Dimanche dernier, le parti Sawab a organisé un débat intitulé « identité nationale : socles et défis », les échanges tournait essentiellement autour de la question des réfugiés. Etaient invités, entre autre :
- Mohamed Yehdih Ould Breidelleil, Sawab
- Jemile Ould Mansour, a member of the moderate Islamist
- El Moudir Ould Bouna, former minister of Ould Taya
- Khalil Ould Tayeb, APP (Nasserist)
- Ahmed Ould Beyah, writer of obedience Baathist
- Sadava El Houssein Ould Cheikh, leader WLN
- Hmah Aallah Ould Salem, a professor at the University of Nouakchott
As other personalities from politics, media and civil society. The debate was widely covered by media Arabic but, strangely, no one has mentioned French media.
Opening the debate, Mohamed Yehdih Ould Breidelleil, figure historique du nationaliste arabe en Mauritanie (courant baathiste pro Irak) a déclaré que les mauritaniens, ces derniers temps, sont perturbé à cause de l’amalgame entre la notion de citoyenneté et celle d’identité, il s’est demandé ou ira la loyauté des nouveaux arrivant ? à la Mauritanie ou à un autre pays ? ces arrivant sont-ils bien des mauritaniens de souches ?
Il a ajouter que ces question n’ont pas eu jusqu’ici des réponses claires, ce qui inquiète beaucoup de mauritaniens, en demandant aux nouveaux arrivants de prouver qu’ils sont mauritaniens de souche et que leurs loyauté va d’abord Mauritania, before concluding by asking to settle, once and for all, the language question, saying it is shameful that the administration continues to work primarily in French, the language of the colonizer.
He added that it is possible to envisage a number of concessions, such as the mere teaching of national languages to those who request it, but that in some cons, everyone must respect the Arabic, the language of majority in his country.
Speaking, author Baathist Ahmed Ould Beyah said that the very existence of Mauritania as a nation is threatened par trois danger :
- Une immigration galopante, en provenance du sud, qui tend à modifier la structure démographique du pays,
- Une caste francophile qui dirige le pays depuis l’indépendance, et qui offre aide et assistance aux nouveaux arrivant, notamment dans l’administration publique,
- Un parapluie protecteur, dirigé par la France, qui tend à effacer l’identité culturel du pays.
Hmad Allah Ould Salem, professeur à l’université de Nouakchott, a quand à lui mis en garde contre la fin de l’état mauritanien si l’immigration se poursuit, il a ensuite dénoncé le rôle joué par Youssou N'Dour in 1989. He said during the events of April 1989, the renowned Senegalese artist would have led to the lynching of the Moors and looting their property. And Ould Salem to express his surprise because the same Youssou N'Dour was allowed to Nouakchott, the highest level, there 's a few weeks.
Others have estimated that the country is the most critical period in its history, its politics outside (but inside) is run from Dakar to Ouagadougou.
Speaking on behalf of his party, the RFD, Sadava Ould Cheikh El Houssein when to recognized him in Senegal, Mali and Burkina Faso as the right to interfere, he said, as long as these countries have planned and financed the campaign of the current president, therefore it is logical that these countries require a return on investment, even at the expense of national sovereignty of Mauritania.
Sadava to add that the Prime Minister Zein Ould Zeidane is deported even if he tries to forget it because he was deported to Senegal in 1989, and as such it has no right to ignore the Calvary Mauritanians who were like him expelled from Senegal in 1989.
Sadava threw a stone into the pond, saying that one of the members of the current government is of Senegalese nationality, adding that the crisis of the Arabic language is not only economic but identity, saying that 85% of Mauritanians are unable to hold decent jobs because they were taught in Arabic, while French is required to work, according to him it is a policy intended in view of the real tramps Mauritanian denying them decent conditions of life. The Nasserist
Khalil Ould Tayeb (APP) and Bouna Ould El Moudir (RDRP) have gently contradicts the claims of their "brothers" Baathist, when at Jemil Ould Mansour, he spoke just to dispute the fact that Islam is part of Arab identity.
Finally, it should be noted that the government of Zein Ould Zeidane has four black African minister:
- Minister of the Interior Yall Zakaria was born in 1951 in Aioun,
- Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Corréra Issagha, born in 1942 in Maghama,
- Minister of Handicrafts and Tourism Ba Madine Madiaw, born in 1953 in Rosso,
- Minister of Fisheries: Soumare Alassane, born in Dakar in 1951. All are
Mauritanian citizen, by elimination, the only one capable of attracting the wrath of the RFD is Alassane Soumare, given his birthplace.
For information, Alassane Soumare is a descendant of an illustrious family and Guidimagha, his brother is Soumare Ousmane who needs no introduction when his father, he is grand chief of the village of Ghabou always in Guidimagha.
The charge is serious because, according to the Mauritanian constitution, any citizen of Mauritania, which has a non-Mauritanian passport is automatically stripped of his nationality, so according Sadava Mauritania has appointed a very strategic position in the Senegalese minister of fisheries.
When he spoke at the debate Sawab, Sadava not speaking in his own behalf but on behalf of the RFD, the largest political party in the country in terms of parliamentary representation, and if he puts in doubt "mauritanité" a minister is that he has solid evidence to substantiate its claims.
If such evidence is advanced, then not only Alassane Soumare should resign, but he must be expelled to Senegal, to regularize his immigration status, and if he wishes to return to Mauritania he can always come with papers from Senegal, Mauritania and not a passport that does not merit according to the head of the RFD.
By extension, we will apply this reasoning to everyone, there is no reason that victims are always the same, because according to his official biography, Aicha Mint Sidi Bouna, our Environment Minister, was born in 1975 in Moscow ...! Recall that
Sadava joined the RFD after the fall of Ould Taya and his time as a fervent activist PRDS, he had no such scruples, otherwise he would have noticed that Mint El Welaty Mohamedou Ould Michel and, for example, both have French passports, but that did not stop him from holding ministerial positions, and what did not prevent Sadava applaud their appointments. Last
details: Sadava was born in Mali.
- Mohamed Yehdih Ould Breidelleil, Sawab
- Jemile Ould Mansour, a member of the moderate Islamist
- El Moudir Ould Bouna, former minister of Ould Taya
- Khalil Ould Tayeb, APP (Nasserist)
- Ahmed Ould Beyah, writer of obedience Baathist
- Sadava El Houssein Ould Cheikh, leader WLN
- Hmah Aallah Ould Salem, a professor at the University of Nouakchott
As other personalities from politics, media and civil society. The debate was widely covered by media Arabic but, strangely, no one has mentioned French media.
Opening the debate, Mohamed Yehdih Ould Breidelleil, figure historique du nationaliste arabe en Mauritanie (courant baathiste pro Irak) a déclaré que les mauritaniens, ces derniers temps, sont perturbé à cause de l’amalgame entre la notion de citoyenneté et celle d’identité, il s’est demandé ou ira la loyauté des nouveaux arrivant ? à la Mauritanie ou à un autre pays ? ces arrivant sont-ils bien des mauritaniens de souches ?
Il a ajouter que ces question n’ont pas eu jusqu’ici des réponses claires, ce qui inquiète beaucoup de mauritaniens, en demandant aux nouveaux arrivants de prouver qu’ils sont mauritaniens de souche et que leurs loyauté va d’abord Mauritania, before concluding by asking to settle, once and for all, the language question, saying it is shameful that the administration continues to work primarily in French, the language of the colonizer.
He added that it is possible to envisage a number of concessions, such as the mere teaching of national languages to those who request it, but that in some cons, everyone must respect the Arabic, the language of majority in his country.
Speaking, author Baathist Ahmed Ould Beyah said that the very existence of Mauritania as a nation is threatened par trois danger :
- Une immigration galopante, en provenance du sud, qui tend à modifier la structure démographique du pays,
- Une caste francophile qui dirige le pays depuis l’indépendance, et qui offre aide et assistance aux nouveaux arrivant, notamment dans l’administration publique,
- Un parapluie protecteur, dirigé par la France, qui tend à effacer l’identité culturel du pays.
Hmad Allah Ould Salem, professeur à l’université de Nouakchott, a quand à lui mis en garde contre la fin de l’état mauritanien si l’immigration se poursuit, il a ensuite dénoncé le rôle joué par Youssou N'Dour in 1989. He said during the events of April 1989, the renowned Senegalese artist would have led to the lynching of the Moors and looting their property. And Ould Salem to express his surprise because the same Youssou N'Dour was allowed to Nouakchott, the highest level, there 's a few weeks.
Others have estimated that the country is the most critical period in its history, its politics outside (but inside) is run from Dakar to Ouagadougou.
Speaking on behalf of his party, the RFD, Sadava Ould Cheikh El Houssein when to recognized him in Senegal, Mali and Burkina Faso as the right to interfere, he said, as long as these countries have planned and financed the campaign of the current president, therefore it is logical that these countries require a return on investment, even at the expense of national sovereignty of Mauritania.
Sadava to add that the Prime Minister Zein Ould Zeidane is deported even if he tries to forget it because he was deported to Senegal in 1989, and as such it has no right to ignore the Calvary Mauritanians who were like him expelled from Senegal in 1989.
Sadava threw a stone into the pond, saying that one of the members of the current government is of Senegalese nationality, adding that the crisis of the Arabic language is not only economic but identity, saying that 85% of Mauritanians are unable to hold decent jobs because they were taught in Arabic, while French is required to work, according to him it is a policy intended in view of the real tramps Mauritanian denying them decent conditions of life. The Nasserist
Khalil Ould Tayeb (APP) and Bouna Ould El Moudir (RDRP) have gently contradicts the claims of their "brothers" Baathist, when at Jemil Ould Mansour, he spoke just to dispute the fact that Islam is part of Arab identity.
Finally, it should be noted that the government of Zein Ould Zeidane has four black African minister:
- Minister of the Interior Yall Zakaria was born in 1951 in Aioun,
- Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Corréra Issagha, born in 1942 in Maghama,
- Minister of Handicrafts and Tourism Ba Madine Madiaw, born in 1953 in Rosso,
- Minister of Fisheries: Soumare Alassane, born in Dakar in 1951. All are
Mauritanian citizen, by elimination, the only one capable of attracting the wrath of the RFD is Alassane Soumare, given his birthplace.
For information, Alassane Soumare is a descendant of an illustrious family and Guidimagha, his brother is Soumare Ousmane who needs no introduction when his father, he is grand chief of the village of Ghabou always in Guidimagha.
The charge is serious because, according to the Mauritanian constitution, any citizen of Mauritania, which has a non-Mauritanian passport is automatically stripped of his nationality, so according Sadava Mauritania has appointed a very strategic position in the Senegalese minister of fisheries.
When he spoke at the debate Sawab, Sadava not speaking in his own behalf but on behalf of the RFD, the largest political party in the country in terms of parliamentary representation, and if he puts in doubt "mauritanité" a minister is that he has solid evidence to substantiate its claims.
If such evidence is advanced, then not only Alassane Soumare should resign, but he must be expelled to Senegal, to regularize his immigration status, and if he wishes to return to Mauritania he can always come with papers from Senegal, Mauritania and not a passport that does not merit according to the head of the RFD.
By extension, we will apply this reasoning to everyone, there is no reason that victims are always the same, because according to his official biography, Aicha Mint Sidi Bouna, our Environment Minister, was born in 1975 in Moscow ...! Recall that
Sadava joined the RFD after the fall of Ould Taya and his time as a fervent activist PRDS, he had no such scruples, otherwise he would have noticed that Mint El Welaty Mohamedou Ould Michel and, for example, both have French passports, but that did not stop him from holding ministerial positions, and what did not prevent Sadava applaud their appointments. Last
details: Sadava was born in Mali.
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