C'était encore une fois troublant de voir les amis de Radio-Canada avec Michel C. Auger commenter l'entrevue accordée par le président George W. Bush à NBC hier, dans le contexte du lancement de sa très attendue auto-biographie, aujourd'hui. Ils se demandaient... mais il n'a no remorse? As if he had to have ...
I am honored to not hide from anyone, wherever I go, where I hear the usual comments, to remember that there is a Canadian minority, even smaller in Quebec, people who support policies this president unloved. Be more likely to believe and repeat the same things does not necessarily prevail on the merits.
A "crimes" that one criticizes the president who had to respond to the attacks of September 11, 2001 is allowed to have what is called "torture" by Radio-Canada, definition rather wide. Few people will learn to know what was actually used as "torture" against Islamist fanatics like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed by the CIA in the war on terrorism.
When most people talk about torture has made the U.S. think it electrocutions, burns, cuts and blows.
This "torture" has admitted that he allowed George W. Bush against lawyers advisers at the White House is "waterboarding" (waterboarding). We do believe in a bath which is filled to the person she will drown if it does not cooperate, the water will rise ... Finally, the CIA has drowned person. Khalid was the jihad that wet, need a towel?
has often told Radio-Canada that Omar Khadr was tortured at Guantanamo. Information has accrued in 2004-2005 that the U.S. military were listening to Metallica in the speakers to the men who want to find a few tens of deflowering virgins after death. What was the volume of sound? Which Metallica album was playing? (I preferred the Black Album) To torture me personally, Fadri put Celine Dion. You do not Adisq fact, in a "wide" definition of torture by imposing 65% of French on the radio?
Omar was rescued by the Americans, when it was found he was dying after his injuries. The first to be treated in the field, was the colleague infrmier that Omar killed with a grenade. He was treated and fed better than the Americans and Canadians. He has lectured, he was in school during his stay at Guantanamo ... his family would have liked to see him die a martyr like his father did not have to pay a penny. It tells very little of this reality.
So there would be for critics of Bush, an ideal possible, without which "waterboarding", only in offering a sweet coffee, could be drawn into the nose of a fanatical terrorist, to prevent attacks in preparation. I do not believe me. If we could save hundreds of lives of the Madrid bombings in London or "wetting" a bearded man, who badly needed a bath after being pulled from his cave ... I do not see the problem.
So there would be for critics of Bush, a solution called "diplomatic" to all problems. That's not counting 15 years of diplomatic failures in Iraq with Saddam Hussein ... erased from our collective memories, even those who are responsible inform us. Forget the tens of times the UN inspectors were expelled from Iraq when they found tracks leading to weapons of mass destruction. Forget those Scuds fell on Tel Aviv, Haifa, Kuwait City. Forgotten these satellite images released to the world, however, military convoys on their way to Syria in January 2003 during the France of the "diplomacy DeVillepin" trying to save time by all means "friend Saddam."

Bush does not regret having made the invasion of Iraq in 2003 while writing his memoirs. Like Tony Blair, was not forgotten the need to depose Saddam Hussein responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths before the invasion. There are still graves. If you have a little memory we often Kurds gassed by Chemical Ali too.
Not ... the president did not apologize to light, naive, disconnected, watching the fragments of events, news, and believe it should. Did you also forget that over 60% of Americans favored the invasion of Iraq? Is it difficult not to be made?
Michel C. Auger Radio-Canada said in a facies frustrated that attempts to "rehabilitate" George W. Bush. As if his sentences place had ever actually been founded ... George Bush is my Facebook friend, like 576,340 other people and his autobiography "Decision Points" will be very interesting. ****
Top photo: George W. Bush is in a Florida school one morning in September 2001, everything comes to switch, he learns.
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