Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Retroactive Combat Action Badge 2010

biased application of the "netiquette" on the monitoring of comments on Radio-Canada.ca

Julie Miville-Dechêne, Ombudsman,
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Subject: Implementation of the biased "netiquette" on the control of new comments at the bottom of the CBC. AC

Occasionally while browsing the site of the new Radio-Canada.ca I read the footnotes the "comments" that each user can leave. Sometimes it says things stunning, anti-American conspiracy theories, anti-racism Canadian English, Anglophobia, dubious explanations of crime, this can sometimes push yourself to intervene to make another point of view, correct facts, or just show his indignation.

So I created an account on the website of Radio-Canada.ca, "Jammer", recorded a few months ago with only a dozen which interventions have been published since May of this year. I must say that I avoid usually go to comments so it is often distressing , except that late last night, I made two exceptions that were demonstrations of a rather disturbing phenomenon from my point of view among employees of Radio-Canada, which is do not know the name but have the power to control opinions under the guise of "netiquette". By checking this "netiquette" fairly restrictive, rigorous, which lends to many interpretations, I realize that its application varies greatly in the range of interpretation that the policy position / ideology that is issued by the member.

Last night (Sunday night November 28 to November 29), I sent two interventions. Other times, I used to copy and paste my intervention in a "Notepad" in Windows to keep a copy in case my response would be published as if it would be modified to compare ... But yesterday I did not. I trust you would not find a reason in the "netiquette" to prevent publication of my comments.

New # 1


A member comes to the bottom of the news and wondered why people pay for a service that is free elsewhere.

My response provides an explanation:

can pay because we do not like conventional radio regulated in Canada with 65% of French music in the French-language stations, quotas imposed by a judge as I worthy of totalitarian nationalism.

Since it is late, I check the next day in the afternoon (Monday, 29 September) to see if my response is indeed released ... Surprise, it's not. I therefore conclude that I can not challenge a measure of the state, even with rational arguments and placed in correct French. So I can not challenge the idea of "protecting" a language and restrict the choice to listeners ... So I can not answer the question arose the other user. This is not the right answer according to the censor paid by my taxes Radio-Canada. So there are good and bad opinions, direct violation of my freedom of expression under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which breach is not justified by any abuse from me, rudeness, or other behavior not -acceptable.

New # 2


There I knew it would be difficult given some editorial positions at Radio-Canada. My speech focused on questioning the validity of disclosures of secret diplomacy of our Western governments. Especially this time, any user can reveal the cards that our governments have in hand, the analysis and thoughts of our diplomats, governments directly thugs who cause us trouble.

I said that "any idiot" could now with a computer, "intervene in peace or war between countries" and that this situation was very unfortunate. course, my position contrasts with those that dominate in the comments of users and Radio-Canada.ca that they are "allowed" by the moderators Radio-Canada.ca.

Again, I have issued no rudeness or direct insult other users . The term "idiot" seems possible to describe people like me, people of Quebec, the regional people, people who vote Conservative, people who want a car rather than public transit, people who believe that democracy and market economy are what is best to serve humanity. Described as "idiot", the act of publishing information that highlight such requests to the United States by Saudi Arabia to attack Iran, without analyzing the impact and relevance ... it does not go for the "moderator" Radio-Canada.ca.

I think it's possible to check what is accepted or rejected by the moderators ... it is normally stored somewhere. Myself I moderate comments on my blog and posts I find offensive is held.

I could cite other examples, I could keep copies of my speeches refused. I could try it and you build a case. You could also send my complaint to the boss censors called "moderators" ... But I fear it will be useless because nothing will change. I'm convancu well as employees of Radio-Canada today are clearly selected according to endorse the editorial policy of the CBC, a state within a state , a Crown corporation that serves the interests of private companies such as Gesca / Power Corporation. Needless to remind you that while it "welcomed" the publication of diplomatic notes on Wikileaks, Radio-Canada is a Crown corporation opaque worthy of North Korea, which goes to court to prevent publication of infiormations how are spent billions of taxpayer dollars whether in talk shows or in the expense accounts of senior executives golden. Ironic ...

In my opinion, he should not have much space for comments on Radio-Canada.ca, because in fact there is often more room for the news itself. These comments are not serious, the research, the rigor of a new completed by an information professional. These comments are not needed in the current role of Radio-Canada, in the absence of a neutral sort based on strict rules as simple as possible.

Thank you in advance for your attention.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Small Islands Tourism Education

I am not their

The broad definition of friends aujoud'hui by social networks like Facebook can bring many misunderstandings. One of these misunderstandings is that my blog is published on the "Banana Republic", along with funny characters. We identified all right, we put in one basket ... Therefore, we are "friends".

The Quebec law is in full reflection (thought long and sometimes have to act). On one side was lucid nationalists who could join the movement still imaginary Francois Legault, and maybe Joseph Facal, a man almost too polished in Quebec who do not like intellectuals, or when they not say what one wants to hear, when they are not universally available for the leisure society or arrives without effort, as a retreat after not really worked.

other hand you have the Freedom Network Quebec, with Éric Duhaime has firmly responded to the court Everyone speaks Version Plateau Montreal. Securely, but still on a defensive, being in hostile territory. Réjean Parent, who fled the live debate in front of Eric Duhaime LCN ... Jeff Fillion but Eric invites his event in Quebec, as a good dose of populism (bin yes it exists) in a reflection serious intellectual who wants ... a sort of hot dog mustard in a restaurant 4 services. Hot dogs, it's good every once in a while, before a hockey game or baseball, not parliamentary, not in its place.

Still, there is another group, those who claim the "real right", more than others.

Personally, after defending attacks surnoises La Presse and Radio-Canada against Jeff Plante for their support in a campaign where the ADQ's ideas were really stir, I find his friends and Facebook co-authors (with whom I have no link) on "Banana Republic" people who condemn contraception and denounce "the murder of millions of fetuses.

past few weeks I pinch myself, I even think ... hallucinating.

Full of ideas, Scuse the term "To shit", as backward as the burka, as that mothers should stay home with their rolling pin ... washing diapers and listen to the fires of love preparing good pies, mmm ... nostalgia of good pies. Stakeholders on this blog criticizing the position of Gerard Deltell ADQ wants more emphasis on English in school ... I found myself having to intervene and convince people of the importance of English, before I seek treatment for "Francophobe," "Idiot of Quebec" which "excludes" (bugz in the head nationalists unilingual greater Montreal, who think more with their prejudices cultivated by never going out of their corner of the country).

One commenter even said that English was a "useless skill. Do not you think it feels disappointed because the PQ a little too close MNLQ?

They leave a very valid opinion, is the challenge of being RCTs to take us elsewhere. It reminds the person a little light that opens the door to Jehovah's Witnesses, who dressed as itinerant insurance salesmen from one gate to another, address the people on topics that will join them as economic hardship, wars in the world, and after they have the solution to all by god + 10% of your income. Do not just accept them, do not deal with them. Reclosing the door.

Just last week, Jeff relayed to me by Facebook a text of an author not so identified, a hysterical against abortion, and another link ... A woman who denounces contraception. A few weeks ago, by automatic I do not know, a text which set out the Pope's position on contraception in Africa (which I think is a crime against humanity). Fortunately, it appears to have been removed.

Jeff Plante denies wanting to debate. It relays positions that would not necessarily his, to provoke discussion ... what? We can debate the necessity of exterminating the Jews for that matter ... if everything is valid discussion ... No, no and no! It undermines its credibility and mortgage just over his political future now providing real weapons at his opponents that will be used against him, and this time it will be untenable.

That would be, the real debate, the "real right"? We will take what is more stupid the right, the marginalized, as why not people who believe that dinosaurs came into contact humans? In debating? A scientific conspiracy to keep us out of God fabricated evidence that invalidates the Genesis. Yikes!

Bravo for the credibility of the right of Quebec! It would have been able to unite freaks and create a sanctuary where ideas are the most reprehensible now acceptable in the name of democracy. You know, East Germany Es t which we could not leave without taking the risk of being shot boasted the name "German Democratic Republic" (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) and there are also Democratic Republic Congo where democracy is still a word used indiscriminately.

is a fine line positions before when racist advocates reducing immigration ... Especially there is no guideline or theme. What I am among those blogs on "Banana Republic"? Is this a recipe for the establishment of a real banana republic?

I already wrote here about the comparison between the right and the Anglo-Saxon countries a majority of Catholics (this also applies to the Orthodox). We like with our two small words that Americans have a strong moral conservative right, pourtant l'avortement est y est permis depuis les années '70. Là nous avons des pseudo-libertariens qui veulent que l'état intervienne par-dessus les droits individuels des femmes... Tout cela ressemble bien plus à un néo-fascisme que des débats cohérents.

Voici le vidéo d'un homme fâché que des imbéciles pro-vie aient insulté sa femme qui doit subir une intervention dans une clinique parce que son bébé est mort.

Pendant qu'on se bat (depuis des années) pour faire comprendre que la droite c'est pas nécessairement reciters of these rosaries protesting against abortion and insult women who live a drama in front of clinics, or the brown shirts of Adrien Arcand ... The line to which I belong does not accept the argument, nor the presence of senile white berets marching alongside them. I have much in common with them than with Françoise David and Alexa Conradi.

This is not true that every debate deserve to be honored. The earth is a ball, we will discuss it. The dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago ... even though the Bible says that the world was created not bad after. We will not retreat to discuss with people for whom it is not worth the trouble. is not discussed with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for Israel's right to exist. We do not market what Pyongyang has the right to kill millions of its inhabitants. These are obvious. Banana Republic

aptly named, and I know where it comes from the name (and this idea of the flag). During my years as a blogger and a few times on the radio, I denounced the forces who wanted to lead Quebec to become a banana republic, they are identifiable both the left and right. The right to Latin America, Italy (Berlusconi fraternizing avec les néo-fascistes), les nostalgiques du régime franquiste en Espagne, ils ont toujours accouché de monstres hybrides entre l'oligarchie, le libre-marché, l'interventionnisme étatique fort dans la vie des citoyens, l'autoritarisme, le despotisme.

J'vais y aller dans un autre sens; même Stephen Harper et George Bush, des épouvantails de droite dressés par les extrêmistes de gauche, ont accédé au pouvoir en prenant le soin de faire le ménage , continuellement dans leur entourage, les vieux monstres dans les enclos... Pour ne pas que des intrus indéfendables viennent saboter tout le reste. Un député conservateur de l'ouest ne pourrait not be seen participating in a demonstration where they burn and trample the flag of Quebec, he would return.

Maybe a party would join the neo-white beret 0.7% of the vote in an election ... they have the right to exist, the right to make a contest of nonsense ... There are already the Christian Democracy Party (nothing to do with the Christian Democrats in Europe), No Party, the Reform Party financial , Affiliation Quebec, and the well known but not so popular Bloc Pot . But all this is without me and without any complacency on my part.

I was hard with Jeff Fillion and his populist level ... but it can not cause as much trouble with his inconsistencies and blunders that are not always in bad faith that creationists, people against the use of contraception (which we want to happen as rabbits question "Africanizing the planet"), and nationalists who want to be taught in Cantonese instead of English.

So ... For these reasons, j'officiallise withdraw my support for Jeff Plante, who is desperately seeking "friends" to the point of having impaired. I am greatly disappointed because his speech few years ago was not at all in that direction and I fear he uses these "debates" to find a niche in the comfortable margin, which manages the platform very far into the stands. I do not want to be part of this "federation" of bloggers, leaves my side to have fewer friends, especially fewer readers. I'm betting that my personal beliefs, my integrity, without price and I can not continue to write on my blog as if all was well, for my own credibility, if released to sides of extremely non-credible.

I do what I asks the gaugauche: look with which you fight, show, act, the G20 Summit of the Americas, or events for what they call "peace." It is inconceivable to say for the peace and be with Hezbollah supporters, waving the flag with the AK-47 above. We can not be both against breakage, deploring the vandalism, and be part of the same event without denouncing the thugs.

I can not accept to be with "Quebec-life" and "Rallying identity" in particular. This gives me the creeps. Jean-Francois Plante, I believed and still believes smart enough, with whom I extensively discussed in recent weeks, has to choose these friends. It's me or them, and that's his problem if he chose them as a political calculation.

I invite other members of Banana Republic to force Jeff to plant the same choice, a matter for them as to not to put a white beret against their will, a dunce cap, due to our detractors.

I count on your decision, but you do what you want.

My position on abortion: http://philbelanger.blogspot.com/2010/03/la-demagogie-de-la-gauche-sur-la.html

Si je devais disparaître de République de Bananes, updatez vos liens avec la réelle adresse de mon blog: http://philbelanger.blogspot.com et joignez-vous à la page Facebook de mon blog qui publie régulièrement des liens et decourts commentaires: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Brouilleur-dondes/221981437115


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Circular Bump On Knuckle

friend George Bush is still right

C'était encore une fois troublant de voir les amis de Radio-Canada avec Michel C. Auger commenter l'entrevue accordée par le président George W. Bush à NBC hier, dans le contexte du lancement de sa très attendue auto-biographie, aujourd'hui. Ils se demandaient... mais il n'a no remorse? As if he had to have ...

I am honored to not hide from anyone, wherever I go, where I hear the usual comments, to remember that there is a Canadian minority, even smaller in Quebec, people who support policies this president unloved. Be more likely to believe and repeat the same things does not necessarily prevail on the merits.

A "crimes" that one criticizes the president who had to respond to the attacks of September 11, 2001 is allowed to have what is called "torture" by Radio-Canada, definition rather wide. Few people will learn to know what was actually used as "torture" against Islamist fanatics like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed by the CIA in the war on terrorism.

When most people talk about torture has made the U.S. think it electrocutions, burns, cuts and blows.

This "torture" has admitted that he allowed George W. Bush against lawyers advisers at the White House is "waterboarding" (waterboarding). We do believe in a bath which is filled to the person she will drown if it does not cooperate, the water will rise ... Finally, the CIA has drowned person. Khalid was the jihad that wet, need a towel?

has often told Radio-Canada that Omar Khadr was tortured at Guantanamo. Information has accrued in 2004-2005 that the U.S. military were listening to Metallica in the speakers to the men who want to find a few tens of deflowering virgins after death. What was the volume of sound? Which Metallica album was playing? (I preferred the Black Album) To torture me personally, Fadri put Celine Dion. You do not Adisq fact, in a "wide" definition of torture by imposing 65% of French on the radio?

Omar was rescued by the Americans, when it was found he was dying after his injuries. The first to be treated in the field, was the colleague infrmier that Omar killed with a grenade. He was treated and fed better than the Americans and Canadians. He has lectured, he was in school during his stay at Guantanamo ... his family would have liked to see him die a martyr like his father did not have to pay a penny. It tells very little of this reality.

So there would be for critics of Bush, an ideal possible, without which "waterboarding", only in offering a sweet coffee, could be drawn into the nose of a fanatical terrorist, to prevent attacks in preparation. I do not believe me. If we could save hundreds of lives of the Madrid bombings in London or "wetting" a bearded man, who badly needed a bath after being pulled from his cave ... I do not see the problem.

So there would be for critics of Bush, a solution called "diplomatic" to all problems. That's not counting 15 years of diplomatic failures in Iraq with Saddam Hussein ... erased from our collective memories, even those who are responsible inform us. Forget the tens of times the UN inspectors were expelled from Iraq when they found tracks leading to weapons of mass destruction. Forget those Scuds fell on Tel Aviv, Haifa, Kuwait City. Forgotten these satellite images released to the world, however, military convoys on their way to Syria in January 2003 during the France of the "diplomacy DeVillepin" trying to save time by all means "friend Saddam."

Bush does not regret having made the invasion of Iraq in 2003 while writing his memoirs. Like Tony Blair, was not forgotten the need to depose Saddam Hussein responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths before the invasion. There are still graves. If you have a little memory we often Kurds gassed by Chemical Ali too.

Not ... the president did not apologize to light, naive, disconnected, watching the fragments of events, news, and believe it should. Did you also forget that over 60% of Americans favored the invasion of Iraq? Is it difficult not to be made?

Michel C. Auger Radio-Canada said in a facies frustrated that attempts to "rehabilitate" George W. Bush. As if his sentences place had ever actually been founded ... George Bush is my Facebook friend, like 576,340 other people and his autobiography "Decision Points" will be very interesting. ****

Top photo: George W. Bush is in a Florida school one morning in September 2001, everything comes to switch, he learns.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Groping In Bus Movies


Have you seen the movie Idiocracy of Mike Judge ? ... The creator of King of the Hill, Beavis & Butthead, among others ... Following a recommendation, I tried and I fell on this small budget film and retail distribution in 2006, this week. It hilarious from beginning to end, I put it in my list of cult films.

Synopsis: An average American, very average IQ of 100, little ambition, officer in the army, without family, is cryogenically frozen for an experiment. Following a scandal that has settled the creators of this experience, Joe frozen with a prostitute, are forgotten for 500 years before to thaw. They wake up in a society (a prophecy) that the idiots have created a lot of idiots. Simply put, the idiots have reproduced so that society, our civilization is in decline for a long time 2505, our U.S. moyen et Rita la prostituée sont des génies qui sauveront l'humanité devenue trop stupide.

Bien sûr il y a des petits clins d'oeil qui peuvent faire sourciller le droitiste, des allusions à FoxNews (prenons la caricature), aux médias de masse et à la surconsommation (bin oui ça existe, vous et moi parfois achetons des trucs dont on a pas trop de besoin).

Étant plutôt à droite, j'y ai aussi vu de ma perspective, la déchéance que pourrait amener une société où les réformes scolaires font que les cancres ne redoublent plus une année d'étude , où un assisté social peut emprunter à la banque 500 000 $ For a house, or getting paid in-vitro fertilization by the government.

There is also a nod to the "creationist", you know, these believers in God who imagine a prehistoric human cotoyant with dinosaurs. For them, it has no sense or is irrelevant, because all that was written long ago, and since it's written And that it's been, so it must be true: That how to think in idiocratie.

At the time of the 20th century, 500 years before idiocratie, there were dinosaurs when you have founded the United Nations "dénazifier" (A for "A-nazified the world" in English, history courses in idiocratie)


The idiocratie, this may be the forfeiture of Quebecers paid model by other provinces. This can always be better to tax the fat parasites in voluntary programs created for various reasons (including elections). The idiocratie, this may be a society where the ideology of no fault, no one is responsible. Fatal crashes car produced by young idiots out of the bars weekends are just "accidents" caused by the "bad luck" will read the Facebook pages dedicated to teens who kill themselves and kill others on the road, see the state of this generation "texting". The idiocratie is the model where mediocrity is rewarded, where illiterate can say what they think every day on the radio, wanting to ride crazy freely Mustang, cell in hand, without being stopped by police .

It's not only good in the right. There is not all bad ideas left. This is not a revelation.


It are the "straight banana" on this planet. Usually you can see the problems of political balance in Latin societies, Catholic. These companies say they are more "emotional", where the defect is not frowned upon, where all "sin" is more forgiving, where the "freewill" rather let the whole place to superstition, the fate, luck versus bad luck. 's relationship with these companies is unhealthy money, money is the source of evil and man has nothing to do.

In these countries, the right is wiped off the map, it's almost the case in Quebec, is the case in France (the FN are ultra-statist), or replaced often by nationalism, ethnic emotion.

Take the relationship of the right in Italy (Berlusconi) with ultra-nationalist, descendants of Mussolini, or examples for all Latin America. I

rational right here, as is the case in Anglo-Saxon. Our fellow Canadians are English, Americans, British. I believe that

Deltell people may join, or see Maxime Bernier in practice, surrounded by creative minds, going beyond the thought and speech. But it must be Realistically, there are limits to what can be done in Quebec. There are speeches that much of the electorate does not want to hear.

*** This weekend's event was held Freedom Network Quebec to which I was invited (by Facebook), and which I could attend. After a hard week of work (I do not work in radio), I decided to see my family on Saturday and go out walking in the old Quebec with my wife on Sunday, going for coffee in a coffeehouse, eating at the restaurant. I can not believe these thoughts here ... believe in thinking it's like believe in the wind. It is this wind, the air stirred and that's all ... I have the same opinion of "reflection" Legault ... Stop thinking and do something! Tune in, dive instead of analyzing the temperature of the water! Water is good we have all seen with the CROP poll yet, last Thursday, which puts a party that is not in power.

wait that Radio-Canada and Gesca (Power Corp.) gives permission to vote for them is always that what Quebecers do.

weekend Jeff Fillion made a speech at the Freedom Network Quebec. One who has captured the creation of the ADQ, the Conservatives successfully Quebec, birth by cloning Mario Dumont (it therefore has the right to kill the media), Jeff had "invented" the right in Quebec. All this in the last 10 years! It's really a daunting task! A tour de force! Imagine what we'd be without him ... that on the eve of each election blubbering for not voting, even when the CRTC Liberal would close its radio station ...

I wondered if he could help the right of Quebec than it has done until now from between a few speeches derogatory towards intellectualism, people with glasses and diplomas he has "given birth" in the effort and pain of Mario Dumont, Josee Verner and Jeff Plante also ...

Are all these kids recognize the paternity policy? Ask them!

I was wondering in the presence of a highly charged crowd that cheered wildly at the former king of the waves of Quebec, if some wanted was not a idiocratie, a straight banana in Latin America, all with subscription fee for coherent speech of the leader. It would certainly

more while Stephane Gendron!

That the Board of Secretaries of State meeting to the White House in 2505 (Idiocracy)

- Join the Facebook group of Waves --- Scrambler

Friday, October 22, 2010

Underfloor Heating Purge Air

The Coming Home

Some people I know tomorrow will go to the event Quebec Freedom Network held in the beautiful and prosperous city of Quebec. The formation of this group occurs in the same period when other personalities like Legault, Facal, are also "thinking" for maybe one day start thinking about making a right-wing party, center-right of the north-west Perhaps the south east.

I went to see there are 4 years presented in the movies The Clap (cinema copyrights, foreign or Quebec) in autumn 2006, the documentary Johanne Marcotte, still a must, "Illusion quiet" ... I applauded the lucid manifesto in 2005.

But after all this time, it seems that little progress has been made, and the formation of the Freedom Network in Quebec, as the idea that leaks into the media of "Force Quebec" Legault gives me not only a sense of déjà vu, but also a taste of back to square one, slide the snake game snakes and ladders.

It took a few years, the ADQ had his first deputy, who was only 8 years in the National Assembly. Mario Dumont was being treated by other parliamentarians, meeting, when asked questions of "young asshole" by the old rotten. Nearly 13 years after the election of the first member, the ADQ is finally picking up the official opposition, in what some still believe a surprise, but it was rather a trend that began nearly 5 years before. The ADQ has disappointed never have been in power. Because this opposition does not seem ready many have "Spinner" their hollow slogans, Charest has called an election at the right time (do not forget you 40 billion of cash deposit provided by Dumont) and the ADQ was presqu'anéantie. Then there was the heartbreak not very elegant and now we end up with the flying shards everywhere without much gravitational force that could hold it together.

The ADQ did not deserve this fate. This is not because the platform of 2008 was uneven, imperfect, he had to sacrifice that hope. And now Gerard Deltell done a good job so he does not deserve to be shunned, dismissed, and carry the weight of the "unforgivable mistake" of the ADQ have been a false start.

It will be impossible to obtain without the power to rally at least 35% of the electorate, it is mathematical, our system works well. It will be impossible to win 35% of the electorate with Orthodox discourse claiming the truest right, or a hardcore libertarian. You do not win elections than blaming the incumbent government party. It always takes a plan and a team. There will never be a perfect plan and team. It can only have a comprehensive program, a campaign platform better-performing and best-selected candidates, better prepared ... and especially a better campaign management can control the seizures.

Some expect a messiah who will save us all. Never happened and never will. Levesque, Bouchard, Charest, Dumont, in turn been "messiahs" temporary. The fate of a messiah here as elsewhere is to be crucified at the end ... after reading the book, seen the film three times, you should know.

Some want to embark on a parade where there are already crowded. Sometimes we hear them talk with their superficial, shallow on the radio. "This Death", "nobody talks about" ... Of course, if all the world expects there to be 10 000 people in the parade, there will never be a parade! Where are the leaders? Those who dare speak to indicate that it is necessary to dive, it will do one day ...

Legault, Dumont, Bouchard, Facal, Marcotte ... those who wanted to be leaders at all costs, who refused to compromise and we all hope that the change of course, there is already a house. Repeat the paint if you want, change the cabinets, add a solarium ... The house is already there anyway.

Returning home, invite the world to home. Sooner or later he will have to work together.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Watch Family Guy On My Ipod

Having head up the UN

Radio-Canada Ottawa and the opposition will field day this week to defeat Canadian to obtain a seat on the Security Council of the United Nations.

For them, this "diplomatic slap" is a punishment that Canada deserves to have elected a Conservative government. You should understand why we lost something big that you can not imagine that we are outcasts, nobody respects us now is historically dramatic, Emmanuelle Latraverse we remind each hour RDI for our greater good: the earth would have stopped rotating, it was not so serious. It's missing a comment from Jean Chretien who prides its policy of hostility Trudeauist United States (and friendly to Cuba), I heard a radio in a newscast, as if Jean Chretien was a visionary respectable.

What values and principles behind this rather twisted mentality to adjust our values and principles by our stakeholders, aiming to win the popularity contest "Miss A" by fucking the founding principles of the United Nations that we would be supposed cherish: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Russia and China, permanent members au Conseil de sécurité, ayant un droit de veto à ce "conseil des ministres" des Nations Unies, ne respectent en RIEN la déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme. Ont-ils à répondre de leurs actes que ce soit en renvoyant des Coréens du Nord qui fuient se faire tuer chez eux (Chine), ou bien d'envahir et de piller des villes en Géorgie (Russie été 2008)? Non, jamais.

Est-ce que Michael Ignatieff croit qu'un Canada qui a un gouvernement conservateur avec un siège au Conseil de sécurité est mauvais pour le monde?

Le Canada a perdu un concours de popularité devant le "concert des nations", which among others includes rogue nations with large numbers of countries supporting international terrorism, countries where the woman has no right, countries that n'ésitent not to kill, rape, starve their own people.

Do you understand that it is normal that the thugs of this world hate the Boy Scouts?

France, Great Britain and the United States also sit permanently on the Security Council. Them NOT to vote on the most friendly and beautiful country in the UN court decorum. If they did, they would not earn more than Canada mostly. Consider just recently the decision of France d'interdire le voile intégral en public, ce qui automatiquement met à dos un certain nombre de pays musulmans. Est-ce une raison de changer sa politique pour faire plaisir à Mahmoud Ahmadinejad qui régulièrement va livrer un discours-dégobillat aux Nations Unies? J'espère que non.

Une organisation, pas parfaite, mais qui n'a pas perdu son honneur comme les Nations Unies, c'est l'OTAN. C'est l'OTAN qui nous défendra lorsque nous serons menacés, c'est L'OTAN qui agit lorsque les Nations Unies sont paralysées par leurs membres délinquants. Ce sont les Nations Unies qui n'agissent même pas lorsqu'ils sont sur place lors d'un génocide, comme un bain de sang au Rwanda... C'était les Nations Unies qui n'ont pas pu défendre des enclaves qui devaient être protégées en Bosnie (Sarajevo, Sebrenica), qui ont laissé passer les Serbes faire de l'épuration ethnique.

La déclaration du ministre Cannon est parfaitement adaptée.

Qu'il en soit ainsi!

Pendant ce temps, l'Ouganda, la Turquie (qui refuse de reconnaître le génocide arménien), le Mexique (en pleine guerre civille), le Nigeria, et le Gabon siègent temporairement au Conseil de sécurité... Tous des pays reconnus comme étant meilleurs que le Canada...

Si d'être cohérent, de défendre des principes de grande valeur comme le fait très bien le Canada, nuit à sa "popularité" auprès du concert des nations... Qu'il en soit ainsi... c'est justement plus authentique et intègre de ne pas ajuster ses principes en fonction de la perception des autres.

C'est peut-être bien plus un HONNEUR d'avoir perdu ce concours de popularité auprès de ce "concert de nations" ...et je suis pas moins fier de mon pays aujourd'hui, AU CONTRAIRE!

Nous avons tout pour avoir le tête haute devant les autres nations de ce monde.


Le mois dernier Michael Ignatieff avait déclaré Canada does not deserve to seat, he said, Canada has the wrong direction since the Conservatives came to power. Of course this kind of rhetoric has been repeated outside at a bad time: So there was a division in Canada on merit or not to have this seat. Observers always so forgiving with the Liberals, had then spoken of "unfortunate statement" Ignatieff. Today after making those comments and maybe even have him overnight to Canada's role, he will stand up and say that this is a demonstration that he was right?

Perhaps in this way, Michael Ignatieff has proved that he not deserve to be prime minister of this country. Being in opposition, he has interfered in the work that the government was to get a seat, as if this country when directed by someone other than him is not his country.

This is part of the campaign to demonize conservative policies carried out by people who have never been better to present.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


The Federation of ... women?

(this is their amended October 8 WITHOUT referring to the cannon fodder)

This is not the first Once the "Federation of Women" falls into the ridiculous by targeting women. In fact, since as far as I can remember, the Federation of Women Frances same time David had the annoying habit of attacking women, mothers, daughters first ... to serve an ideology to wage another struggle that they are supposed to lead.

Early awakening of my political consciousness, I was doing college radio at Cegep, and I was in the newspaper ... that the funders of the student were "too right". Participating in meetings and, having opposite a student strike, I found at the time that the association levied, with the direction of college, money for students to do more than defend their interests, the core mission of organization. I realized that the loot was used among others to give a contribution to an association of student organizations that also published a newspaper (which is fun to throw in the trash blows handles copies). At the end of the line, the association was remote controlled by a central union of workers (unlike students) who passed the full length of their agenda ideological, it was programmed like that.

Students paid to be leveraged for many other causes, welfare recipients, professors of collective agreements (to be fixed), higher minimum wage, free health services ... Some twenty dollars paid by students were used to almost anything except the mission for which said collecting the money. The well-oiled machine had to be at the service of a company without the company paying such amounts, not to know.

The "Federation of Women" is a bit the same. They are there, before David maintenmant Conradi. Ideology above the critical issues of women. Welfare recipients before the victims of child prostitution (on which they are silent). Or even support the free port of the burka here in Quebec, funny way to defend the emancipation and equality of women ... Have you ever heard that the Women's Federation defended the mothers who do not find a place in day care and who must leave a job? Not me.

Who pays for the federation of women? You and me. If you pay taxes. Yet they do not fulfill the mission for which the organization existe, et pour lequel il est financé, sans trop qu'on ne le sache.

D'ailleurs on dirait que les intérêts réels de la "Fédération" n'est pas la femme moyenne, conjointe, mère, travailleuse, contribuable. Il y a comme un arrière goût d'assisté social, célibataire, en colère contre les hommes de la planète, comploteurs phallocrates responsables de leurs malheurs. Elles semblent surtout extra-terrestres au concret de la vie de la femme hétérosexuelle Québécoise moyenne.

Voilà maintenant que ces bibittes caméléons de politique d'extrême gauche, affirmant représenter les intérêts des femmes du Québec se servent des sentiments de la mère qui a vécu ce qu'il y a de pire, perdre son enfant à la guerre pour passer l'agenda de l'internationale socialiste, le faire avaler de force, profiter de notre insouciance québécoise de tribu qui se sent isolée des conflits d'outre-mer, pour forcer un retrait (qui est annoncé de toute façon) d'Afghanistan.

On pourra prendre ce vidéo, qui n'a pas vraiment jouit d'une diffusion à grande échelle vu qu'il était surtout pour leur site internet, de tous les cotés... il n'y a que de la plus bête bêtise.

Comme je vous le disais... la mission de combat en Afghanistan achève. Le retrait est prévu depuis long time, even if many of us can ask ourselves if it will function as something to go there if it is to get out before finishing, as it remains much work to do ( work that is among others to kill these wild and the Taliban).

Second, the original video is played by an actress in a very ordinary cheap white decor, with the following scenario: His oldest died, his second and returned committed crazy, and the youngest wants to go (we shows one piece of a bikini top ... report?). It is as if the three were due to the same fate, dying in what is called "Cannon fodder". Yet, the tens of thousands of Canadian military who have their turn in Afghanistan, only about 150 were killed ... especially those who were at the wrong time, wrong place, wrong with the ticket number. We are far from the beach at Dieppe, even Juno Beach in Normandy.

Third, the props (it's probably the same person as the camera-woman FFQ), put in your pocket with the infantry green bikini top, a supposed assault rifle that actually form an AK-47 (Kalashnikov), the weapon of choice for Taliban guerrillas and everywhere. The Canadian soldier he has a C-7, de Colt, un M-16 américain modifié sous brevet.

Quatrièmement, même en ayant eu un fils mort en Afghanistan, est-ce que ça existerait une mère qui dirait avec autant de conviction qu'elle regrette d'avoir mis au monde ses enfants parce qu'ils ont servi à la guerre? Les mères normales chérissent leur enfant, et toutes les mères qui ont perdu un fils à la guerre, leur fils est leur héros, elles ne regrettent en rien de leur avoir donné la vie, elles regrettent seulement qu'ils aient perdu la vie. Ce scénario plus qu'improbable me fait encore plus croire que les femmes de la "Fédération" ne sont pas du tout animées par une compassion pour les mères, still less by feelings of mothers.

Finally, what would be the FFQ with this video which was shot on TV because he created a controversy, not because the FFQ was paid "advertising" at the end of the line?

Was it to convince us that the FFQ has no trial ... that it is women who handle roughly heartless? Forever discredit the argument says "peace"? If that was the goal, it Ms. Conradi completely successful.

To settle the case of "cannon fodder"

Returning on Education québécoise qui apprend à tous les petits écoliers qu'il fait parti d'un peuple "spécial", mais victime de méchants anglais... Selon la mythologie nationaliste québécoise, nos grands pères ont servi de chair à canon en Europe dans la 2e guerre mondiale. Il fadrais juste rappeller que l'abbattoir à juifs était en marche, que le monde était à feu et à sang, et que de rester chez soi comme s'il ne se passait rien, c'était comme de jouer le jeu des Allemands. Bien sûr les Québécois ont largement voté contre la conscription en 1942, mais ils étaient aussi sous l'influence d'une élite catholique fortement antisémite, en plus que le Québec n'étant not a country, was part of a whole, that he had decided to get involved. As a Quebecer whose two grandfathers were raised (a volunteer and a conscript) and the two have survived this dark period, I would like some analysis:

1) Quebec has betrayed his cousins mostly French-occupied Germany in the plebiscite of 1942. The argument was that it was still "the war of others".

2) Between 1942 and 2010, we are still numerous in Quebec to bet on the wrong side and believe that we are still victims.

3) Given that Quebecers were more likely to be recruited after 1942, they were less educated, low skilled and therefore less strategic value in the field and trained volunteers.

expression might be more appropriate to comment on the First World War, where soldiers were dying in the trenches, mud, where their bodies many fertilized soil. A war which is still looking for the meaning now almost 100 years later. Again, the French Canadians have served and sacrifice, but not more than the others died by the tens of millions. The world does not revolve around us.


Finally, besides the fact that the FFQ has insulted the memory of the soldiers died for what I believe to still be a worthy cause (our country), and spat in the face of grieving mothers ... if I ignore these aspects shocking, I must thank the "Federation" for having demonstrated once again that the far left serves no one here, that war is crazy extremists like the Taliban and the FFQ . That's the kind of event we do not see coming, but I take comfort in my position.

We do not touch our heroes, including the zeros?


Friday, October 1, 2010

Witty Wedding Card Message

Consultation on the plan for "sustainable mobility" or in terms of "debility sustainable?

Intervention remise dans le cadre des consultations publiques menées par la ville de Québec sur le plan de "mobilité durable", le 30 septembre 2010

Débilité définition

1.grande faiblesse.
2.caractère d'une chose contraire à la raison, au bon sens.
3.(psychologie) débilité mentale : faiblesse des facultés intellectuelles.

Nous assistons avec ces consultations à edifying arguments clearly reflect attacks against taxpayers and their use of their vehicle against their freedom of movement. This spread in verbiage, a language which, nauseous, as empty as the clouds or bodies shoveled by subsidized employee lobbyists parasites to our hook us taxpayers, some who are paid to come and bring their grievances, it while we the workers victims of these future plans social demotion, do not all the time between work, diapers, day care, sleep, come take one of our few days off to explain our elected officials supposed to represent us, how it is worrying to see so many vultures plotters in action.

Whether our cars cons, cons the number of rooms we can allow our future homes, what little land we will have to satisfy us to see our children grow, there is always something to destroy these great masters of environmental virtue. Of course, these vultures conspirators all have one eye on the amounts that will be "invested" to sabotage the future of our city, as has been done elsewhere, an issue to have its share of the cake, contracts and / or future reference for future issues to resolve, created through consultations "planted" as they are often monopolized by extremists.

We hear these exclamations: "Restrict the parking lot!" Moratorium! "Cut lanes!" Streetcar! "Several avenues seem already selected, plans are already in circulation, beyond the interests of the people of the silent majority, the key word est: RESTRICTIONS .

Mon père a été élevé dans Saint Sauveur. Le progrès qu'il a accompli à force de persévérance dans ses études et dans son travail avec le bond que la société a accompli entre les années 40 et 70, l'a amené à acheter une maison en banlieue pour le confort de sa famille en 1976. Promettre un retour à Saint Sauveur et aux transports collectifs à nos descendants est non seulement un net recul, mais aussi une inéquité intergénérationnelle . Ce n'est que le fantasme d'une infime minorité grano pseudo durable-équitable, c'est une imposture de les let him speak for all. theories called "progressive" Le Soleil act may very well be the ego of a right-thinking bourgeoisie Sillery but are outside our solar system when the practical life of all days Limoilou, Charlesbourg and Lac St. Charles, three places where I lived.

My wife is an immigrant, born in the Soviet Union under Brezhnev. His parents could not afford engineers to have a Lada, whose purchase price was set too high, because the communist state did not quite unproductive. A family which both parents worked, with two children, were forced to live in an apartment rather basic in concrete towers, housing distributed by the state. Of course, the apparatchiks of them had homes and Volga cars with V8 engine. We all saw after the fall of the USSR 'reds' to become green surface, such as watermelons. The ideology of totalitarian, undemocratic, survives today in fantasies RESTRICTIVE environmentalists who monopolize public space, through their ideological interests and lots of free time to conduct "outreach". Today a new tax on cars, less parking, difficult access to city center ... Tomorrow, a system that will control our lives even more for the supposed greater good of nature and a class of privileged access to power.

Yes, we are guilty to driving economic activity using our cars, in a society where institutional parasitism seems increasingly take over more and more suffocating and the thin margin maneuver that left ordinary citizens honest and helpful, family, contributing public funds.
For the makers
I make a caveat: If the citizen is used to withdraw services, remove their freedom of choice, making him always pay more for infrastructure necessary knowingly inadequate binding required to make travel in shakers as a century ago, get ready to resistance to the dictatorship being implemented.

Urban sprawl is another mild solution with disadvantages, mergers of 2002 will aid to families further away from the center and then the first ring, more and more hostile, unapproachable, overtaxed, enemies to their development.

I imagine very many people who have decided to defend himself before the repeated attacks against their standard of living, comfort, well deserved after paying taxes, municipal taxes, gasoline taxes, registration, Transit fees on registration, and parking. I suggest that once the damage done to our lives, class actions against both institutions, as against fanatics funded agencies, as well as against companies that have planted ideas to get contrats publics lucratifs, influençant le cours des décisions, ce pour perte de jouissance, atteintes aux libertés, perte de temps cumulées et permanentes.

Sur le site de la Ville de Québec, j'ai lu en entête « Se déplacer autrement », ce qui indique déjà une orientation prise...: Non, je ne veux pas me déplacer autrement... et je vous promets que je me déplacerai ailleurs si cela devient impossible au centre-ville de Québec.

L'automobile ne doit pas devenir le privilège des classes supérieures. La dictat de la lutte à l'automobile conducted by these extremists antis-liberty must be annihilated for the public good. Institutions, leaders must work for the common good, that means above all that they should take informed action for the majority, not in a fashion of the day quasi-religious expressed in the media constantly disconnected with the sauce of these theories smoking. This kind of consultation should be placed in the context that most people do not have access, did not have time and / or willingness to speak at a public meeting to be booed, look crooked, by the ayatollahs of the green lobbyists and professional mission. A Such consultation should not be a legitimization of a process that ignores the popular vote an election or a referendum on an issue as important as the ideological totalitarian drift of de-democratization of individual transport . Because beyond the rhetoric filled with beautiful sentences for environmental virtue, that is what he is talking about today.

NO to 'Green Boulevard'
Yes, maybe a streetcar
never at the expense of citizens' freedom of choice.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Medicinal Marijuana For Cataracts

Quebec, the province most corrupt? Surprised? Basta

It is deplorable that this issue publishes the renowned magazine Maclean's is that corruption Quebec broke the face of all Quebecers, including children's character that is the Bonhomme Carnaval. The symbol is very badly chosen , and amplifies the prejudices that the rest of Canada loves to give respect to that province, to reason, often gives an aftertaste of federalism. The symbol is a misnomer because the man is primarily a symbol of Quebec, the capital of Quebec, but not necessarily capital of corruption no more than Ottawa.

For those who have followed the various corruption scandals in Quebec listed in the file of MacLean's, we can realize that most converge in Montreal. We all know that under Gérald Tremblay, Montreal does not live for years for transparency, integrity, sound administration and all this is nothing new. The other aspect

deplorable is the stupidity shown by several representatives of Quebec in their reaction to the cover of Maclean's. Take for Bloc Gilles Duceppe and Pierre Paquette (who took care to specify that the Maclean's is right, as if it was a argument), they take this move as if they attacked the distinct society of Quebec culture, so untouchable ... if out of reach of our self-criticism, which is stressed by the last paragraph of the text Andrew Coyne that most media outlets in Quebec and will not translate the majority of commentators will do the aps sentence to read, given their monolingualism.
One Other Factor Must Be Mentioned. Every Society has icts Critics: successful ones thrive On Them. Purpose constructive criticism in Quebec, Given The French majorité's perception of Itself As An embattled Minority, All Too Often Leads to a closing of the ranks against what is invariably described as “Quebec-bashing.” If from outside, it is put down to ignorance of Quebec’s particularity; if from a non-francophone Quebecer, a failure to identify with the goals and values of the majority; if from a francophone, a traitorous readiness to advance on the backs of his fellows. One half expects to hear the same in this case.

Un autre facteur doit être mentionné. Chaque société a ses détracteurs: ceux qui ont réussi à prospérer sur eux. Mais la critique constructive au Québec, compte tenu de la perception de la majorité francophone d'elle-même as a minority in trouble too often led to the closing of ranks against what is invariably described as "Quebec-bashing". If it comes from outside is to be ignorant of the special Quebec. If this is a non-francophone Quebecers, is an inability to identify the goals and values of the majority. Coming from a Francophone is a traitor ready to progress on the back of his fellows. half expects to hear the same thing in this case.
So even Andrew Coyne of Maclean's, we expected the reaction predictable Bloc nationalists blind. MacLean's expected that the file is detected as being of "Quebec bashing" ... yet it is rather a retrospective informed of the special's Quebec, events that have actually happened, and actors who actually existed. Bastarache full commission, it is very unwise to dare to suggest that Quebec is as white as a layer of fresh snow.

is also very fair to point out that corruption is believed to have been maintained systematically by actors who came forward and elect to follow a denunciation of corruption, Maurice Duplessis is one example, and the memory of Quebecers concentrated on a false identity issues incompatible with our modern era that is opening is constantly divert attention.

All Quebec can become a racist attack against the people of Quebec, eternal victim of history. Whether involvement in a global conflict alongside other nations, either in France in the Second World War or Afghanistan, or a selection of Athel Olympics. The people of Quebec is maintained in a fantasy which he is a victim, or paranoid all conspiracy designed to destroy, sometimes as if it was comparable to the gas chambers (remember Yves Michaud). This imaginary is transmitted by nationalist history teachers at school, the media, even Radio-Canada's mission is to reflect the Canadian reality, but often it is only the view of Montreal and is paranoid retained.

If you get some time on the very poor Anne-Marie Dussault RDI interview with her illness, her inability to ask intelligent questions when the Quebec model is attacked, you can imagine delivery she made against Martin Patriquin of MacLean's his show on the evening of Friday, September 24, 2010. "Were you a mission?" Watch contempt when she speaks of Johanne Marcotte, a "lucid" very far from being a fanatic of the extreme.

At least this time I must admit that Bernard Drainville Parti Québécois, has had a reaction just a little more intelligent and politically: It's Jean Charest, who represents us wrong, it was his government that dirtied the province. Quebecers are capable of a little more trial to show the desperation of the perpetrators when Nathalie Normandeau and Jean-Marc Fourier Speak pour faire appel aux sentiments primaires des nationalistes pour s'unir contre cette attaque qui selon eux en est une contre le Québec entier.

Si l'ensemble de notre classe politique dénonce le "Québec Bashing", c'est bien parce que c'est elle précisément qui est visée par cette dénonciation.

C'est un peu ça le prix de mettre au pouvoir des gens sans convictions comme les Libéraux autant fédéraux que provinciaux. Le pouvoir leur revient, ils ne changeront rien, ils regarderont les sondages et prendont les idées des autres si nécessaire. C'est comme ça que Charest se maintient au pouvoir depuis 2003, passant d'un admirateur de Mike Harris conservateur Ontario, promising a re-engineering, an advocate of social democratic model in bankruptcy. That is what Quebecers, at least one-third who voted for him, are guilty. Those I saw in a "vox pop" in the county led by Jean Charest, the day of his testimony Bastarache: "He did well and I hope they will leave quiet," said a brave lady.

Yes, part of the population commonplace corruption and simply did "not care" to quote Franco Fava. Among both federalists teindus red than in frogs proud that riled June 24

Anyway ... Bonhomme Carnaval mingle there, as symbolizing the Quebec corrupt, having asked for a photo to the organization of Carnival ... Not strong. A little bit crossers.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

How Long Is Safe To Take Ketonacazole

hard-to-Part 3: Caller's Slalom

It is rare for a boxer who has to lose in a fight is arranged on the raised ring at the end with the championship belt in his hands. But the public is not always deceived him, and most of the time is his own idea on the outcome of the fight. At that time, the moral victory was much more valuable than a victory arranged. In politics, it's all about perceptions and the public is the ultimate judge.

Marc Bellemare has not only looks good, has won public support, apart from a few letters Ofcouse usual planted in the opinions of the reader, but a large part of its allegations, initially refuted as hallucinations have confirmed Notte by one party collectors.

advocates Charest would then come with another defense: that indeed is how it works, there is nothing wrong with naming our friends, it was better evaluated under Bellemare the pressures under which transfer and resist pressures, and it was a "novice" in politics. But Charest is that he still would have explained "how it works."

This explanation does not quite smoking. Why has there been this time the government, the prime minister's office an employee specializing in "dispatching" of jobs to friends, to whom she contributors of the party had the same access. Fava called it "the machine" or the system set up to thank with government money, contributors, a kind of auction positions of more or less mandarins. You spent

rigorous exams to get into public office? Too bad for you, you had better to give the Liberal Party rather than forcing you to show you relevant ...

And we must have a strong stomach to swallow and digest the fact that the construction company of Franco Fava has had for $ 783 million contract to Hydro-Quebec only. Behind the bald man who coronation in full commission, the appearance of a vulgar little masterpiece of political maneuvering which over time has managed to become a king of dam construction, always with the good bid for the right price at the right time ... A real handyman beaver!

Fava swear not know these people appointed as judges ... It may very well tell the truth, he did not need to know. A "machine" it works without feelings is programmed to operate, that's a system, the future judge who gave or who knows of major contributors is a number in the "machine". In the end it sums it up to a simple feud between Charest and Bellemare: is exactly what I would say in his place if I also involved in this naming system that makes friends in the amount of their gifts and who would Beavers enriched my company for more than three quarters of a billion dollars in contracts awarded ...

The other aspect that is of great concern is the lack of transparency in the conduct of the prosecutor of the Government of Quebec definitely hostile to any evidence corroborating Bellemare. Suzanne Côté think perhaps make a name by showing himself as a pitbull intractable, but its role is not entirely irrelevant. From the outset, it looks like someone wanted to add leverage to crush Bellemare. These levers, we pay them, not that light be shed, which is why such a commission should be held, but rather to serve Charest and the Liberal Party.

is nothing new for liberals confuse the state, interest groups, and interests. To be continued ...

*** Back from vacation, my second to the United States this year ... I took advantage of the strong Canadian dollar and ate from the highway, a carpet of softness, I felt my car enjoy spinning at high speed on the interstates in the mountains, forests, cities.

Here's a fun little comparison between the Quebec system expensive (which according to industry occuppe it does not cost more but we see the result), and interstate in an unimportant area network, or at the 91 Vermont. Farther you go in Quebec near Sherbrooke by 55, so kept the third world and where it lacks an interchange just after the post border, you have an intersection on the highway!

Even the trees towards Quebecers are pitiful. Public network versus public network, it is the difference? Compliance, maintaining rigorous corruption. Do not leave me the argument of the climate, the climate does not change from one at all, about 100 meters, just as winter passes in Vermont and New Hampshire is a lot more stringent than the valley St. Lawrence.

Amazing to see how many people use cell phones à la main ou même tapent des textos au volant, et comme ici, ce ne sont pas ceux qui ont l'air les plus brillants.

Prix de l'essence... environ 70 cents canadien le litre un coup le transfert en litres et la conversion faite. Pour eux c'est deux fois plus cher qu'il y a dix ans et pour nous c'est le prix d'il y a dix ans. La différence: les taxes.


J'entendais M. Viens de RDI mercredi avant le vote à la Chambre des Communes affirmer que le registre des armes à feu avait été établi suite à la tuerie du College Dawson. Petite erreur! La fusillade, et non la tuerie (il y a eu une victime et un suicide) est survenue in 2006, while the register was introduced in the 90s, after the actual killing, that of the Polytechnic. The Conard

television and other media tap us on the nerves with their references out of context to these events, as scarecrow argument, to influence the public. I'm not a big fan of guns. I have no interest. But I remember that the patient Dawson had a gun registered in his name, legally. Nothing in the registry does not prevent a patient from entering a public place and shoot people at random. Nothing in the registry will not prevent a fool to buy legally or illegally firearm. Pretending otherwise is a fraud.

So, the arguments in favor of the registry, I dismissing out of hand, although I'm not completely against the principle of respecting firearms.

Except that other principles are to be examined. Why is that honest citizens living in the countryside would they not allowed to own a rifle? Because the crux of the problem is there ... behind the mandatory registration of guns, lies a weeping inconsolably irrational living in Montreal, who believes that all farmers who are potentially a rifle sniper.

And this ... this is my reason for being rather against the registry. The punishment of individuals can be remedied by $ 2 billion of cash almost wasted in ineffective program that will do nothing to prevent the next Lortie, Lepine, Fabrikant, and one con at Dawson College. Media bullshitent us with these tragedies and are colluding to abuse the pain of relatives of victims by maintaining a gross lie.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

80s Leotards For Women

shot right at Radio-Canada's National Post

RDI sometimes I listen to an eye or an ear ... this time around it falls at around 19 am this week ...

When it comes to the Coliseum in Quebec City Radio-Canada and Montreal stand up with such "righteousness", worthy of a beautiful choir libertarian Glen Beck moved to make the point or suddenly Tasha Kheiriddin usually the "evil" right-wing newspaper National Post becomes a credible guest speaker who has opened the way in issuing the very poor host Anne-Marie Dussault RDI.

asked the intervention of the private construction of infrastructure, private is not at all necessary to build a room of the Montreal Symphony Orchestra with blows from $ 270 million, 100% public or the Olympic Stadium in 40 years. Anne-Marie Dussault does not have 2 programs on 2 consecutive days for a project to destroy the culture, or new waste into the roof of the stadium, the theater district, a TGV unnecessary transit. But a public arena! In Quebec, Sacrilege!

wastage in public culture is daily by hundreds of millions. But a necessary infrastructure, popular, accessible, public, not for Quebec. The problem is not the amount ... this is why.

If Quebec has ... is impossible. Suddenly, the deficit must think, must have a management of austerity while for 2 years touted recovery plans for all (Obama, Harper, Coalition Anti-Harper, Sarkozy, Brown), and even accused the Conservative government to have withheld the money should be spent to maintain use in times of recession. Policy shift Radio-Canada in 24 hours, 60 minutes, if only a few seconds.

Ms. Dussault dotage, clucking his arguments for a second straight day, the teams are professional "billionaires" (1) . Oh! The Economist now!

The concern here is that we become the "New Northern Greece", without offering a pay cut, and delaying retirement.

Yet 16 of the 30 amphitheaters in the NHL in North America are public. The other, the public also participated, PPP, tax holiday, we construct public amphitheater from the Roman Empire ... Today we realize has made Quebec the need to reinvent the wheel, four-button pierced, fire ... all in a unified theory. The past is more indicative of the future, they say "now". Quebec must be organized differently, because others who had their amphitheater, stadium, concert hall "is not the same." Montreal does not seek, gold flows from the mountains!

The Coliseum Quebec 61 years ... we are told that Calgary wants one, 25 years after being paid the Olympics and the Saddledome. It would be so unfair if Quebec should have its share!

J'me've wondered if all of a sudden become credible Jeff Fillion for Radio-Canada, he could expect a contract "Space Pirate", the fourth public channel, and appearances with Ms. Dussault Quebec basher projects on RDI, the money issue has elsewhere than Quebec, Montreal, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Iqaluit ... because when it dépensé là-bas, c'est toujours mieux.

Allons nous un jour sortir de ces clowneries?

Vous aurez compris que tout ça revient aux conservateurs... même si Ignatieff a promis un Colisée a Québec, que Duceppe le demande, la tempête va sur Harper. La gauche devient droite pure, pour un instant, ça donne l'impression d'avoir eu un gros acide hallucinogène a mon insu dans mon café.

Ça fait 20 ans qu'il aurait du être construit ce foutu amphithéatre.


Mise à jour: Calgary veut un nouvel Amphithéatre, un 2e en 25 ans... Alors, on rappelle que le Colisée de Québec is 61. Calgary forget we paid the Olympics in time when there was not much oil there. Emmanuelle Latraverse, in all its bad faith anti-conservative, forgets to mention in one story that Ignatieff has promised to financially support the project of Quebec, she uses the conservative posture of the Conservatives to use against those of western Quebec so that the people of Quebec vote for another party that supports the project terminated in the west?

Pengrowth Saddledome on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pengrowth_Saddledome

Regarding text Boisvert La Presse is not only a cloth of disinformation, the work is worthy of coprophagy. When Quebec is asking its part, is the ling, when Montreal calls for a roof on the third stage is a necessary evil, when the MSO for the rich snobs need a deluxe room, what ? The 45 million artists in the last election ... he argued beggars? 8 billion per year of Equalization, is the ling? Beggars are selected based on criteria that are anything but objective.

Convergence fact that Radio-Canada public corporation which costs $ 1 billion par année aux contribuables canadiens, est au service du propriétaire des journaux de Power Corporation, la famille Desmarais, les patrons de Boisvert dans La Presse. C'est quand même ironique les leçons de public-privé de la part de ces gens... concurrents de Quebecor , qui veut acheter la franchise pour Québec.

(1) Aucune équipe de la LNH n'est "milliardaire", sauf dans la tête de madame Dussault. Les équipes les plus riches, Toronto, Montréal, New York, Boston, Chicago, représentent 5 équipes sur 30, et leur valeur n'excède pas 500 millions $, pour celle qui vaut le plus, Toronto. Le Canadien de Montréal a été vendu plus cher, parce que la transaction incluait l'amphithéatre. Toutes les données sont publiées chaque année sur Forbes. Un tiers des équipes perdent des millions annuellement.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sharp Pain Between Finger And Thumb

Roadmap Thailand - August / September 2008

Vous l'aviez tant attendu et vous n'y croyiez plus d'ailleurs!...

Mais le voici enfin!....

Notre CARNET DE ROUTE DE THAILANDE est en ligne!...

On a mis le temps!... Oui, on sait!... Mais bon!... Ca valait le coup de patienter... Z'allez voir...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Where To Buy A Beyblade In Melbourne

Roadmap Thailand - 1st day

19 aout – 16H00 - PARIS

En voiture Simone ! C’est parti, direction l’aéroport de Roissy Charles de Gaulle!
Pilot: Claudius
Copilot: Toune
2:00 We arrive with advance ... If it's not the fine team that! ...

In fact, it c'coup we are going in Thailand: noodles and massages!

Liftoff is planned at 19.20. You will not believe maybe not, but it took c't plane and departed on time! But not everything has been so "pink" ... We are already hearing the "Oh! anyway! ... "

The day before, in a burst of incredible anticipation, we said: 'Look, if we started to prepare the bag, just to be relaxed on the day of departure?! . Result: at 14:00 on D-Day, he was missing: walking shoes for Toune, a raincoat for Pupuce and food for our kind of s ... Lapinoux ... Perfect! True to ourselves, we arrive at Lucile and Claude at 16:05 for a departure by car at 16.00.

"I got up at 11:45 anyway! J'comprends not! (Toune)

Anyway .... We arrive on time at the airport and boarding runs smoothly. The plane took off, and Toune breathe again ... We look at the passengers around us. Before us, a guy makes a jerk-reverse with its head early in the film (the nose is found to 20cm Toune folder), right, a kid trying to beat the world record altitude of decibels, behind, the same passion for the technical characteristics of the aircraft and left the door. The theft is happening despite tout sans encombre et après le visionnage de quelques films, nous atterrissons enfin à BANGKOK.

S’il vous plait, un peu de silence dans la classe !... Prenez vos cahiers et écrivez : BANGKOK se dit KRUNG THEP en thaïlandais. Ce qui signifie « cité des anges ». Mais il faut savoir que le nom complet de la ville est le plus long du monde : KRUNG THEP MAHA NAKHORN AMON RATANAKOSIN MHINDRAYTTHAYA MANDILOKROP NOPARATANA RAJDHANI BURIRAM UDON RAJNIVET MAHASATAN ANORN PIMARN AVATARN SATIT. Ce qui signifie : grande cité des anges, autel suprême des joyeux divins, forteresse invincible, vaste and sublime kingdom, royal capital and none of the nine noble gems, the monarch remains magnanimous.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Kates Playground Vids Bathtub

Roadmap Thailand - Day 2

Aug. 20 - 11:30 local time - BANGKOK

We take a bus to get to the hotel in central Bangkok, 30km from the airport. During the journey, the driver moves from the Thai pop music ... an atmosphere of madness sets in, ice everyone, and is Pupuce died of laughter!

During the 1:30 minutes (yes, okay, it's not Alain Prost driving !...), we discover progressively townscape atypical in 3 levels: ground, traditional houses made of wood or metal embedded in a lush tropical vegetation just above, snakes highways waste whose pillars slip between the houses, then again above , new snakes of new highways this time. This vision straight out of science fiction films of Spielberg.

We meet in passing various means of transport: the tuk-tuks (3 wheeled motorcycle with a seat back) and taxis including a multicolored makes us smile every time because all painted pink. Pupuce decides to call it: "Taxi Barbie."

Nous arrivons enfin à destination et prenons de plein fouet un 32°C bien tassé. Nous demandons notre chemin à un thaïlandais qui lève un bras et répond : « This way… One hour ! » (par là, une heure). Je le regarde avec de grands yeux et répond : « One hour ?! ». Il se met à rire en imitant ma réaction et répond : « No !... 5 minutes !»… J’le crois pas ! Premier contact avec un thaïlandais et il se f… de moi ! Au fil des heures, nous constaterons que les thaïs sont très cheerful and helpful, as claimed by their reputation.

We enter the Khao San Road, the street from the hotel, and are amazed by his hyper side trader with huge signs and lil boui-Bouis (carts itinerant) coming out from everywhere and nowhere. Then there is the international population that already abounds in early afternoon.

Nous trouvons l’hôtel et entamons une discussion avec l’hôtesse d’accueil. Nous découvrons alors que le thaïlandais qui parle anglais… bah c’est nul ! On n’comprend rien ! Ils mangent la moitié des mots, ne prononcent pas les « r », mais sourient tout le temps ! Du coup, nous aussi on sourit… mais on n’comprend toujours rien pour autant ! Nous arrivons tout de même à nous installer dans une chouette petite chambre et décidons de visiter la ville et ses temples.

Avant de démarrer, nous nous arrêtons devant un de ces boui-bouis tenus a noodle vendor. We ordered two portions and then we are faced with Bruce Lee in an apron! The guy takes two spatulas and chained 3-4 taken from kung fu to prepare delicious cups of noodles. Delicious!

It is already 4:00 p.m. ... On the way, a Thai explains that most temples close at 16H30. Awesome! ... We decide to take a walk to the Chao Phraya River which runs through Bangkok. We embark on a boat shuttle on the advice of tourists français qui passaient par là (c’est fou, y en a partout !).

Nous arrivons à un magnifique complexe de temples dont l’un est réputé pour son revêtement de mosaïques : le WAT ARUN. Nous escaladons la tour principale. On n’fait pas les malins ! L’escalier est si abrupte qu’il donne le vertige ! « Tu m’aideras pour descendre hein Toune ?! » dit Pupuce.

After half an hour we take the boat ride and back through the river that looks more like a giant river Creek.

Once ashore, we decided to dive straight into the alleys of BANGKOK to find the temple that we saw the top of Wat Arun. Then we fall on a Thai who recognizes the two tourists who we are and shows us the way to the temple. He asks us what country we come from. Just finished the word "FRANCE" the man laughs and chained a monologue of a half-hour presentation of his city and its surroundings! After managing to get rid of, we find that night has fallen and that the temple was that we wanted to see the doors closed! But apparently, the temples were all night-lights so we can admire on the way home, these beautiful illuminated buildings.

We decide to take a tuk-tuk to go to the hotel where you can sample this means of locomotion is so typical of Thailand! We walk on the sidewalk until one of them stopped at our level. We tell the street from the hotel and begin our first trade! As the MALI, negotiation is systematic! It says "6 baths" by 6 with his fingers. We climb in the back and then the serious stuff begin! Imagine a scooter with a motorcycle engine making a terrible racket, with lots of little lights flashing everywhere. Add to that conduct ... in Thai! The thing is, we are behind the driver, or rather, pilot, and we do not see the road! It only needed a music chase and one would have thought! Once there, I tend to 6 baht driver replied: "No, sixty! "(No, 60!). We had misunderstood early in the race! ... On holiday it! ... I made him understand that I'm only 50 baht on me and he agreed.

In the hotel, we do not long to we decide to take a dip in the pool. (We chose a hotel with swimming pool! ... Super gegene !...) We climb ... on the 7th floor with elevator, do not mess around! And find a wooden deck overlooking the city with temples illuminated scattered everywhere. It's beautiful as all!

After half an hour, the wind was right to us, and we descend into the room for a shower that will make us sweat again after 30 seconds ! We are all beautiful for our first Thai restaurant! Before that, we decide to hide our money and find the perfect place: Toune socks on his feet during the day! This should stop the evil intentions ... There has to in there, is not it?

We go out into the street and take a slap huge! The Khao San is filled to the brim! It teems with people and he comes out of everywhere! The music is loud because each brand wants to attract tourists. While walking, we were talking to the right, left ... "Come on, come on, good drinks! "(Come, come, good drink!). The huge signs are illuminated and are more like commercials than anything else!

We find a little further, in a small street, a small restaurant cute held by a smiling woman and her mother talking in the street to catch the eye of passersby. Vegetation on the pergola near the restaurant. We decide to move here. The woman holds out the Menu: writing in Thai and in English only and no photo ... please! Allez hop! In war as in war! We choose to feel each a different dish. Pupuce falls on a noodle dish with shrimp and I found very big on noodles with chicken and peppers. Believing that the peppers were orange seafood, frankly I bite into it and my mother cry! I empty my glass in one gulp ... We finish our meal slowly. A review of food is now more than wise before swallowing! Then we walk in the surrounding streets and discover lots of little restaurants, canteens and other pavement boui-bouis interest to other parties.

On the way back we stopped at a greasy spoon, which offers chocolate-banana pancakes Thai. We request one and Bruce Lee resurfaces again! In 30 seconds and it bent the plate! Super good, but side diet is not! The Thai is like super Breton finally! Oil and butter thrills! ...

Back home. I hang the sign "do not disturb". After 5 minutes we heard knocking on the door. Super! ... I look ... nobody! I removed the sign ... We do not rest in BANGKOK! I finish writing these lines ... and sleep!