When it comes to the Coliseum in Quebec City Radio-Canada and Montreal stand up with such "righteousness", worthy of a beautiful choir libertarian Glen Beck moved to make the point or suddenly Tasha Kheiriddin usually the "evil" right-wing newspaper National Post becomes a credible guest speaker who has opened the way in issuing the very poor host Anne-Marie Dussault RDI.
asked the intervention of the private construction of infrastructure, private is not at all necessary to build a room of the Montreal Symphony Orchestra with blows from $ 270 million, 100% public or the Olympic Stadium in 40 years. Anne-Marie Dussault does not have 2 programs on 2 consecutive days for a project to destroy the culture, or new waste into the roof of the stadium, the theater district, a TGV unnecessary transit. But a public arena! In Quebec, Sacrilege!
wastage in public culture is daily by hundreds of millions. But a necessary infrastructure, popular, accessible, public, not for Quebec. The problem is not the amount ... this is why.
If Quebec has ... is impossible. Suddenly, the deficit must think, must have a management of austerity while for 2 years touted recovery plans for all (Obama, Harper, Coalition Anti-Harper, Sarkozy, Brown), and even accused the Conservative government to have withheld the money should be spent to maintain use in times of recession. Policy shift Radio-Canada in 24 hours, 60 minutes, if only a few seconds.
Ms. Dussault dotage, clucking his arguments for a second straight day, the teams are professional "billionaires" (1) . Oh! The Economist now!
The concern here is that we become the "New Northern Greece", without offering a pay cut, and delaying retirement.
Yet 16 of the 30 amphitheaters in the NHL in North America are public. The other, the public also participated, PPP, tax holiday, we construct public amphitheater from the Roman Empire ... Today we realize has made Quebec the need to reinvent the wheel, four-button pierced, fire ... all in a unified theory. The past is more indicative of the future, they say "now". Quebec must be organized differently, because others who had their amphitheater, stadium, concert hall "is not the same." Montreal does not seek, gold flows from the mountains!
The Coliseum Quebec 61 years ... we are told that Calgary wants one, 25 years after being paid the Olympics and the Saddledome. It would be so unfair if Quebec should have its share!
J'me've wondered if all of a sudden become credible Jeff Fillion for Radio-Canada, he could expect a contract "Space Pirate", the fourth public channel, and appearances with Ms. Dussault Quebec basher projects on RDI, the money issue has elsewhere than Quebec, Montreal, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Iqaluit ... because when it dépensé là-bas, c'est toujours mieux.
Allons nous un jour sortir de ces clowneries?
Allons nous un jour sortir de ces clowneries?
Vous aurez compris que tout ça revient aux conservateurs... même si Ignatieff a promis un Colisée a Québec, que Duceppe le demande, la tempête va sur Harper. La gauche devient droite pure, pour un instant, ça donne l'impression d'avoir eu un gros acide hallucinogène a mon insu dans mon café.
Ça fait 20 ans qu'il aurait du être construit ce foutu amphithéatre.
Mise à jour: Calgary veut un nouvel Amphithéatre, un 2e en 25 ans... Alors, on rappelle que le Colisée de Québec is 61. Calgary forget we paid the Olympics in time when there was not much oil there. Emmanuelle Latraverse, in all its bad faith anti-conservative, forgets to mention in one story that Ignatieff has promised to financially support the project of Quebec, she uses the conservative posture of the Conservatives to use against those of western Quebec so that the people of Quebec vote for another party that supports the project terminated in the west?
Pengrowth Saddledome on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pengrowth_Saddledome
Regarding text Boisvert La Presse is not only a cloth of disinformation, the work is worthy of coprophagy. When Quebec is asking its part, is the ling, when Montreal calls for a roof on the third stage is a necessary evil, when the MSO for the rich snobs need a deluxe room, what ? The 45 million artists in the last election ... he argued beggars? 8 billion per year of Equalization, is the ling? Beggars are selected based on criteria that are anything but objective.
Convergence fact that Radio-Canada public corporation which costs $ 1 billion par année aux contribuables canadiens, est au service du propriétaire des journaux de Power Corporation, la famille Desmarais, les patrons de Boisvert dans La Presse. C'est quand même ironique les leçons de public-privé de la part de ces gens... concurrents de Quebecor , qui veut acheter la franchise pour Québec.
(1) Aucune équipe de la LNH n'est "milliardaire", sauf dans la tête de madame Dussault. Les équipes les plus riches, Toronto, Montréal, New York, Boston, Chicago, représentent 5 équipes sur 30, et leur valeur n'excède pas 500 millions $, pour celle qui vaut le plus, Toronto. Le Canadien de Montréal a été vendu plus cher, parce que la transaction incluait l'amphithéatre. Toutes les données sont publiées chaque année sur Forbes. Un tiers des équipes perdent des millions annuellement.
Ça fait 20 ans qu'il aurait du être construit ce foutu amphithéatre.
Mise à jour: Calgary veut un nouvel Amphithéatre, un 2e en 25 ans... Alors, on rappelle que le Colisée de Québec is 61. Calgary forget we paid the Olympics in time when there was not much oil there. Emmanuelle Latraverse, in all its bad faith anti-conservative, forgets to mention in one story that Ignatieff has promised to financially support the project of Quebec, she uses the conservative posture of the Conservatives to use against those of western Quebec so that the people of Quebec vote for another party that supports the project terminated in the west?
Pengrowth Saddledome on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pengrowth_Saddledome
Regarding text Boisvert La Presse is not only a cloth of disinformation, the work is worthy of coprophagy. When Quebec is asking its part, is the ling, when Montreal calls for a roof on the third stage is a necessary evil, when the MSO for the rich snobs need a deluxe room, what ? The 45 million artists in the last election ... he argued beggars? 8 billion per year of Equalization, is the ling? Beggars are selected based on criteria that are anything but objective.
Convergence fact that Radio-Canada public corporation which costs $ 1 billion par année aux contribuables canadiens, est au service du propriétaire des journaux de Power Corporation, la famille Desmarais, les patrons de Boisvert dans La Presse. C'est quand même ironique les leçons de public-privé de la part de ces gens... concurrents de Quebecor , qui veut acheter la franchise pour Québec.
(1) Aucune équipe de la LNH n'est "milliardaire", sauf dans la tête de madame Dussault. Les équipes les plus riches, Toronto, Montréal, New York, Boston, Chicago, représentent 5 équipes sur 30, et leur valeur n'excède pas 500 millions $, pour celle qui vaut le plus, Toronto. Le Canadien de Montréal a été vendu plus cher, parce que la transaction incluait l'amphithéatre. Toutes les données sont publiées chaque année sur Forbes. Un tiers des équipes perdent des millions annuellement.
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