After reading this memo, some journalists will be tempted to go see if it actually y 'prisons, I advise them, as this line before you even finish reading, make a phone call to prepare a proper 4x4 with buckets of water and diesel, and to bring a lot of cash, the journey will be long, tiring and expensive.
"Ichemmimène", remember that name, is the final destination, the antechamber of hell for the prisoners, but a haven for U.S. troops, the prefab houses are about 45 Degrees Celsius difference between the indoor and outdoor temperature. The soldiers are living in an air conditioned environment while prisoners roasting in the sun, you're the vanguard of hell, welcome to the Majabatt El Kubra.
all began in 1970 when an engineer from the U.S. Texaco conducts seismic surveys in the basin of Taoudenni, he discovered that the basement is full of oil and gas, all excited, he starts to drill the ground for further research, he refers to his manager, finally estimated quantities are not considered viable given the cost of extraction.
acquired by conscientious engineers send a copy of his report to the headquarters of Texaco Baumont (Texas), and return the original tapes of the seismic data to the Department of Mines and Geology, which classifies the file in the archives under the name Ablog-1, named after the pit dug for needs statements. Case closed.
In 1974, Italian AGIP remakes of other surveys in the same area and arrived at similar conclusions, a report is sent to headquarters in Milan and is filed under the name Ouas-1, the file is forwarded to the archives of DMG, Nouakchott, and closed without further action.
Thirty years later, a mysterious double agent, nationality French, but who occasionally works for the CIA, arrived in Nouakchott, she befriends Isselmou Ould Tajedine PGD of BCI, the latter is present at Mokhtar Ould Khaddad it becomes very close, she confided her desire to doing business in Mauritania and Khaddad this to his friend Zeidane Ould Hmeida, then Minister of Petroleum.
Her name is Corinne Perrin.
Meanwhile, an Australian businessman traveled around the world conferences on oil, he made the following observation: "oil is increasingly scarce and therefore more more expensive, instead of seeking new discoveries he'd be smarter to highlight the discoveries made in the middle of the twentieth century and closed because, as time between extraction costs fell and oil prices soared therefore profit guarantee ". Its operations do not win the membership but it is sure to be right.
Vierte His name is Max.
His Italian origins opens the doors of AGIP Milan headquarters, where he discovers the report Ouas-1 in the archives, he decided to walk through and participated in Aumont au Texas, seconde découverte : Ablog1 qui le conforte dans ses prévisions, il s’envole alors à Perth, capitale de l’Australie Occidentale. C’est là qu’il rencontre les dirigeants de Woodside, il leur fait part de ses découvertes et les hautes instances du pétrole australien lui promettent discrétion, appuis et soutien financier.
Max de Vierti arrive à Nouakchott, il se met à la recherche d’une personne qui parle français, qui possède une bonne connaissance de l’environnement juridique locale et qui a ses entrée au ministère du pétrole, il tombe très rapidement sur Corinne Perrin et lui explique son histoire, she agrees to work with him
At the end of the interview, bewildered by the base and especially the chance of the Australian, she said: "Monsieur de Vierte, you Baraka," he replied: "Madam, you just give me an idea for the name of our future society," she replied without missing a beat: "It will not be the last idea that I give you." A friendship was born.
The rest is history: the two founded the Baraka Petroleum, an Australian law firm, and its subsidiary Mauritanian Baraka Mauritanian Ventures Limited (BMV), thanks to the links between Mrs Perrin and Zeidane Ould Hmeida, the oil ministry is willing to sell at the BMV on soundtracks of the seismic data produced by Texaco in 1970 (now Chevron-Texaco in the meantime), as well as those carried out by AGIP in 1974, Zeidane paid a commission of 2 million dollars in cash, hand delivered by Ms. Perrin, Nouakchott, in November 2005.
Max Vierte exults: recoverable reserves Taoudenni Basin are estimated at 500 million barrels of oil, and an equivalent volume of gas, much more than his most optimistic forecasts. In Perth as the shareholders are not upset because the course of the share price of Woodside flies through the roof.
But the United States, Pentagon strategists have another worry: that of finding new places to outsource torture of prisoners of war against Islamic terrorism because it has become virtually impossible to torment West is in this context that the discovery of oil in the basin Taoudenni is timely for them, the coup in Mauritania is attached, narrowly, in terms of the broader Middle East, dear Condoleezza Rice.
It was decided to proceed as in Sudan cause acute food crisis in eastern Mauritania, sur le modèle du Darfour, afin de rendre possible un nouveau découpage administratif, qui permet de changer la carte de la Mauritanie, c’est à dire faire émerger de nouveaux Etats, qui s’entendent sur toute la zone pétrolifère, c’est dans ce cadre que trois conflits territoriaux ont été activé :
- Dans le Sud, le problème des réfugiés permettra l’annexion une partie des quatre régions de la vallée (Trarza, Brakna, Gorgol et Guidimagha) dans ce qui sera un pays frontalier au Sénégal,
- Dans l’Est, les Touaregs aurons la région la plus « rentable » puisqu’elle spread across the region from Timbuktu to Kayes, which encompass both Hodh and part of Assaba
- In the North, the negotiations on the Sahara issue has been activated by chance , and coincidentally Mauritania is invited, the ultimate goal is to obtain autonomy for the area from Saqi El Hamra and Wadi Deheb to Tiress Zemou Dakhlet and Nouadhibou in the north encompassing Inchiri
The rest of Mauritania, Adrar ie, Tagant will be included in one way or another, to one of three states emerging.
Not provided Lemgheity, Ould Taya has signed his death warrant, the CIA contacted the No. 2 of the plan and asked him to become president, Ely Ould Mohamed Vall said yes, price: accept the installation of two American prisons on the territory of Mauritania, one in the territorial waters in the Atlantic Ocean and the other in the desert. To cover their tracks and guide doubts elsewhere, Americans initially rejected the coup of August 3, 2005, and once the situation becomes very tense, they herald a recognition condition, which gives the illusion of a diplomatic victory won by the CMJD, while reinforcing the same time the authority of Ould Mohamed Vall.
Ely still wary of his No. 2, Colonel Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, he knows that the slightest misstep will put the U.S. in its place, the presidency is in fact what has nearly happened when Ely wanted to cling to power through the ballot blank, finally a gentlemen concurrence was found: Ely releases, and some cons it can empty the bins, and if it is not enough it may even up to contract debts on behalf of Mauritania, credit opened with everything managed to find: the Emirates Golf, IMF, WB etc .... Free banking is the future generations who will pay the bill.
is in this context that the USS Iowa, one of the most powerful battleships of the U.S. Navy, ink drops to a few tens of nautical miles Nouamghar, the legendary fishing port of Imraguens. The USS Iowa is nicknamed "the Iguana" by the Marines, because of its tapered shape, close to the reptile, he will serve as a detention center for interrogation of prisoners less recalcitrant.
Americans choose another location in the desert of El Kubra Majabatt, it will be called Iguana-2. And it left for the night take-offs, the U.S. aircraft kidnap bearded around the world, they land at the airport in Nouakchott or local employees of the CIA prisoners redirect seaward or east , aboard the helicopter, according to notes of the agent that sent the parcel.
To go to "Iguana-2" is very simple, it is far from Nema where to fill cans of diesel and fill up two tanks, then head north to locality Ichemmimène, 290 km from Nema, consider filling the cans with water because it is the last inhabited place before the final destination.
then headed north still, in this area you can ride all day, non stop, and at night you realize that you have traveled only 250 or 300 miles, you have to roll, roll and roll, the Camp Iguana-2 is located exactly 523 miles north / northwest Ichemmimène, soldiers who occupy it are ultra well equipped, they feature the latest communication equipment, huge reserves of drinking water, they have the electricity through a generator ultra-powerful, they travel aboard Hummer-M1043 and have excellent air cover, thanks to the vigilance of the AH-64 Apache helicopters on the site.
Mauritanian border guards, the famous "Jemmali" that monitor the area on camels, were instructed not to very strict approach this desert area, the location of Iguana-2 n ' has not been chosen at random: there is no living soul in 500 km radius, the coup not need to monitor the prisoners, there are no walls, no bars, it is a open prison, who attempts to escape is not even prosecuted and no one shoots him. What good is spending a bullet to kill him? takes care of the thirst.
Both prisons are operating at full capacity, until now, there 's now 39 prisoners there, including 9 in the open sea, aboard the USS Iowa, said the Iguana. The 30 other prisoners in the camp Iguana-2 somewhere in the Mauritanian desert.
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