Friday, June 29, 2007

Where To Buy Large Quantities Of Chicken Wings

Zein Ould Zeidane veux placer un proche à la tête de la FFRIM

A few years ago, Weleda, presents itself to the stock Ehl Balla to buy a brand new 4x4, Toyota RAV4, he can not agree with the seller but, eager for you to get the vehicle, Weleda agrees to pay the asking price, not negotiated, but one condition: he says he has not the whole amount, it lacks 2 million that UM offers paid ... voucher good for FIFA!

Weled none other than the son of Geumine Ould Cheigeuer, then president of the Mauritanian Football Federation, the FFRIM. The scandal erupted when Ould Balla wanted to swap the good that FIFA give once a year to help the federations of the countries in the developing world, finally it was stifling but FIFA has got wind and asked the departure of Geumine, if they suspend aid to FFRIM.

Geumine is sacked, he was replaced by Moulaye Ould Abass, le PDG de la BMCI et heritier de la fortune de l'homme d'affaire mauritanien, feu Sidi Mohamed Ould Abass, un self made made qui a fondé la BMCI, la Socométal et Novotel-Mauritanie entre autre. Le mandat de Moulaye a pris fin le 31 mars 2007. Depuis, la bataille de succession fait rage.

D'un côté il y'a Camara Saleck, l'ancien président du Comité Olympique Mauritanien, et de l'autre il y'a Mohamed Salem Ould Boukhreiss, qui à l'avantage d'appartenir à la belle-famille du Premier Ministre Zein Ould Zeidane.

Pour être sûr de gagner, Monsieur Ould Boukhreiss a besoin de se presenter comme candidat unique, pour y arriver il faut eliminer Monsieur Camara the race is for this purpose he used a flaw in the record of Mr. Camara, saying that this case was filed after January 5, 2007, closing date for submission of candidatures. The

supports Mr. Camara argued that it Mrs. Mehl Mint Ahmed, Minister of Youth and Sports of the time, who have prematurely stopped receiving the records of candidates, whereas normally the candidates could file their case until the end date of the current mandate, ie until 31 March.

The Minister suggested as an argument that the election will take place after the end of the transition, and it does not want to deal with a file that it will not lead to the end. Suddenly she stopped receiving the file and asked to wait out the transition. As at the time, people had other fish to fry (the vote of the constitution, elections, municipal, senatorial and presidential elections, the arrest of Zeidane Ould Lekwar and friends ... etc.), person There's really paying attention. It therefore

refile the baby with the bathwater to his successor Mohamed Ould Yarg, for him to decide whether to receive or not receive new applications received. The vote will take place at the next assignment General Meeting of FFRIM be held July 21, 2007.

Is Camara scares Ould Boukhreiss point he would do everything to avoid the face? What is the proper way to select the best president is the only candidate? In that case, why bother voting? Does not worth it not be better given the choice between several candidates, instead of coming to endorse a candidate "imposed"?

fact remains that newspapers close to the prime minister (The Tribune Ould Oumer and Nouakchott-Info Ould Nenni among others) are involved in promoting the candidacy of Ould Boukhreiss and remove evidence support as the date for submitting applications was January 5, 2007 at the latest, and at that time only the folder Ould Boukhreiss was introduced, therefore it is the only candidate. The General Assembly will meet for the FFRIM designate the chairman. It's the law. Point. If you have a problem, see Mehler Mint Ahmed, Minister of Sports in the transition, it is she who've taken this decision.

As if the decisions taken during the transition must necessarily be regarded as sacred words.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Lump In Throat Hard To Swallow Doctor

Les prison de la CIA en Mauritanie : l’emplacement exact

After reading this memo, some journalists will be tempted to go see if it actually y 'prisons, I advise them, as this line before you even finish reading, make a phone call to prepare a proper 4x4 with buckets of water and diesel, and to bring a lot of cash, the journey will be long, tiring and expensive.

"Ichemmimène", remember that name, is the final destination, the antechamber of hell for the prisoners, but a haven for U.S. troops, the prefab houses are about 45 Degrees Celsius difference between the indoor and outdoor temperature. The soldiers are living in an air conditioned environment while prisoners roasting in the sun, you're the vanguard of hell, welcome to the Majabatt El Kubra.

all began in 1970 when an engineer from the U.S. Texaco conducts seismic surveys in the basin of Taoudenni, he discovered that the basement is full of oil and gas, all excited, he starts to drill the ground for further research, he refers to his manager, finally estimated quantities are not considered viable given the cost of extraction.

acquired by conscientious engineers send a copy of his report to the headquarters of Texaco Baumont (Texas), and return the original tapes of the seismic data to the Department of Mines and Geology, which classifies the file in the archives under the name Ablog-1, named after the pit dug for needs statements. Case closed.

In 1974, Italian AGIP remakes of other surveys in the same area and arrived at similar conclusions, a report is sent to headquarters in Milan and is filed under the name Ouas-1, the file is forwarded to the archives of DMG, Nouakchott, and closed without further action.

Thirty years later, a mysterious double agent, nationality French, but who occasionally works for the CIA, arrived in Nouakchott, she befriends Isselmou Ould Tajedine PGD of BCI, the latter is present at Mokhtar Ould Khaddad it becomes very close, she confided her desire to doing business in Mauritania and Khaddad this to his friend Zeidane Ould Hmeida, then Minister of Petroleum.

Her name is Corinne Perrin.

Meanwhile, an Australian businessman traveled around the world conferences on oil, he made the following observation: "oil is increasingly scarce and therefore more more expensive, instead of seeking new discoveries he'd be smarter to highlight the discoveries made in the middle of the twentieth century and closed because, as time between extraction costs fell and oil prices soared therefore profit guarantee ". Its operations do not win the membership but it is sure to be right.

Vierte His name is Max.

His Italian origins opens the doors of AGIP Milan headquarters, where he discovers the report Ouas-1 in the archives, he decided to walk through and participated in Aumont au Texas, seconde découverte : Ablog1 qui le conforte dans ses prévisions, il s’envole alors à Perth, capitale de l’Australie Occidentale. C’est là qu’il rencontre les dirigeants de Woodside, il leur fait part de ses découvertes et les hautes instances du pétrole australien lui promettent discrétion, appuis et soutien financier.

Max de Vierti arrive à Nouakchott, il se met à la recherche d’une personne qui parle français, qui possède une bonne connaissance de l’environnement juridique locale et qui a ses entrée au ministère du pétrole, il tombe très rapidement sur Corinne Perrin et lui explique son histoire, she agrees to work with him

At the end of the interview, bewildered by the base and especially the chance of the Australian, she said: "Monsieur de Vierte, you Baraka," he replied: "Madam, you just give me an idea for the name of our future society," she replied without missing a beat: "It will not be the last idea that I give you." A friendship was born.

The rest is history: the two founded the Baraka Petroleum, an Australian law firm, and its subsidiary Mauritanian Baraka Mauritanian Ventures Limited (BMV), thanks to the links between Mrs Perrin and Zeidane Ould Hmeida, the oil ministry is willing to sell at the BMV on soundtracks of the seismic data produced by Texaco in 1970 (now Chevron-Texaco in the meantime), as well as those carried out by AGIP in 1974, Zeidane paid a commission of 2 million dollars in cash, hand delivered by Ms. Perrin, Nouakchott, in November 2005.

Max Vierte exults: recoverable reserves Taoudenni Basin are estimated at 500 million barrels of oil, and an equivalent volume of gas, much more than his most optimistic forecasts. In Perth as the shareholders are not upset because the course of the share price of Woodside flies through the roof.

But the United States, Pentagon strategists have another worry: that of finding new places to outsource torture of prisoners of war against Islamic terrorism because it has become virtually impossible to torment West is in this context that the discovery of oil in the basin Taoudenni is timely for them, the coup in Mauritania is attached, narrowly, in terms of the broader Middle East, dear Condoleezza Rice.

It was decided to proceed as in Sudan cause acute food crisis in eastern Mauritania, sur le modèle du Darfour, afin de rendre possible un nouveau découpage administratif, qui permet de changer la carte de la Mauritanie, c’est à dire faire émerger de nouveaux Etats, qui s’entendent sur toute la zone pétrolifère, c’est dans ce cadre que trois conflits territoriaux ont été activé :

- Dans le Sud, le problème des réfugiés permettra l’annexion une partie des quatre régions de la vallée (Trarza, Brakna, Gorgol et Guidimagha) dans ce qui sera un pays frontalier au Sénégal,

- Dans l’Est, les Touaregs aurons la région la plus « rentable » puisqu’elle spread across the region from Timbuktu to Kayes, which encompass both Hodh and part of Assaba

- In the North, the negotiations on the Sahara issue has been activated by chance , and coincidentally Mauritania is invited, the ultimate goal is to obtain autonomy for the area from Saqi El Hamra and Wadi Deheb to Tiress Zemou Dakhlet and Nouadhibou in the north encompassing Inchiri

The rest of Mauritania, Adrar ie, Tagant will be included in one way or another, to one of three states emerging.

Not provided Lemgheity, Ould Taya has signed his death warrant, the CIA contacted the No. 2 of the plan and asked him to become president, Ely Ould Mohamed Vall said yes, price: accept the installation of two American prisons on the territory of Mauritania, one in the territorial waters in the Atlantic Ocean and the other in the desert. To cover their tracks and guide doubts elsewhere, Americans initially rejected the coup of August 3, 2005, and once the situation becomes very tense, they herald a recognition condition, which gives the illusion of a diplomatic victory won by the CMJD, while reinforcing the same time the authority of Ould Mohamed Vall.

Ely still wary of his No. 2, Colonel Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, he knows that the slightest misstep will put the U.S. in its place, the presidency is in fact what has nearly happened when Ely wanted to cling to power through the ballot blank, finally a gentlemen concurrence was found: Ely releases, and some cons it can empty the bins, and if it is not enough it may even up to contract debts on behalf of Mauritania, credit opened with everything managed to find: the Emirates Golf, IMF, WB etc .... Free banking is the future generations who will pay the bill.

is in this context that the USS Iowa, one of the most powerful battleships of the U.S. Navy, ink drops to a few tens of nautical miles Nouamghar, the legendary fishing port of Imraguens. The USS Iowa is nicknamed "the Iguana" by the Marines, because of its tapered shape, close to the reptile, he will serve as a detention center for interrogation of prisoners less recalcitrant.

Americans choose another location in the desert of El Kubra Majabatt, it will be called Iguana-2. And it left for the night take-offs, the U.S. aircraft kidnap bearded around the world, they land at the airport in Nouakchott or local employees of the CIA prisoners redirect seaward or east , aboard the helicopter, according to notes of the agent that sent the parcel.

To go to "Iguana-2" is very simple, it is far from Nema where to fill cans of diesel and fill up two tanks, then head north to locality Ichemmimène, 290 km from Nema, consider filling the cans with water because it is the last inhabited place before the final destination.

then headed north still, in this area you can ride all day, non stop, and at night you realize that you have traveled only 250 or 300 miles, you have to roll, roll and roll, the Camp Iguana-2 is located exactly 523 miles north / northwest Ichemmimène, soldiers who occupy it are ultra well equipped, they feature the latest communication equipment, huge reserves of drinking water, they have the electricity through a generator ultra-powerful, they travel aboard Hummer-M1043 and have excellent air cover, thanks to the vigilance of the AH-64 Apache helicopters on the site.

Mauritanian border guards, the famous "Jemmali" that monitor the area on camels, were instructed not to very strict approach this desert area, the location of Iguana-2 n ' has not been chosen at random: there is no living soul in 500 km radius, the coup not need to monitor the prisoners, there are no walls, no bars, it is a open prison, who attempts to escape is not even prosecuted and no one shoots him. What good is spending a bullet to kill him? takes care of the thirst.

Both prisons are operating at full capacity, until now, there 's now 39 prisoners there, including 9 in the open sea, aboard the USS Iowa, said the Iguana. The 30 other prisoners in the camp Iguana-2 somewhere in the Mauritanian desert.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Farm Lessons 14 Gallery

Breaking News : mariage de la fille de Sidioca

The marriage of Miss Amal Mint Cheikh Abdallahi, the only daughter of the President, Advent will be the end of the year, it just revealed that the marriage counselor in presidency of the republic, Mr. Adbelly.

information, yet kept secret, known only by a small circle, even the entourage of the lucky does not know the husband is none other than the current boyfriend Amal Mr Sidi Ould Ethmane Gaddour exclusive representative for Canal Satellite in Mauritania.

It goes without saying that the marriage will be completely organized by Abdelly, who have made this statement before an intimate circle, he entrusted it to this end that Ms. El Boukhary Khattou Mint, the first lady has made its disposal a wing of the presidential palace, where he moved it there 's a few days.

Abdelly conclude by saying that he has urged that this marriage is a happy ending, he said that the first lady has promised him a position as first counselor in the embassy of his choice, but after the wedding. It looks to Paris, since he gets along well with the future ambassador, Madam Lematte Ewnène Mint.

Abdelly Ideydba belongs to the tribe of Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi, the latter is called le'tach Sidi (Sidi-the-thirst) by Nouakchottois because, while people are hungry, he wants the good garden watering the Presidency.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Super Emotional From Birth Control

Le vrai CV de Mounina, ambassadrice de la Mauritanie à Genève

To control one of the most prestigious embassies Mauritanian President of the Republic has chosen a woman who has risen through the ranks of diplomacy, recognized by his peers as an outstanding negotiator, Mounina (called Lemeima) Mint Abdallah.

graduate of the Institute of Diplomatic Studies of Nouakchott, it has attracted attention since it was conducted with brio, the negotiations that led to the warming of our relations with Kuwait, following the Gulf War.

That's the version he will have to serve the Swiss authorities, so they accept this appointment, we must not lose face in front of strangers (El Baraniyine). But the Mauritanian know the truth, we are not going to say to foreigners, but when we are among ourselves, we can then say: Actually, the CV of the new Ambassador of Mauritania in Geneva summed up in two lines: "Mohamed Ould Abdallah, "and" NUTRICOM.

Here's the real star of this new path of diplomacy, through its special relationship with the professors of the Faculty of Law and Economics, Mounina managed to get an MA in economics from the University of Nouakchott, then it becomes a college professor in physics (look for the intruder: report, physical ... it starts well). She remains at the college until the establishment by Ould Taya in 1993, the Ministry of Women. Having rubbed shoulders with the Arab Nasserists in college, which considers it one of their own, Mounina managed to coopt be among dozens of women teachers who formed the nucleus of this department.

The arrival of Zein Ould Zeidane to the mission of the World Bank in Nouakchott allows him to redirect his career, Mohamed Ould Abdallah, le père de Mounina, est l’oncle maternel de Zein. Avec l’aide de Zein elle a réussi à se faire détacher auprès de la mission de la BM (SECF), où son cousin Zein œuvre pour là propulser à la tête d’un projet destiné à distribuer des vivres à toutes les communautés du pays, dans le but de juguler la famine qui se profile à l’horizon, le projet s’appelle Nutrition Communautaire : NUTRICOM. Il est géré par le ministère et financé entièrement par la BM à hauteur de 5.000.000 USD.

Pour pouvoir profiter de tous ces millions de dollars, Mounina multiplie les séminaires de formation, les rencontres de outreach and workshops of all kinds, charged exorbitant prices. True False invoices are made with the help of his cousin Zein, a goldsmith in the field, he puts in his service and expertise Mounina could set aside a considerable fortune in record time. Anyone who walks around the side of the palace she had built to Tevragh-Zeina (the side of GIS Ehel Abdallahi - MOA) can testify that this is not thanks to his salary of teacher college in For example, one of his houses is estimated at 140 million UM, but do not live there, foresight, elle loue une maison très modeste, dans le quartier populaire de Carrefour, d’ailleurs en général elle n’est pas tape à l’œil, au contraire elle promène tout le temps une apparence de Cosette à la limite de la clochardisation, alors qu’elle passe ses vacances à Paris et se soigne à Monaco.

Rien n’est plus facile que de construire une maison quand on est chef de projet en Mauritanie : tu vas chez le fournisseur, tu choisis le matériel, dans la case « exécution des travaux » tu mets la mention « destinataire prioritaire » et tu ajoutes, au hasard, école de Dar Naïm, dispensaire de Bir Oum Graïn ou tartempion, tu passes commande, you sign and send you all the accounting. The book takes its 15%, pays the supplier and send you the material in your yard Tevragh-Zeina, neither seen nor heard, everyone is happy.

Finally, everyone except those who expect the food that the project is supposed to provide them, but everyone who cares, besides, they had to die of hunger since the time they expect .

An internal audit of the World Bank has maintained this system of false invoices true, Mounina was audited and pinned in an internal report. Following this audit, the WB has returned and is returned to his post at the Ministry of Women, where his nickname is "Snake" lehneche, but in October 2006, Mint Nebghouha Tlamid receives a letter from WB requesting the dismissal of Mounina. Mint Tlamid relented under pressure from donors and Mounina referrals to the Department of Education.

Contrary to what was mentioned in dispatches discussing the appointment, Mounina no longer part of the Ministry of Women, but when one is a cousin of Prime Minister, we can easily get his shot retouching CV. Mounina has another problem she has an artificial heart, she conducts several annual visits to Monaco where she is followed by a cardiology professor, his appointment is also a medical reason.

In April 2007, Mounina receives an injunction from State Control requesting the repayment of 270 million UM, she had spent this sum within NUTRICOM without any justification. Without reimbursement, IGE threat to refer the matter to court for a trial and perhaps even jail. Mounina takes the letter and bring it to Zein, asking him to find a position that allows him to care for and who is immune from prosecution, it highlights the efforts it has made in the candidate's campaign team to Tidjikja Zein. Zein, who had received between two towers, the assurance of having the post of prime minister, asked him to drag the folder with the lawyers, pending his appointment as Prime Minister.

After this brilliant track record of diplomatic success, Mounina newly appointed Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania to the United Nations system, a position based in Geneva. This post has been vacant since the appointment of its former occupant, the current Minister of Foreign Affairs. Since Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi found reflexes and Ely Ould Taya, according to the criteria for their appointment letter, it is not impossible to see Mounina sit in Cabinet in the months and years to come, but meanwhile, his main concern walks will be mainly on Lake Leman, shopping for supplying his store of Capital Market in Nouakchott and the necessary visits to the cardiologist Monaco.

I agree that it is easy to criticize (idir chi chi Chege Elli v 'Bellou), so I'll stop being negative and make a few suggestions: Zein would have advised his cousin to ask IGE repayment installments, because the goal is not she finds herself on the streets unemployed. As she is ill, the lawyers could invoke the medical reason to prevent the judge to send him to prison, if indeed the judge likes it. Zein and could help him find a doctor less expensive than the Rock of Monaco.

But why do complicate if we can keep it simple? Sidi Zein asked to give the vacancy, sign here, Mr. Chairman, that it's over, move along, there's nothing to see. Diplomatic Immunity, luxury and care at the expense of the princess. Meanwhile, the ordinary citizen has to go near the Ksar see if he can find a tank of water to oil prices.

remains to bet that the WB and the UN have no direct reports and that information does not circulate them, people also hope that the UN do not know anyone who works for the WB and vice versa otherwise the UN will be made aware of the unorthodox practices of excellence Mounina, which could undermine the already lackluster image of our country. Because within the UN, since the scandal of abuse of the "oil cons food," the senior executives of the UN forgive everything except divert funds intended to feed kids. So it could squeak slightly teeth UN side, maybe they will make that appointment for a bad joke or a diplomatic snub, who knows, they may have become so since the arrival of Bank or Ban -Ki, Korea's finally what.

But we will not allow foreigners to make fun of us, we have prepared a good CV, in good and due form, it is available at: ? q = cache: 0RCr8T2cpvEJ: Nutricom Mounina + & hl = en & ct = clnk & cd = 3

Due to time constraints we have "forgotten" a few small details, such as diplomas are put "computer courses 1986-1990" while, as Mrs. studied computer science for four long years, he was much more sense to "control computer" simply!

Or the DEA registration in St. Louis that appeared here inadvertently, or because the degree was awarded in this case we must say "DEA in sociology" or he did not in which case there was nothing to brag!

ensues un tour du monde, et ensuite la case « langue » dans laquelle on découvre avec soulagement que la future ambassadrice est un mélange de Voltaire et de Sybéwéihy, et que le clone en question parle un peu anglais ! Que demande le peuple !

Pour continuer à être le positif je vais aussi saluer la décision de fermer quelques ambassades inutiles qui coûtent de l’argent inutilement. Imaginez par exemple que le trésor public loue un appartement modeste à Tokyo pour la secrétaire de l’ambassadeur, prix : 6.400 USD / mois. Je vous laisse imaginer le prix de location du logement de l’ambassadeur, ce ne sont pas des privilèges, mais c’est le tarif local. Du coup, dans the present context, the president acted properly to limit wasteful spending, at least for now.

The appointment of women ambassadors are also not a huge front, a bold step which, ignoring the prejudices, taboos flew into pieces. A woman is able to represent our country as a man, and sometimes even better. The problem is not where the problem is that we must choose the right woman to the position it takes. I criticized the choice of President, I have therefore to propose another name Fatima M'Baye. Long

number two of the FIDH, the lawyer is familiar with the intricacies of African and Western diplomacy. To denounce the excesses of Ould Taya, she has walked the corridors of international organizations, from Paris to Geneva and Durban to Maputo, via Brussels and Dakar, it has built up a solid book addresses that it has serving the destruction of the regime of Ould Taya. She has shown a relentless pounding terribly effective Ould Taya and his system, often with little (or not at all) ways, and has often produced spectacular results because, at his wit and strength of conviction, good numbers of supporters of Ould Taya has left the podium at international summits and went to Nouakchott''tail between his legs.''

Imagine for one second what would happen if the same Mettai hard to serve the promotion of Mauritania. Next

CV: Mint Lematte Ewnène

Friday, June 22, 2007

Ines Cudna I Ewa Blog

Khattou récompense son amant et punie l’ex de sa sœur

Here is a brief list of what our diplomatic corps in the coming days:

- BOULLAHI Ould Mogueya, ambassador to Moscow
- Mohamed Vall Ould Bellal, ambassador in Dakar
- Hamady Ould Meimou, Ambassador to Kuwait
- Abdelkader Ould Mohamed, Consul General Las Palmas
- Sidi Mohamed Ould Boubakar, ambassador at Madrid
- Baba Ould Sidi, ambassador to Paris
- Mohamed Ould Lemine Selmane, ambassador to South Africa
- Mohamed Ould Tolba, ambassador in Cairo

The final nominee deserves attention a bit, primarily because the new ambassador to his appointment mainly to the fact that he belongs to the same religious persuasion as Sidi, the Tijaniya, because then that it replaces Heibetna Ould Sidi Heib. The former wife's sister is Heibetna Khattou, he had left because she was a little too fickle, the divorce was never accepted by the first lady, this partly explains this.

But the first lady has not finished taking his ease in the presidential palace, Adbelly now lives there (he has a wing apart) and gives his friends, while Ould Amejar's lover Khattou, dding tennis, in shorts, watched enamored of his sweetheart.

For those unfamiliar with the new Director General of the Autonomous Port of Nouakchott, it's Ould Hamed, a Ideydba the same fraction as the president, his family lives Lemden the birthplace of the president, his wife Mint is Cheikh Abdallahi, nièce du président. Surtout pas d’inquiétude : aucun risque de népotisme.

Signalons aussi le retour de deux grands serviteurs de Ould Taya : Mohamed Saleck Ould Heyine qui prend la tête de la Somelec, et Mohamed Ould Didi, économiste (d'après l'AMI, mais ceux qui le connaissent savent qu’il n’a jamais réussi à obtenir le bac, tout comme son cousin le patron de la SNIM, mais c’est une autre affaire), bref il a été nommé directeur général de Mauripost. Bon courage pour la Mauripost.

Notons aussi le départ de Mohamed Ould Abdi Ould Horma, désormais ex Inspecteur Général de l’Etat. Son crime ? Il a voulu traduire en justice les auteurs des crimes économiques, et les obliger à rembourser ce qu’ils ont volé au peuple mauritanien.

Sinon, il paraît que c’est Ould Hamme Vezzaz, ministre de l'économie et des finances, qui as vendu la mèche de SORECI-voyage à la presse. En tout cas Zein Ould Zeidane en est convaincu, il pense aussi que le démenti du déficit du compte du trésor public auprès de la BCM émane de Ould Hamme Vezzaz. C'est pourquoi, depuis lors, une série de querelles a eu lieu entre les deux : le premier ministre accuse son ministre des finances de lui savonner la planche, afin de récupérer sa place, et le ministre clame son innocence.

Ould Cheikh Abdallahi Ould Abdelaziz and make the referees, but in the meantime, Zein Nebghouha Mint uses as Haba fuse to protect against the boomerang effect of the case SOREC-Travel, but it, no fool, is used to turn its secretary general to sign the disclaimer for the press.

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

How Do I Trade Pokemon On An Mac Emulator

CCM : les raisons cachées de la disgrâce de Ould Kadhi

Ould Kadhi, the chairman of the Central Market (CCM), was sacked, he was replaced by Ahmed Ould Moulay Ahmed, here's why: In

the launch of the international tender for the execution du projet Aftout-Sahli, Zein a demandé à Ould Kadhi, de vive voix, d'accorder ce marché à Ahmed Baba Ould Azizi et son partenaire français. Zein agissait sur instruction directe du colonel Ould Abdelaziz.

Le président de la CCM a signifié à Zein que c'est impossible puisque les chinois sont les moins disant et qu'ils sont les seuls à avoir prouvé des références démontrant leur capacité à exécuter les travaux.

La CCM étant l'autorité compétente en la matière, Zein décide de la contourner et d'envoyer le dossier devant l'autorité de régulation dont le président, Ahmed Salem Ould Lekhal, est de la tribu Oulad Bousba (Comme Ould Azizi et Ould Abdelaziz).

Ould Lekhal décide de former une commission spéciale paritaire pour le dossier, dans laquelle il ne peux pas éviter que le président de la CCM siège, vu qu'il est membre de droit.

Conformément à la volonté azizienne, la nouvelle commission hybride a décidé d'octroyer le marché à Ahmed Baba Ould Azizi et son partenaire français, seulement, le président de la CCM refuse de signer le procès verbal, or celui-ci, pour être valide, doit être signé par tous les membres de la commission paritaire.

Quelques jours plus tard, Zein fait savoir au président de la CCM que le ministère de l'éducation National, under the seal of the emergency, would need its approval to grant the students note market by private treaty. Ould Kadhi replica that can not be done because the new regulations forbade him to do so.

Zein, furious, ordered Nebghouha Mint Haba, the Minister of National Education, to carry out the assignment by way of what he called "simplified procedure call" under the cover of its direct and downstream the grant Soreca Travel, "single agency able to meet this folder" depending Zein.

Zein could no longer bear the presence of an employee who consistently refuses de se plier à sa volonté, profite du comportement du président de la CCM par rapport aux instructions de Auld Abdelaziz et décroche de ce dernier l'autorisation de limoger le président de la commission.

Pour le remplacé, il choisi son ami Ahmed Ould Moulay Ahmed, qu'il avait déjà nommé DAF de la BCM et qui avait été actif dans la campagne présidentielle du candidat Zein Ould Zeidane.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Singapore Blogshop Film

Drogue : Interpol demande l’audition de Ould Abdelaziz

Interpol a demandé à la police mauritanienne d'interroger les personnes suivantes :

- Bouguine Ould Noueigeud, député
- Mohamed Ould Bouamatou, homme d'affaire
- Moulaye Ould Boukhreiss, général Retired
- Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz, the commander BASEP
- Mohamed Ould Lemine Adde, police chief political

Since the resignation of Abdatt Senni Ould Ould Adde also oversees the police, ie the department in charge of the drug. To date, none of the five has yet received a summons from the judge hearing the case against by the Office of the President announced the establishment of a commission of inquiry in which we find the Commissioner Ould Deddahi Abdallahi and more.

Apart from the sea or air, Nouadhibou is a peninsula that has a single output land, very close. To leave the city must necessarily pass the police controls, customs and gendarmerie, meaning that even in normal times, it is impossible to leave Nouadhibou by land without passing at least one of its controls.

Nouadhibou Police dismantled a drug trafficking and managed to get hold of 630 kg of cocaine, Sidi Ould Haidallah is, we are told, the main brains of the operation, was traveling at Nouadhibou on previous days this case driving a 4X4 HUMMER brand, an American vehicle very rare in Africa, and even more rare in Mauritania, his car was found on the northern border of Mauritania two days after his escape.

Why is it so rare that a vehicle have managed to sneak through the cracks of the security services, while the alert level was up?

Has he benefited from complicity at the highest level? And if so, why his flight was made possible? People who "leaked" they fear that come to the table before the judge? Many questions, then again who does not find a rethink.

And meanwhile, Ould Abdelaziz completes its control over the security apparatus, by dismissing CMJD the officer, and in general all officers who do it are not fully vested, and replacing them with his henchmen.

latest victim: the Colonels Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Alem, and Alassane Mohamed Ould Sogho Mohameddou. And this is just the beginning.

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Diplomatic incident in Bamako

Last Friday, the TVM television news, viewers saw the Mauritanian president in Bamako, accompanied by the official delegations, in particular three people who were sitting right behind the president, it is :

- Khatou Mint El Boukhary first lady
- Abdelly, confidant and entertainer of the first lady,
- Ghallouha Mint El Boukhary, sister of first lady.

The last two were placed in the same protocol level as the president's wife, ie before the rest of the official delegation. If, ceremonial speaking, the presence of the first lady during presidential trips is normal, there is no formal provision for or sister, let alone the highly sulfurous confidant. Yet it is the treasure public bears the cost of the trip, including accommodation costs (hotel, restaurant ...), per diem and the famous who are, obviously, the objective of the sister and confidante. Although

Abdelly is the same tribe as President of the Republic, Ideidba, he and his sister have nothing to do on a gallery, on behalf of all of Mauritania.

If Mr. (or Madam) Abdelly has some skills for slander, defamation and pandering, it is undeniable that his diplomatic skills in the field remain questionable, when Madame Ghalouha his criminal record speaks for itself, remember:

end of 2004, a member of the Sultanate of Oman arrives in Nouakchott and filed a complaint against the Mauritanian, whom he accuses him of having fraudulently withdrawn $ 3 million, it Abdullah El called Bellouchy, head of the powerful tribe Belabicha. The weekly Al Bayan reported that three Mauritanian him set a trap, using an "anvil" that the member gives the name to the judge Ghallouha Mint El Boukhary, the member added that when one of its many "hits" Ghalouha came with his big sister, Khattou.

Finally, faute de preuve contre Khattou, le jute renonce à la poursuivre et se contente de mettre Ghallouha en détention provisoire. Ghallouha reste en prison jusqu’à ce que Khattou réussisse à obtenir sa libération grâce à une intervention de Cheikh El Avia Ould Mohamed Khouna, à l’époque Premier ministre. La personne qui avait convaincu le Premier ministre d’agir n’est autre que … Abdelly !

Sous la pression de la Primature, le juge se contente de condamner les trois mauritaniens, comme le rapporte le quotidien Nouakchott-Info il s’agit de Tolba Ould Mohameden, Adda Ould Dahia et Sidi Mohamed Ould Lenaya, condamnés pour escroquerie, faut et usage de faut, à sentenced to three years suspended sentence and a fine of 400,000 MUs.

They were also ordered to repay the amount of 1,342,000 dollars to the El Bellouchy member, he remains stuck in Nouakchott since he can not return to Muscat for he says that creditors are waiting, finally the One of his cousins (the member is close cousin of the family of Sultan Qaboos ibn Said) refund to his place, so that the three Mauritanians are found in freedom and without creditor after the departure of El Bellouchy.

They paid only 400,000 UM in the Mauritanian justice and is therefore in possession of 3 million dollars, finally, a little less because you still have to pay commission to their "partner," Ms. El Boukhary Ghallouha Mint.

is probably to reward Abdelly that the first decision of the president's wife, when he entered the presidential palace, was summoned Abdelly to him that the doors of the presidency he will always be open, day and at night, he and anyone he wants to bring, and may consider the presidency as her own home, he became a sort of Chief of Staff to the President.

the same day, decided Abdelly to do what he does best: organizing a wedding.
Thus, less than a week after the pass of power between Ely Ould Cheikh Abdallahi, the gardens of the presidential palace hosted everything Nouakchott account griot, a pimp and a crook, to celebrate the wedding of the niece of the first lady.

Until last year, Ghallouha was on the first page of the catalog Vale, one of many graduates of top schools for procuring and slander, the venerable SUPROX, founded by the media for years Abdelly 90 at the request of Mint Ahmed Tolba.
is this flower of diplomacy that the Mauritanian President of the Republic, Mr. Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi, has chosen for the official delegation are suggested as his first foreign trip as head of the state, it gave rise to amusing scenes, such as this exchange between Abdelly and Mr. Philippe Etienne, Director of Staff Bernard Kouchner.

During the meeting the head of French diplomacy with the Mauritanian President in Bamako, the two delegations (the French and Mauritanian) waiting in the lobby it is at this moment that Mr. Etienne Abdelly approaching and said

- You know the field?
- Pardon?
- The Champs Elysees!
- Ah, yes, yes, The Champs Elysee, yes, I know.
- I live there, and you, or live?
- In the 19th, not far from the Cours Florent, you know, the drama school.
- I do not like the 19th, there's too many Arabs and blacks.

The French diplomat, shocked, invented an excuse to join his friends at the Quai d'Orsay, presumably to tell them the story of this high official of the Department of Mauritanian Foreign Affairs, who enjoys his visit to Bamako in criticizing the presence of blacks and Arabs in Paris.