A few years ago, Weleda, presents itself to the stock Ehl Balla to buy a brand new 4x4, Toyota RAV4, he can not agree with the seller but, eager for you to get the vehicle, Weleda agrees to pay the asking price, not negotiated, but one condition: he says he has not the whole amount, it lacks 2 million that UM offers paid ... voucher good for FIFA!
Weled none other than the son of Geumine Ould Cheigeuer, then president of the Mauritanian Football Federation, the FFRIM. The scandal erupted when Ould Balla wanted to swap the good that FIFA give once a year to help the federations of the countries in the developing world, finally it was stifling but FIFA has got wind and asked the departure of Geumine, if they suspend aid to FFRIM.
Geumine is sacked, he was replaced by Moulaye Ould Abass, le PDG de la BMCI et heritier de la fortune de l'homme d'affaire mauritanien, feu Sidi Mohamed Ould Abass, un self made made qui a fondé la BMCI, la Socométal et Novotel-Mauritanie entre autre. Le mandat de Moulaye a pris fin le 31 mars 2007. Depuis, la bataille de succession fait rage.
D'un côté il y'a Camara Saleck, l'ancien président du Comité Olympique Mauritanien, et de l'autre il y'a Mohamed Salem Ould Boukhreiss, qui à l'avantage d'appartenir à la belle-famille du Premier Ministre Zein Ould Zeidane.
Pour être sûr de gagner, Monsieur Ould Boukhreiss a besoin de se presenter comme candidat unique, pour y arriver il faut eliminer Monsieur Camara the race is for this purpose he used a flaw in the record of Mr. Camara, saying that this case was filed after January 5, 2007, closing date for submission of candidatures. The
supports Mr. Camara argued that it Mrs. Mehl Mint Ahmed, Minister of Youth and Sports of the time, who have prematurely stopped receiving the records of candidates, whereas normally the candidates could file their case until the end date of the current mandate, ie until 31 March.
The Minister suggested as an argument that the election will take place after the end of the transition, and it does not want to deal with a file that it will not lead to the end. Suddenly she stopped receiving the file and asked to wait out the transition. As at the time, people had other fish to fry (the vote of the constitution, elections, municipal, senatorial and presidential elections, the arrest of Zeidane Ould Lekwar and friends ... etc.), person There's really paying attention. It therefore
refile the baby with the bathwater to his successor Mohamed Ould Yarg, for him to decide whether to receive or not receive new applications received. The vote will take place at the next assignment General Meeting of FFRIM be held July 21, 2007.
Is Camara scares Ould Boukhreiss point he would do everything to avoid the face? What is the proper way to select the best president is the only candidate? In that case, why bother voting? Does not worth it not be better given the choice between several candidates, instead of coming to endorse a candidate "imposed"?
fact remains that newspapers close to the prime minister (The Tribune Ould Oumer and Nouakchott-Info Ould Nenni among others) are involved in promoting the candidacy of Ould Boukhreiss and remove evidence support as the date for submitting applications was January 5, 2007 at the latest, and at that time only the folder Ould Boukhreiss was introduced, therefore it is the only candidate. The General Assembly will meet for the FFRIM designate the chairman. It's the law. Point. If you have a problem, see Mehler Mint Ahmed, Minister of Sports in the transition, it is she who've taken this decision.
As if the decisions taken during the transition must necessarily be regarded as sacred words.
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