à discuter chiffons, puis voyage et voyageurs, l’occasion encore une fois d’entendre les plaintes formulées à l’égard des Israéliens, décrits, encore une fois, comme des gens désagréables, exigeants, éternellement insatisfaits et j’en passe… n’y’a-t-il donc aucun pays à part les Etats-Unis qui puisse piffrer ce peuple?! Mais je sens que toute la communauté juive va me sauter à la gorge et crier à l’antisémitisme alors j’arrête gassing them (oh okay! A little humor never hurt!). Matthew
back slowly, his eyes dazzled by the beauty of the funds he has explored, and we return to square one.
is 15h, we ate a small pizza, danced lovingly on the veranda shaded by the house, when bleeding is triggered ...

Friday, June 12, 2009

Crown Royal Reserve Vs Gentleman's Jack

A transport ...

Vinales, Thursday, 9 am, beginning the journey we
Vinales start to reach Playa Larga, probably located about 250 km away. Bursting with confidence after our experience of previous popular route, we leave the road, leaving Manzana and advice to take the direct bus Vinales, Trinidad. But we ignore precautions and the extravagant sum it would cost and tendons proudly thumb, nay, note the head, torso and sweets Jevons index casually every passing car. Yeah, is that he understood he had to blend into the crowd to expect to be taken without anyone asking us to stop prices nerds ... Indeed, in Havana, we were right even "offered" to make us do 5 km in car for $ 20! Then appear objective Cuban undercurrent planquer les sacs et faire le coq pour Matthieu, la snob pour moi!
Comme prévu, une voiture, deux voitures, 10 voitures passent en l’espace des 30 premières minutes, sans jamais s’arrêter. Mais c’est pas grave, on a le temps et préférons en perdre mais gagner cette expérience de trajet populaire plutôt que de céder à la pression financière imposée au touriste… Et d’ailleurs il suffisait de le dire pour qu’un camion s’arrête un peu en amont sur la route et prenne tout le monde… sauf nous. Ah. Nous, on a juste le droit d’écoper d’un signe “non” du doigt, le regard sérieux à sévère. Sympa. But they do not know who you are! Ha! And even if the experiment is renewed 3 times in a row, multiplying Flamby experiments, we stand, to believe you really want to do the barnacles with bitumen ... It's really starting to have the balls and to inveigh against this People definitely not very helpful towards tourists if it does not involve a certain amount of money ...
That's when a Cuban challenges us in English, telling us that we must gently put a little further to have more luck finding a truck or a car to take us to Pinar del Rio, our first step in this journey. It's funny, you tell yourself, it's always in those moments when you plague on the people that someone has to show us another face ... It follows, therefore, the gentleman who brings us face to a school. There, a guy dressed as bronze, slicked hair, dyed blond and sunglasses Sarko kind I love the photographer in The Love Boat comes to us and offers to go to Pinar del Rio 2 CUC (2 $)! But José! We know this is a Cuban peso per person (25 times less!), Then asks: 2 CUC and why? "Because you're tourists" have the nerve to reply! You crack your panties! The Love Boat and voila returned to his nets. Here, the type supposedly nice free, which is therefore a fucking reel, tells us that he spoke with the guy and it's true that it is not cheap: go for us This will be 1 CUC for 2 ... Ah, because in fact, prices are negotiable for tourists? It is a good one ... In the meantime a taxi stops, but already The Love Boat intervenes and tells the driver what to charge. And there you have pointed out that The Love Boat is nothing but a pawn the school if we judge the same fabric for keeping the kids who go home! Enough is enough, we take our cliques and the slap that he would have bet and we go back to where we had to hitchhike.
We confess that at this moment, we are a little outraged and it is with a lower eye that looks at the truck stop, we do "not" hand and let go half of the population of the city in their dumpster ... then so be it, we will not spend the day there, we will pay 1 CUC per person with a passenger car rather than going to agree with The Love Boat to reach Pinar del Rio not too late either.
Once there, you eat a piece (that with all this is to say the 25km that separates Vinales Pinar del Rio ... it is already noon) ... We are covered by an anvil which gives us the feeling of annoyance yet because frankly, it's not that they are super many touts, is that they are super sticky, regularly cross our path and lying to us to give false information all the time and that's frankly annoying. Once the belly full, so we decided to try the local bus, seeing well that in any event, we will not get away with ... Oh stop it but the bus Viazul (the company for tourists which Cubans have no access) does not offer trips in the morning, and that Astro Bus (company for Cubans allowed to a limited number of tourists by bus 2!) we are forbidden. Why? Because you are tourists. Frankly, the measures against tourists backpackers here are worse than those taken against swine flu in South America, it's diabolical ... Too bad we have said, we will fall back on private cars. So we go back out and begin to question the price to go to Havana, because we understood that going directly to Playa Larga was heresy (and say that I rant against the French centralism which is the last 8 hours by train La Rochelle - Brest ... But at least Can I tell myself today!). How Jose? $ 60 per person?! Enough is enough, you start to make fun of them as they are. Failing to be effective, at least, that we let off steam. "No, not $ 60, 120!" Yeah we did head the bugger! No but it will not, or what?!
Since it like that, we say that we will repeat as to go and we'll bet on the stop on the highway. 10 minute walk later we arrive thus at the edge of the highway, where many Cubans are waiting in the shade of a flamboyant flowers. It's beautiful. Nan j'déconne when you got the impression you make serious thread, there's nothing that looks really nice! Hey! Take that into your teeth Cuba! (It feels it has the balls here?)
And we wait. It reaches out proudly, head high, chest bulging tousala, and Blowin 't that it is enough for us to do it that Ms. Large loaves (GM for short) starts to do the same. Yeah, it's not the first time and this is reminiscent of that thing the tourist model, as long as you have elected a lonely place to sit, chose automatically the same, to believe that either he thinks that since you have chosen is that it's the best (so it makes it too), it is always reassuring to be close to a fellow, eh (so it there puts too)! Anyway ...
And we wait.
And we wait.
Well, now it is 1 1 / 2 hours we are there, the people waiting was repeated at least 3 times between people which are mounted in the cabs of trucks (often women for that matter), people who have been taken by vehicles prohibited for us and the people are gone, then what do we do?! We still gives 1 / 2 hour after it pulls ... What therefore 1 / 2 hour later, just after the intervention of Roberto, soaked in rum while he swallowed the whole time he expects: "wheeeere do you come from? Ah ... Francesa ... I do not parrrle fffffrancais "Both Roberto, it's been 2 times I say, in English, I speak English, but it does not matter, at least someone will come to us talk. For here is a bit to think that without the macho men who can go up to recite a poem or offer me, smiling at Matthew, if I do not want a "novio cubano" (duh! A Cuban fiance!), or touts who talk only to extract money from us at one time or another, no one deigns to want to have the embryo of the idea we speak. Would we look like little pigs sick?
Go, bags on his back, return to the bus station to see if there is anyway way to board a bus or find a car to take us Havana ...

there, same story: the bus Astro 17h we are forbidden and the prices of taxis is prohibitive. We meet on this occasion three passengers, two Peruvians and Cubans who are in the same situation as us, refusing to pay 50 times the price of transport and preferring to wait until prices are more reasonable ... It looks a bit sitting in the su of all drivers of private car or taxi, the kind of technical unlikely fisherman, but he must face the obvious: too bad, so we will wait for the passage of the Astro bus on the edge of the road because if body tourist we refuse access, greed potential driver can not be ... U-turn again to return to the road, just outside the station to await the passage of buses. Along the way, a Cuban challenges us, offering us her room-not expensive-conditioned-y '-a-bus-is-tomorrow-you-in-l'frigo-I-a-friend-who-can- help ... Yes .. It knows you and Mr José Muscled ... Draw the road, we had already done too many times today and there is no longer in the mood. But at 17h, the bus does not stop big blind, and for good reason ... There are almost as many people standing dans l’allée que de personnes assises… C’est vraiment malheureux.
17h30. On rejoint donc, bredouilles, les 3 voyageurs qui ont un bilan aussi misérable que nous. Il est 18h, de toute façon, c’est officiel, on n’arrivera pas aujourd’hui à Playa Larga (ce sens de la déduction… De vrais Sherlock Holmes…). Alors nous voila partis chez José les Musclés, “el Moro” de son petit nom, qui s’avère avec sa femme, un couple adorable proposant une chambre impeccable à bon prix. Leur sourire [et la vision du lit…] nous séduit : banco pour cette nuit. Au final d’ailleurs, on a même mangé chez eux une très good food and have enjoyed their good company, although they still remain Cubans, they have vaguely tried to lull us the fruits of the end of the meal but what do you, apparently it's cultural ...
On their advice , we get up at 6am so that second morning trip to try the chopper "wa-wa", understand the bus-truck thing where people are piled. Accompanied by Moro, we sit down among workers bound for Havana and ... wait. Once is not custom, just one begins to stretch the thumb to GM74 (the number of big loaves air km2 is indeed ... impressive here) starts to do the same ... But anyway, this morning, nobody has hit with cars, large loaves or not, then, preferring not to wait as much as yesterday, we decide on mimicry many people already left and the echoes collected ("no wa-wa today" said one to another), to alter course towards the bus station. Here, we look for a taxi ... and fall back on a passenger yesterday! Our tip is found and it is for a reasonable price now that we are heading to Havana. Phew!
On the road, we are impressed by the number of people waiting, enjoying the shade of a bridge (about 50 people per bridge ...) or completely along the road, with or without an umbrella to fight against the sun, reaching out, sometimes with a Tickets Cuban pesos. It's just sad. Maybe today there is no wa-wa. Maybe (probably same) as transport for Cubans never provide schedules of way, forcing people to wait at stops for a period sometimes interminable passage of such transportation. But what is certain, given the crowding of people into the dump trucks (frankly, it cattle truck really ...) or in buses, and given the number of people to wait forever on the edge of the road,

that Cuba is a big transportation problem, characterized by at least severe shortage of buses and wa-wa. We pity those people who, if they have the incredible luck of having all access to health totally free (to paying the luxury of going after their ideas form since Cuba every year thousands of doctors from poor countries and sends 30 000 each year in underdeveloped countries in the name of international solidarity ... hat), education and literacy (it's still here it is the illiteracy rate lowest in the world ...), the fact remains that they have a public transport service making the slightest movement laborious
... For our part, we are heading in our jalopy flashy ... I must say here that the cars in Cuba is an institution ... Old American cars 50-60 years from the time of the wealth of pre-revolution Cuba , old Russian Lada at the time of the agreements of the Soviet bloc, these wrecks have survived the ages because of the blockade, making real Cubans mechanical geniuses. Fidel has even declared national heritage prohibiting their export! Result?

The shiny cars to the body with love and cared backbenches, an atmosphere of old American movie, the class to be inside, and a mechanical ... almost perfect ... Anyway, mid- way on the highway, we all had a little urge to stop us, is not it?
We finally arrive in Havana at 11am, just happy to have the whole day before us to find a match. Finally it was thought! Buses? Than to tourists, of course, and it is only in the morning ... The cars? How Jose? $ 100? And your sister? Unless we think about all the great opportunities, we must get to the obvious: it was ... far left ... like fish in water ... the pot, a few jolts of tests at the station before we leave deport the edge of the road to join a guest near the station. Yes, is that guests are nearby to almost 3 times the usual price so we have to take a taxi to find a more reasonable price. And that says a taxi said ... wait on the roadside there is one who deign to stop. And presto! Rebelote ... Frankly, it's not like we were out yesterday morning to 145 terminals and we did not choose our own free will to sleep in Havana. (...) Oh yes! A little tip, I admit, I returned to see drivers of cars which I had announced the $ 100 just now and listening carefully to pronounce the words annoying "5 CUC. But shit. I go back to Matthew, broucouille always on the curb, and then I turn around. It will be 4 CUC buddy. Ok ok. "Why not 5?!" he tries, "my friend", a look you never know, on a misunderstanding. What he has not taken ... Between "Of all the countries we visited, the Cubans are the best people we have met capitalist because capitalism is always looking to have more money and that's what all Cubans with tourists "and" For 10 days we're here, we only met two Cubans really kind and selfless, "they really got expensive the point of remembering our departure from Syria exceeded
... Go is not serious, after a day and a night lost in Havana, we leave the 3rd day of transport with a bus Viazul paid 13 CUC per person, air conditioning block and surrounded by tourists, Playa Larga direction. What do you want, it's unfortunate but Cuba is not a country of backpackers, and if we find that mass tourism with a lot of all-inclusive package is a mess, the tourist duck around the buoy neck does not lose much here as public transport, besides being inaccessible, give access to any interesting communication with the local population. As for the tenants of casas particulares, hotels and restaurants, their kindness is often dictated by their desire for gain, what we call, in other words, relationships involved. Only a few exceptions confirm the rule. So why bother?
Playa Larga, Saturday, noon, at the end of the journey ...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Creative Household Lube

Social engineering, something that you say? The annual

Today I inform you about social engineering. Was there ever a time you meet someone and it speaks to you telling you you know? Or maybe you is he ever received a call where the person you say you asked him to remind you, yet you have no memory of that earlier meeting.

So what is it?

This is the most common method currently in the world to steal your information. You ask: But how?

Well it's very simple, having managed to get your attention a few moments, he has now everything in hand to start its work. It will become your friend, your advisor and probably even he will succeed in getting your confidence.

And maybe he will use this technique with your kids!

Once established relationship, nothing easier than to ask for your personal information anyway because it's your friend and you trust them now.

Mais retournons en arrière et comment est-il devenu votre ami exactement?

C'est ainsi que plusieurs réussissent à entrer dans vos bureaux, qu'ils réussissent à entrer chez vous pour vérifier votre connexion à Internet etc.

Une fois qu'il aura eu accès à votre ordinateur, à votre routeur et à votre maison, soyez assuré qu'il en profitera pour trouver une façon de vous voler vos informations pour en tirer profit par la suite.

La règle est la suivante: Si vous avez des doutes sur la personne qui vous parle, Commitment does not take too quickly, you may be highly disappointed and shocked by the result.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Yogurt Covered Peanuts Calories

After skillfully managed transportation from La Habana, we come up Pinar Del Rio, a town in transition, where we will go to sleep, lack of able to find a bus to the 25 km left before Vinales, because it already too late and the last 4 hours just leave ... So we go to sleep again in a "casa particular" de toute beauté. Interpelés par le fils, nous irons dans cette maison, qui, bien que pas neuve, à l’avantage d’avoir de hauts plafonds, de grandes pièces carrelées, offrant de jolis volumes et qui s’ouvre sur un petit patio bien frais, au milieu duquel se trouve un petit jacuzzi… vide!! Déception du public! En effet, ici l’entretien des demeures, comme leur aménagement, n’est pas souvent fait à 100%. Mais peu importe, nous profitons du lieu pour une soirée, entre 2 sorties dans la ville pour manger et voir si une sortie est possible. Mais visiblement, la soirée est dans la rue principale et ressemble à une attente générale avec des files d’attente to make ice cream cones. We're going to bed after a few Refrescos well deserved.
The next day, after a brief visit to the Internet (record EUR 5 per hour for lovers!) We decided to continue our journey backpacker to meet Cubans. So we will go out of town on the first few miles in a carriage drawn by a horse in the middle of traffic. Note, in this terrible moment the horse suffering: the whistling of the driver, car pollution and the weight of 14 people, all at a gallop, to note, therefore, the solidarity of Aude, who was surprised to see the animal do its work. Finally you think she would be lowered to help? Not at all, she encourages me to eat even a double ration of pizza if it would be too easy for the poor beast! After half an hour, so we filed the "stop" in the middle of the road, under a beautiful sun. Along the road, we enjoy the countryside, the signs very active propaganda of the Cuban Revolution, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary with patriotic slogans and often with the face of Che and Fidel. We walk a bit before we put under a tree and attempt to initiate a stop. We make ourselves take in only 206 of all Cuba, not without attendu presque pendant 2 heures, nous permettant de retrouver un peu de bronzage. A l’arrivée, nous faisons confiance au guide du routard et dénichons une magnifique petite cabane, avec une superbe vue sur les champs, la montagne et les animaux partout autour de nous. Nous sommes à 3 minutes du centre ville, mais profitons d’un cadre unique dans une coquette maison... L’occasion de déguster un petit jus de mangue frais, en se prélassant dans une chaise à bascule, qui est ici l’accessoire obligatoire de toute terrasse. C’est dans ce petit havre de paix que nous allons nous poser, comme prévu pour nous reposer et profiter de ce mode de vie un peu à la campagne.

Our host, Manzana, is very caring and tells us what we can do in the area, horseback riding, walking tour, visit to the factory for drying tobacco. But we will mostly rest and enjoy the rocking chair on the terrace the next day with a nap in the afternoon.

the evening we find the pleasure to enjoy the tropical rain, this muggy heat, the smell of hot ground water soaks for the cool evening. It is also an opportunity for us to enjoy once prepared Cuban lobster sauce, what a treat! Thus, we can redo the same the next night ... You should know that here the lobster like beef not eat in restaurants, as consumption is prohibited in a private capacity for Cubans ...
the 2 days we will walk in the vicinity.

The first day we head towards the mountains, through fields of pineapple, coffee, can cross a few feet of tobacco in small numbers, because the harvest is completed in late April (No Tobacco not like the water we explain a small producer). During our walk, we can observe a few large lizards and let us fly by large raptors in the region very clearly. Because it is a ballet in the air, with shadows that cross our path forever, to believe that they expected collapse of thirst ....! So we'll visit the cave of "cow head", traveled on foot, which actually looks very much but then, lots of imagination .... Bah as a cow's head to a bowl, to believe that here too they have chewed coca! The countryside scenery almost transports us in time so here it is all done with the tools, animals and the strength of travail. Les bœufs retournent la terre, accompagnés des cris et injonctions des paysans. Après cette petite balade et une sieste plus tard, je repars seul pour un petit footing, à défaut d’avoir été invité à une partie de football, ce malgré ma sollicitation. Le soleil se couche doucement et les montagnes offrent de jolies ombres et couleurs tout le long de la chaîne appelée “les organes“, on ne saura pas pourquoi d‘ailleurs. Ce qui est sûr, c’est que ces montagnes nous rappellent les dômes de la Baie d’Halong et de Ban Ha au Laos, dans un paysage complètement vert et calme. En chemin, je croise un de ces enfants fier d’avoir trouvé un joli holding the snake and a stick as triumphant as suspicious vis-à-vis the animal. In return, he has finally triumphed as it will be doing a massacre at great blows on the reptile, suddenly visibly less scary. On the road, I think I have crossed almost all means of land locomotion possible, those animal-drawn to motorized vehicles of all types (special dedication to ... Tunnées Ladas).
For the next day we choose to rent bicycles to go to a visibly rio muy Bonito "and potentially where you can swim! With our water reserves, we head to the Cueva del Indio, "Cuba's largest cave, which is unusual in part to visit by boat. The cave is actually pretty, furnished with beautiful lighting up an underground river, which is a waterfall upstream. Nice little trip except the engine noise to the 150-meter cellar ...

At the exit, you crack a little shopping: because if we can fill that package again, it does! We continue our journey into the countryside, still surrounded by fields of pineapple, mango branches that bend under the weight of enormous fruit approaching the book! Once le pont trouvé, après moult prises de renseignements, nous descendons le long de la rivière qui malheureusement est, comme on le pressentait, un peu boueuse. Pas grave, on profite de l’endroit pour “Faire un peu de salessa!” (à prononcer avec l’accent du sud), l’occasion de trouver le petit pas que nous réaliserons au pays de la salsa, de notre création! (comme dirait l’autre: “c’est en faisant n’importe quoi, que l’on invente n’importe quelle passe!”). Après cet interlude, nous prenons le chemin du retour, après un demi-tour d’ailleurs, “genre je connais le coin mais pas totalement”. Les maisons here are sometimes in sheets, sometimes the old roof of palm and pointed.

But after our 3-4 hours of good biking, Aude needs a little energy (and despite what the gossips say, I do not talk about rum, but sugar. After actually the two are not mutually exclusive). So we stop at people, urging them a little lift. It is with infinite kindness they invite us to come and sit at home while the householder prepares a pineapple. Again, a stop improvised fills us with joy in a simple exchange, non-mercantile And finally a real contact with the Cubans! After we feasted, we thank them but they will add a layer, wondering if I have room in the bag to give us a pineapple to go! What kindness! We have a small gift to give them as we try to do as soon as we can. We returned quietly to Vinales, where we expect a nap before making a final meal in this backwater .... 'm Not for everyone, because what a surprise return from the cena in our room had a visit from a beautiful tarantula next to where I passed the night without seeing her. Aude, she will have good noticed, without being really scared because finally, a spider the size of a hand at the foot of the bed, it's normal .... This will not prevent a tragic end ... Bim! A tap in your face!
Only small problem here since the start here, the final score led by our very helpful hostess Manzana ... Indeed, all these proposals, we are finally appeared very interested, because the smallest piece of fruit consumption has been charged ... Admittedly, this is a home stay, but her kindness she offered us a lot of things ("You take it when même un fruit?…“), ce qui avait surtout pour but de nous faire dépenser de l’argent chez elle. Nous nous sommes méfiés, mais pas suffisamment pour finalement partir un peu déçus par une relation de sympathie qui nous est alors apparue que dans le but de nous faire “cracher de la tune“, comme c‘est écrit dans certains guides. En effet, elle nous a proposés, avec le sourire mais aussi insistance, beaucoup de choses gentiment tout en nous faisant remarquer très souvent que tel touriste leur avait acheté un cheval, ou tel cadeau offert par un autre, comme l’ordinateur qu’un autre touriste doit leur envoyer avec un téléphone portable… Du coup, we ask the question a bit of the kindness of Cubans, in a communist country label, are the best capitalists and people seem to enjoy, with a little trickery probably fair game. Even if it seems normal to have prices for tourists and the local prices, the difference is huge when the premises we are paying the price multiplied by 50, all with a fallacious argument, reinforcing the appearance profiteer more a vital need for real money, even if their conditions are not always obvious. For education, access to care are free, each person has a home and there is a minimum food "available" to anyone, including minimizing the difficult living conditions. If
kindness has a price, Cuba is one of the true relationship as soon as we touch and tourism is a shame.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Eaglemetal Core Wheel

Vinales Havana

After waiting at the airport in Sao Paulo, we catch our plane to Cuba, the last major destination of our trip. On arrival, the tone is set: warmth, palm trees, salsa, azure sea and mixed race faces. A taxi later, we disembarked in a casa particular, to David and Lydia, her fluent French and whose father fought the sides of Che. They are of great kindness, and despite work on the house we take the time to ask them a few days. From the beginning we understand that we should not trust the Cubans to avoid problems and scams says David, do not walk around at night with a bag, something that you advise us several times. We are in Old Havana, where the houses are all old colonial houses, in columns, with peeling paint by time, each window is protected by a grill. But it is these same windows that escapes the music that floods the streets: there are both rumba, the salsa reggaeton and electro.
While strolling through the streets, we can see directly from the people who leave the doors open, to let go a little air but apparently also by the narrowness of each dwelling. Thus, each sharing his private life with people in the street,

open windows on the moments of sharing life. Some families enjoy their homes on the ground floor to the small trade refresco (syrup, water) and other hamburguesa or takeaway, a real treat to cool off a little juice in the tropical heat recovered with the small Besides the Cuban atmosphere. Here's even better than a film of the 50s and what we see on TV on this island revolutionary: the parade of cars completely off the time between classified Cadillac, Chevrolet and old Doge of 5 meters long, sometimes a little flimsy thatched or seeming totally new, they all keep a sacred character (in addition to gas and fuel oil).

And obviously there was the great rival of jewelry belts, from Uncle Sam: the Ladas of the USSR. All identical? No, there has "tunnées"! And it is the big class, too bad there is no evidence to give you ...
Havana are all the colonial houses of the great era of the 50s when the American-Jewish Mafia reigned, making it a natural paradise brothel giant with more than 250 brothels listed. Since the revolution there are only houses, because all the greats of the time they are kicked out, leaving all their property to small people. In what was the big family homes, there are now so many families in houses split.

These homes are a small part of ongoing renovation, partly funded by UNESCO. It then happens to be on places where all the buildings are like new.

And other non-renovated homes are no less beautiful, aging adding a surreal touch in an atmosphere that is equally important.

Cuba was the first island discovered by Columbus and quickly became "the place", relays of world trade triangle. It is a fort near the harbor of Havana, home to some boat models but also of pure silver, and other large fragments pure metals; there for a real fortune. But the
Havane, comme dans le reste de Cuba, ce sont également les Cubains et leur recherche éperdue pour soutirer quelques devises étrangères, parfois dans de grandes proportions aux touristes soit crédules soit fortunés. Malgré des prix affichés, ils se proposent de rendre des services avec un prix pour touristes, chose normale, mais qui souvent devient totalement disproportionnée, nous poussant à nous demander ce qu’il pensent du touriste. Clairement : c’est une vache à lait et les Cubains sont capables de faire payer un prix multiplié par 50, préférant refuser une course ou une vente si le touriste se montre retissant.
La Havane, c’est une superbe ville pour se balader et se lost in its streets, where children improvise a game of baseball with a stick and a bottle cap. And what power! No wonder the Cubans are world champions (24 titles in 48 fights)!