Thursday, November 1, 2007

Venereal Disease Frothy Urine

Mariage, divorce, assassinat : Il y a quelque chose de pourri dans le royaume du Danemark

The sublime Touareg queue on the tarmac, driving, Tekeiber accelerates pressed to surprise her husband to tell him the good news: the neighbors have relented! This case turmoil for over a year: just after her husband made a coup with a group of friends, she decided to build the finest house in Mauritania, why,, it must ground ideally located, it sets its sights on a block house in the heart of Tevragh Zeina, all residents end up selling even the most refractory, which is not surprising that only in the courtyard of her life learned that rare are those who resist to the attractiveness of a wad of cash than two thousand Ouguiya.

All except this family who absolutely do not want to sell, Tekeiber went until they moved the same amount it spent to buy seven more houses, without success. Until last week, when Tekeiber learns that the eldest son of this family is imprisoned in connection with the drug business. There, she asks to see the father, telling him that if he agrees to sell, she ensures complete freedom for his son, he asks a period of reflection. It y 'ten minutes he called to say yes. Without losing long it takes her car, head for the presidential palace.

It just slows to pass the gate, responding mechanically to hello military guards on duty, pulls and tumbling like a fury in the halls of the presidency, she knows the way by heart, it does not pass by secretariat, no time, she knows a shortcut, the current office of her husband is the one used previously by Ould Taya for his amorous encounters, he therefore has a rear door that opens Tekeiber without knocking, to see the show The most horrible which she never attended: Her husband, her own husband, Colonel Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, knees, mustache dipped into the crotch of a girl lying on the desk, gamba widely rejected, it does not see his face. The girl is recovering but still not Tekeiber not distinguish her face, this time the tears that began to choked her sight.

Tekeiber turns on his heels, she heard him yell Mohamed "looks", but the girl says in a tone half-authoritarian semi-languid: "Forget it," Tekeiber recognizes the voice, which redoubled his fury, she stops, suppresses the desire to return shred the face of this little pretentious but guess at the imposing silhouette of her husband, he does not let him, Then she hurries to her car, through clenched teeth.

In her haste, she did not even notice the slender silhouette of El Boukhary Khattou Mint, the first lady, hidden behind the door, which obviously has not lost a thing of the incident and, judging by the smile she wears, the turn of events is quite to his liking.

A week later, Tekeiber announced the news to her friends: By mutual agreement, she and her husband decided to divorce, of course, he leaves home, the market, villa and apartment Rabat Parisian pawed and a luxury car and a good sum of money, she added that before leaving, Mohamed said: If one day you need something, no matter what, you know that my office remains largely open, "from the most powerful man in Mauritania, that promise is worth its weight in gold.

She responds, bitter:" Next time, call before you come, "Mohamed did not smile no, he has always enjoyed the little black humor of his now former wife.

A month after these would come, Mohamed goes home to get money in his safe that he has not moved , Tekeiber asks him to look after his visa, and that of his friends, with whom she decided to go to Paris, go shopping, he says he must make a jump to St. Louis in the night and promises it held upon his return.

The trip went very well, he could transfer the money he wanted, through St. Louis, to his account in Geneva, from there, it will occupy an intermediary, it is barely 5 am, the sun rises on Rosso Senegal, where he is, he sees few people come on and opposite, on the Mauritanian coast of the river to start the school, he warned Wali Trarza at the last minute, that's how he does, that's how he always has.

He is standing next to his Range Rover when he hears his phone ringing, yours, Mattel picks on the Senegalese bank!

His interlocutor, a young lieutenant he barely remembers the name, warned that the press will call the day after "the attempted assassination of Abdel Aziz Ould", he thanked, hangs by starting with a bang . Direction: Dakar.

The dial shows Chrome GPS Range 8:52 when entering the garage of a villa on the outskirts of Almada, the door opens, Muhammad is relieved to see the Commander Sidiya. After seeing his smile, he understood that everything is back to normal, that's also having a reactive team.

It sank into the chair, took a glass of tea and listen to the presentation of his right arm: the pipe is good, the five conspirators were arrested in a house Tigeund they were preparing to intercept Mohamed on the road. According to the first record of the interrogation, they had all the necessary information, for example, they knew he was alone, they know the make, model, color and even the number plate of his car and, most importantly, they knew when he passes the border.

Currently, the five are under arrest at the General Staff, who has criticized (and which should be part of the plot) was arrested with them, he had held them together to do not arouse their supper, of course, upon arrest, he was set apart, actuellemnt he waits in the office of Chief of Staff.

Sidiya And to conclude:
- Since you ask me, a jet waits on the tarmac of the airfield Dakar-Yoff just minutes away.
- I have one last favor to ask, my friend, could you, please, take care of the reward of Lieutenant, see if he wants a promotion, a rank of Captain or money, give him what he wants, after all, he saved my life.
- You see the account today?
- Why? - To say thank you, right?
- No way, give him everything he wants but I do not wish to meet him, I hate snitches.
- At your service, sir.
While the jet was climbing, Ould Abdel Aziz was turning the matter into his head, for the hundredth time: there Y'avait three people during this trip, three women specifically:

1 - El Boukhary Khattou Mint, the First Lady, but also his partner in business, money was transferred its share of advance granted by Lakchmi Mittal, through the sale of SNIM to Arcelor-Mittal, a sale which would not have been possible without the interpersonal skills of Khattou, and especially without the ascendancy when it is presented she exerts on her husband, the President of the Republic,
2 - His future wife, Amal Mint Cheikh Abdallahi Councillor (and daughter) of the President, responsible for relations with donors - those, precisely, that had Tekeiber surprise, lying on the desk of Ould Abdel Aziz, who was administering a deep cunnilingus
3 - His ex-wife Tekeiber Mint Ahmed.
By the time the plane flew over the Rose Lake, one idea, violently, Ould Abdel Aziz: One woman knew the model of his car, the last of three he has seen, just before taking the road to Rosso, it's simple: he left the Presidency of the Republic on a military vehicle, which he abandoned in a house in Block C, in which il a récupérer la Range Rover, qu'il conduit pour la première fois et pour cause : Elle vient juste d'être livrée.
Ensuite il est passé par son ancienne maison, puis direction le Sénégal.
Quant au mobil du crime, il crevait les yeux : la jalousie.
Soulagé, il rabat le siège et sombre dans un profond sommeil, et quand le pilote amorça sa descente sur l'aéroport international de Nouakchott, il ronflait encore.
Deux jours plus tard, Sidi Ethmane Ould Ghaddour, le boyfriend d’Amal, se présente à la porte de la Présidence, ce n’est pas la première fois qu’il has since the election of Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi to lead the country, but this is the first time he comes without an appointment, it said it had no choice: Amal no longer meets its shots son.
He stops his coupe Mercedes SLK on the aisle, a guard comes to see him, he gives his name, the guard invited him to wait then again towards the command post.
few minutes later a Lieutenant-Colonel met him and, without preamble, it takes him by the throat and then pulls it out until his head comes out of the vehicle, then said: "The next time I see you in les parages, je te déchire en morceaux (ngat’ak tacheu tacheu), maintenant file, va t’en, allez oust".
A Nouakchott, dans les milieu autorisés, on dit que l’annonce du mariage de Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz et d’Amal Mint Cheikh Abdallahi n’est plus qu’une question de jours.


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