Thursday, February 24, 2011

Short Of Breath Not Chesty

Fighting fire with fire

You know me, for those who are regulars, I had my spats with cathos fundamentalists around who wants to "agglomerate" his right (not mine), Jean-Francois Plante. Last week I had a clash with some of these funny characters of course the mayor "natural disasters lala" of Saguenay, Jean Tremblay and his fight when he sees a messiah-like martyr.

One of the speakers with whom I debated on Facebook has even suggested that I should kill myself ... it's still very "Christian" as an approach, and especially condemned by the criminal code as argument. I kept a screenshot ... if you would not believe me. I even explained

here on this blog in extensively that if I end up with the fundamentalists on the site cathos banana republic, it's a little against me, because people "Quebec life "for example, are far from my friends and I do not want to be bound by these people who have defamed the Rev. Raymond Gravel ... (As though I am not agree with him on many things, I support his civil suit ).

John Smith will have $ 1 million fine for go to Supreme Court for his fight, he has no right to do that and he will lose. He has no right to feel the taxpayers of his city, and Quebec-wide, they are poorer, less accomplished, less comprehensive, they are not a Christian spirituality according to the dogmas of the Vatican.

Me I'm agnostic . Could you give the least, Chittenden said "reasonable" to the Catholic religion, for other beliefs have a minimal number of claims to Accommodate send us. Yet simple, but so impossible to Ayatollah in them, burning them to impose God, we cry, knocking at our doors, poison our lives with their existential problems.

You bored with your irrational beliefs.

I must stress that when I calculated in the supposed "majority" of Quebec Catholic, as did Mayor Jean Tremblay, friends and the institution of the church, I can only note here intellectual fraud.

Being baptized does not make me a practitioner, do not make me someone who wants mix politics and religion, let alone does the church, the Vatican and Jean Tremblay speak on my behalf including me in their supposed majority.

Then I came across chronicles Richard Martineau on the issue ... a guy who I'm not often agree. One of his players told him that the Bible itself seems to be due to lay *:

Matthew 6:5

And when you pray, do not be like those who put on a show: when they say their prayers, they like to stand in the synagogues and on street corners so show themselves to men.

Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward.

Mathieu 6:6

Mais toi quand tu pries, retire-toi au fond de la maison, ferme la porte, et prie ton Père qui est présent dans le secret; ton Père voit ce que tu fais dans le secret: il te le revaudra.


Oui j'ai une bible dans ma bibliothèque. Parce que pour moi d'avoir des livres, réels, en papier c'est important, et que ce n'est pas qu'une décoration... et que dans une bibliothèque, ça prend une bible.

Je suis agnostique... je déteste aller à l'église, pour y aller faut que j'y sois obligé. C'est pire que l'hôpital. Au moins à l'hôpital on est supposé y soigner des gens. Quand il est question de l'église, ou de la mosquée... j'suis pas certain que les gens vont mieux en y allant trop souvent. Du moins, le message ne semble pas égal partout entre l'Abbé Raymond Gravel et le Cardinal Ouellet.

Mais, peut-être que Jean Tremblay, et tous les autres qui se "donnent en spectacle", ces pharisiens , intégristes, plus purs que purs, devraient se mettre le nez dans la bible pour de vrai et peut-être y voir que ce qu'il prêchent n'est pas tellement conforme à ce que l'on y trouve.

Pour moi le débat ne devrait pas aller plus loin. Une minute de silence au début du conseil municpal pour que tous pensent à ce qu'ils veulent... ça would be much easier.

Regarding the crucifix in the National Assembly, it is! As the cross on Mount Royal ... is our heritage, where we came.

There is no future within the past ... or by erasing the past ... but by turning pages.

PS Because hockey is a religion in Canada, I move that the Bell Centre and the Scotia Bank Place to be considered as "temples of sport", that way they do pay no taxes Municipal ... What bin? This is equivalent to asking what is granted to the Catholic religion and subsequently to the synagogues, mosques ... If it's good for pooch ...


Updated February 25: This text has been the one who have me finally allowed to be removed from the site of Jean-François Plante "Banana Republic" which collects blogs so-called "right", but with the insane belonging to the political margins, always trying to go through the door back to what does not pass through the front door. I wrote last November 15 this text expressing my desire to distance myself from some "freaks" who have little of the right or left at the bottom (Quebec & Life For a school). Finally, perhaps Frederic Tetu was right ...

With gaugauche was a Quebec feeble and mediocre ... with some friends of Jean-Francois Plante, Quebec would be poor and poor banana as a banana republic in Latin America, with many prayers ... Not sure if I would accept to live in their Quebec ...

Join page jammer wave on Facebook or on Twitter @ jammer to keep you in touch with the wave jammer.

***** * = Lay Atheists for the mayor of Saguenay, Jean Tremblay, who confuses everything.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Can Heavy Implantation Bleeding Mean Multipuls

The refusal of the federal government will also be to blame Regis Labeaume

Contrary to what some "opinion leaders" of Quebec as Gilles Parent Analyst (very weak) ... and all anti-conservative if not directly Bloc's refusal to participate in the federal plan Labeaume who refuses an offer of private should not have the impact of "sweeping" out the Conservatives in Quebec.

I even read one in a daily newspaper called " Why do we pay taxes to the federal government? " very stupid question considering the equalization system that inflates the Quebec economy of 8, $ 4 billion coming from taxpayers in other provinces. Moreover, the dispute on hamonisation the GST and QST will certainly involve a big check to the government Charest, then he can spend his way ... to buy votes, the union ...

In the tussle between the king and the Conservative government Labeaume ... the possibility of a draw is more than possible.

  1. The federal refusal does not block the possibility of construction of the amphitheater. Quebec will still have its amphitheater, so the federal government will not block the odious project.
  2. The refusal of federal occurs following the refusal of Labeaume Quebecor to include in the financing of the asset. Labeaume has offered a way out of the federal do not want to open this door that could open up enormous expenses across Canada.
  3. Quebecers are rather divided on the main public financing and those who oppose it are mostly ... Conservatives already. No chance to get them to vote Bloc.

The problem remains the day of the vest ... I repeat, it was unnecessary and has caused confusion on the real need for this infrastructure project with or without professional hockey in Quebec.

In Quebec, several conservatives are firmly in the saddle according to recent polls, even the poll conducted for The Sun which called for the polls with a denial of federal de participer à l'amphithéatre, démontrait que Daniel Petit dans Charlesbourg garderait une avance.  Une perte de 1 à 3 comtés à Québec, pourrait se combler par des gains de 1 à 3 comtés ailleurs au Québec, soit dans l'est, et des espérances sur la candidature de Larry Smith, ex-dirigant des Alouettes de Montréal.

Denis Lebel et Jean-Pierre Blackburn, les 2 ministres du Saguenay Lac Saint Jean pourraient être considérés sûrs, tout comme Lawrence Cannon. Pour ce qui est de Maxime Bernier, c'est un de ceux qui a les plus fortes majorités au Canada, battant ses collègues albertains, peut-importe les efforts de la presse enragée anti-conservatrice de Montréal.

Les chances de Harper d'être majoritaire ce printemps sont peut-être ainsi meilleures que jamais.

Pour ce qui est des investissements dans les infrastructures de Québec, le gouvernement fédéral pourra se ratrapper sur des participations majeures dans un nouvel agrandissement de l'Aéroport Jean Lesage qui deviendra incontournable avec l'atteinte rapide de la capacité maximale des installations agrandies en 2007-2008.

Le port de Québec attend aussi des investissements. C'est moins sexy qu'un amphithéatre, mais ce sont des secteurs où le fédéral s'implique habituellement sans causer de débalancement dans les 9 autres provinces.

In Quebec, it was difficult to get into the context that we are not alone, and an amphitheater of the federal government is no more a "due" with Bloc Duceppe goes into the head that everything must be in Quebec, only by the fact that we exist ... like a big Indian reservation.

The federal government has a reason not to participate in the project of Quebec ... Regis Labeaume gave a reason to not participate in federal, but a symbolic equivalent to that in the Scotia Bank Place in Kanata or the MTS Centre, as I mentioned in my last text, pass better for everyone.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Blue Films Mysore Mallige

Amphitheatre Quebec: Getting to the evidence, pragmatism

the ends of the political spectrum you have the libertarians and the other Communists. Somewhere on the left, you have those who cultivate a certain state dependence, and right, those who cultivate individual rights. Central to everything you have chameleons and "I do not know", some extremists in their beigeur.

In recent months, while reaffirming my right unashamed, I pointed to some inconsistencies and accepted dogma, sometimes wrongly right. Take for example the ultra-religious seeking the intervention of the state he claims to prefer their religious values ... I also questioned the Libertarians thoughtless, dogmatic, which are becoming more and more as a pressure group that aims to influence decisions, without dipping into active politics in an election, issue to get legitimacy, as the unions of the left side.

As of Quebec, I grew up with the Nordiques. I denounced small ones in my class who took the team to another city, the team was always favored by the referees, we had understood before that Ron Fournier has un micro à la radio. J'ai joué au hockey mineur, sur la patinoire que mon père faisait sur le terrain, et dans la rue parfois tard l'été. Je rêvais de jouer dans la ligue nationale... jusqu'à temps que je sois obligé de porter des lunettes dans l'adolescence.

Cela fait 20 ans que j'attends un amphithéatre à Québec. Cela fait 20 ans que je vois mes gouvernements supposément "cassés" distribuer de généreux cadeaux à tout et rien, surtout à Montréal. Annuellement 700 millions en culture... Plus de 10 milliards en 20 ans. Trois toits sur le stade, le prochain coûtera 300 millions... et on a pas le choix... soyez certains que contrairement au projet de Québec ce sera du 100% public. Aucun débat sérieux n'aura cours dans la société Québécoise, ni de vox pop plantés dans des quartiers bohèmes organisés par Radio-Canada.

Saviez-vous que tous les Québécois du Québec paient pour le fonds de pension des employés de la Ville de Montréal? ... comme si nous avions pas assez de nos villes, nos cols bleus.

Le fédéral...

Il faut se rendre à l'évidence, le gouvernement fédéral ne doit pas s'impliquer substanciellement dans le projet de Québec, pour plusieurs raisons. Par contre, it should do so in an amount equal to what was in the last preceding the subject: Winnipeg and Ottawa.

The federal government should reach a few tens of millions in taxes and fees through the construction of complex to be located at the northeast corner of Boulevard Hamel and the Laurentian Autoroute. The federal has contributed $ 6 million in assembling the Scotia Bank Place (formerly Corel Centre) Kanata, a western suburb of Ottawa. In Winnipeg, about the same thing for the MTS Centre.

An amount of $ 15 million (higher due to higher cost du projet de Québec pour les taxes et impôts retirées par le fédéral et l'évolution en dollars constants) serait vu d'une part comme:

1) Une participation symbolique équivalente aux participations pour Winnipeg et Ottawa, qui rapelle que le gouvernement fédéral ne néglige pas le Québec

2) Ne créerait pas le précédent redouté par tous les fiscalo-responsables, qui obligerait de donner des centaines de millions à Edmonton, Calgary, Regina pour leurs projets respectifs.

Ainsi, le fédéral doublerait la mise du "privé" par les contributeurs du groupe "J'ai ma place" de Mario Bédard. Group that all those who say the media "100% public" ignorant, issue of feeding a populist disdain for the project. You will find this contempt for the CBC and La Presse of Plateau Mont Royal. The insistence

participation type "equal" to the federal serves only to feed a spin supporter of the Bloc Quebecois and the Bloc Québécois. Gilles Duceppe knows that it is impossible for any elected federal government is involved in this way. The federal government is already expected for other investments, the Port of Quebec City and International Airport Jean Lesage, who arrives at its full capacity has doubled its passenger numbers in recent years. These are more traditional or federal normally invests at home and abroad.

symbolic participation of the new federal Coliseum is not a good reason to reject the Conservatives in Quebec, on the contrary. Except that it must be admitted that the output with the jerseys, it was not very good from them ... A bad idea that could jeopardize the project and launched the wrong message.

At the provincial ...

Provincially it is quite another thing. Provinces and municipalities have a history of major investments in infrastructure similar or even less structural, cost effective, with far less impact in a regional economy that the Quebec City project. The project is mainly Quebec a project which also consumers of sport and culture of Thetford Mines Trois Rivieres Baie Comeau and Rimouski up, and Roberval-Saguenay-Alma to St. George, a region encompassing nearly 2 million that Quebecers who pay taxes too, who deserve the complex closer to home than the Bell Centre in Montreal.

Just take the examples of costs in Montreal in recent years, both with the entertainment district or the hall of the MSO, where all Quebecers have invested a little unknowingly hundreds of millions in infrastructure they will not use, and even they might never see on TV.

Quebec City is a strategic choice for its visibility, revitalize a neighborhood in ruins, build a modern sports and cultural tool who replaces another public already, it's 61 years outdated, and costly maintenance by its disuse.

This investment n'est en rien une subvention aux "millionnaires du hockey", rien ne garanti l'accession de Québec aux villes du cercle sélect de la Ligue Nationale de Hockey. Même sans Nordiques, l'amphithéatre est nécessaire, incontournable. Et que dire de ces "millionnaires de la F1" qui viennent subventionnés à chaque année à Montréal?

Savez vous quoi? Je n'ai rien contre que l'on soutienne avec l'argent des taxes le Grand Prix de Montréal année après année, parce que le Grand Prix rapporte plus à Montréal et au Québec que ce qu'il coûte aux contribuables, rien ne fait entrer plus d'argent neuf au Québec. Pourtant la piste Our Lady of the island is also public. The example is the project of Quebec ... especially the exploitation of any hockey franchise will be 100% private.

By their stubbornness, some "libertarians" want us to manage public funds as a grandmother. Full of "cash" in a sock hidden the money he would have a much better standard of living than slums rented an old dial TV with rabbit ears. At his death, the money is found at the dump hidden in an old rotten couch.

Why public scrutiny?

Because Quebec City control the costs of its projects. Because public investment will not be a windfall for a businessman insider, who would pay for the control of infrastructure by $ 350 million coming out only a third of the amount. However, managing day to day maintenance, should be offered sub-contracting.

Because this infrastructure replaces the Pepsi Coliseum built in 1949 and administered from the public, public infrastructure that serves municpales and community activities such as international hockey tournament pee wee , the largest minor hockey tournament world for 52 years. Many of the greatest players of several generations around the world are past, which puts to the status of Quebec Capitals hockey in the world, with nearly 2,500 players each year.

No great Colosseum offering free ice at the tournament during his two weeks in February, no tournament.

The public construction and public control of infrastructure prevents the sale of concessions and the sale of the building's name.

Anyway, the construction and operation of such a building to private, non-tax holiday, without subsidies, without land donated, may not be profitable in a number of markets North America who can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Now, forty markets have this infrastructure.

Finally, I would add that all those who will come back as zombies, empty eyes, drooling a "bad patients in hospitals", are pure idiots, and therefore are excluded of any debate you want smarter. We did not finish hearing the CBC ...

You find it odd not to see Radio-Canada invite "libertarians" use arguments of pseudo-budgetary stringency, only when it's time to try to sabotage the project of Quebec? Ms. Dussault RDI and Ms. Drolet's Téléjournal Quebec are yet paid employees of a Crown corporation.

Seriously ... If this bill is blocked , like everything else is blocked, mining of uranium, shale gas wells, dams that we can not build, it will simply close the Quebec. This will mean that there is nothing more to do here, that it's not worth even bother trying.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nadine Jansen Vidèos Grati

Pu capab '

That is so very serious for Radio-Canada Opposition, a former conservative ADQ almost be appointed on the Board Administration of Radio-Canada Opposition ... and another is appointed Vice-Chairman of the CRTC ... The reaction

contempt calculated not something suspicious? This is a new Prime Minister's Office, a government office, make appointments, taking into account some "communion of ideas"?

Did you think the Liberals have appointed a Reform, Alliance, Conservative to these key positions on telecommunications in Canada? Duceppe, Ignatieff Mulcair, Rodriguez, all played with this new scandal. Savient they too after 5 years in power, the more people to replace plus le temps passe, et moins il y aura de bons vieux amis du Parti Libéral du Canada dans les postes-clefs.

Le scandale serait justifié si quelqu'un avait acheté son poste, comme il serait coutume au Québec... Mais le simple fait d'être d'accord avec les politiques du gouvernement n'est en rien un problème à une nomination, au contraire. C'est simplement l'exercice du pouvoir. C'est juste normal que ce ne soit pas le dalai lama de la verdure David Suzuki qui soit nommé par les conservateurs pour s'occupper de l'environnement.

Une nomination libérale fera toujours moins de peine à Gilles Duceppe ou à Thomas Mulcair, monsieur anti-flatulence, c'est tellement mal le gaz de schiste...

Pu capab'

Je ne suis plus capable des chansons subventionnées, de 95% de tout ce qui est chanté en français, surtout s'il y a un son Montréalo-antillais rasta-résine, de l'espèce de Reggae Québécois bâtard ... quelle merde pour fumeux de joints francophiles dans les vapeurs...

" Harper aime les avions de combat, mais y'a rien pour les famille s?" Il y a du travail pour les parents des familles au Canada... Les canadiens ont jamais autant consommé et autant été so rich. Plasma TV, 2nd car, traveling in the south, smartphone ...

" The G8 and G20 have cost a buttered " ... ... But any government would pay the same. It is an obligation to our partners.

" The country has never been so indebted " ... False ... the top of Canada's debt was in the late '90s. Before falling into recession, we had repaid much of the debt. The thick not know the difference between deficit and debt. The thick also did not know what is the "constant dollars". It will make many beautiful songs connes like that, we removed the economics course in high school ... And if the deficit was as high in 2010, due to a costly "recovery plan" that the Harper government has done under threat of being run over by the three opposition parties, including a party who pays this clip. Imagine if we had paid all of the suggestions the Liberals, Bloc, NDP ... Gifts for the unemployed here, subsidies there ... The

" seat at the UN" ... it has not "lost" ... because they had not. For having to wait his turn and vote for that country ass with dictators, vote for us. In recent years, the "dirty" are less appreciated Canada ... so it's an honor to have lost this seat. But all this, the composer of the lyrics, still do not know what kind of seat at the UN and it was about what it was ... the important thing is the "rhymes".

" Conservatives are against Kyoto " ... What happened to Kyoto? Where are your carbon markets? What has been shoveling clouds so far?

" Harper is a friend of the oil " ... but what kind of moron is influenced by this argument démago ? It must be the enemy of oil and we can be teleported by the mystical energy? Who buys the oil? Then you're all "friends of oil"?

" When Harper talks about the death penalty, I have a big thrill for me through the body " ... Why? It was never an issue ... and the death penalty it should scare the Robert Pickton, Paul Bernardo in this country ... The disgusting they are serial killers, not the Conservatives.

" If you do not agree with Harper, they will insult you to scare you "... I have only to open my TV to RDI, and I am insulted all day long. This clip is a ton of insults, prejudice, stereotypes.

I thought that it was bad the "negative publicity " ... Must warn my friend Jean-Marc Leger, he does not like him when it is negative publicity ... Minutes of intentions, in pure demagogy , lies, inventions, fabrications.

Bill 101

I read in letters of opinions in the paper that Maxime Bernier was "blasphemy" by saying on a radio wave Halifax that Bill 101 was useless. A blashême ... is not nothing. It is an insult imaginary creations, insulting a belief. Then I think a point of blasphemy! I had to debate this controversial position, against Bill 101 with "friends of friends" on Facebook. When you ask these proud Francophile rational arguments explaining the retention of Quebecers in the dark to know a second language for exchanging with the rest of the world ... you make yourself say "I'd have plenty of arguments, but it's pointless to argue with you, you know nothing" ... It's like pretending to have a gun under his coat with his fingers, it was tous compris, ceux qui en ont la capacité, un petit sens de l'observation, que ce n'est rien de très menaçant.

Voilà des perles que l'on m'a sorti, sans trop de honte...

Si té pas content de vivre en français ici, pourquoi tu t'en va pas?

J'y ai déja pensé. Je commence à être vieux pour m'en aller. Au fait, je suis chez moi ici et nous sommes toujours en démocratie à ce que je sache, j'ai donc le droit d'exprimer mon désaccord, même si l'idéologie des nationalistes est d'écraser les minorités. Parlant d'écraser la minorité...

I could give you the results of surveys, foreign cultural realities for comparison, to show you the valadité Bill 101 and its benefits to our society!

A "poll" is an argument? This is my friend Jean-Marc Leger, who will be! If everyone thought not so long ago, that the earth is flat, it should be! As proof, we burned those who said it was round! It would have changed shape as humans have changed their minds?
The next is strong

With a city of 3.5 million people, Montreal is the second largest French-speaking metropolis in the world, just behind Paris ... I say this as well, but I prefer that Montreal stands out in French, o ù competition is less fierce, as such, rather it tries to compete by claiming English ...
actually 3.5 million you'll rake up Saint Jerome ... too bad you have to speak French anglophones and allophones. Montreal would pas 2e au monde, mais la 6, parmi plein de villes du tiers-monde. Tu est en compétition avec Alger, Kinshasa et Dakar... Vraiment ça fait une très belle jambe d'être en concurrence juste avec des villes francos! Port-Au-Prince! C'est pas ce qu'on appelle viser bas? Il n'est pas petit le -complexe de supériorité- francophone... Les experts diront que cela masque celui d'infériorité. Métropole de province... mais au moins francophone! Drôle de "compétition"...

Les anglos maintenant:

...mais je ne vais pas pleurer sur leur sort non plus. De toute manière, c'est même pas eux autres qui se plaignent! Les 200 000 qui se plaignaient sont tous partis entre 77-80!

C'est pas pathétique rien qu'un peu... dit en toute fierté nationaliste. Pendant ce temps, le péquiste-journaliste de Charlevoix qui serat le chef du bureau de Cogeco Nouvelles à l'Assemblée Nationale, Louis Lacroix avec ses rires insignifiants au FM93 trouve que Maxime Bernier est vraiment un cave qui veut se faire remarquer et se faire des amis au Canada-anglais. C'est l'espèce de théorie du mauvais-québécois "traitre" qui devient plus puissant en "chiant" sur own. What makes me me, blogger volunteer, for free time, waiting for inspiration to make me "enemies" among this nation so glorious? I confess, I retain a certain pleasure that fills my disappointment a bit. But I pull no friend of more Anglo.

When I go to Ontario, they see me with my plate of Quebec ugly, the ugliest of North America, and I spend at the counter of the Beer Store, I speak in an Englishman with an accent as thick as your arm. I put my yellow ribbon "Support Our Troops" on my car to show we are not all wineries in Quebec ... I remove tape home for me not to vandalize my car, because you know, the nationalist Quebecers who pollute the debates and spirits prey on cars instead of arguing in the face. Tribalism.

nationalism is brave ... in a gang, or sabotage of any equipment, such as yellow.

I have a little more often proud of being a French Canadian, it happens sometimes, rarely. I also get angry when I see that my peers are victims of injustice, or that it puts us all in the one basket. I especially ashamed of Quebec with this intellectual cul de sac demonstrated every day in full control of the media, and I have more in common with citizens of other countries than with compatriots who demeans the whole membership of their "tribe", shit.

Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.
- Albert Einstein

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pixelpoint Pos Help Removing Header?

sounding Leger Marketing ... "Deep Blue Sea" or "nonsense"?

  En référence à la chronique de Jean-Marc Léger, publiée dans le Journal de Québec et le Journal de Montréal, 19 janvier 2011.

"La sécurité des Canadiens va devenir un des grands thèmes de la prochaine campagne électorale. Les conservateurs ont déjà commencé à marteler le Québec de messages télévisés exploitant la peur des immigrants, la peur des criminels et l'insécurité des gens."
Monsieur Léger, comment pouvez vous concilier de vous présenter en sondeur professionnel et sérieux , and have a worthy entry in Gilles Duceppe?

Exploiting the fear of crime, insecurity of people is a interpretation that was often heard it repeated often in the media, it is redundant ... likely that the message carried in a part of the population ... But to say " exploit the fear of immigrants , your hand is proof of your skirt that sticks out. You're handling rough, insulting ... this could lead us to believe that you handle something .

Know I voted Conservative last 3 elections, I'm not going to church and I am married to an immigrant. Be aware that outside guettho your heirs or Outremont Westmount, society, ordinary people can have reason to be afraid to return to work the hours you are not working and to places that you do not attend. A statistic that you could cite, is that people are less wealthy and less protected than you are more often victims of assaults and robberies.

Have you paid your studies to work at night Mr. Leger in a convenience store?

Does your condescending superficiality is a professional deformation? You show a population of 5 to 7, with such an analysis the first degree, type eating soft, full of "emotions VAT dripping.
"More people will be afraid and they will vote Conservative. At least that people are just more afraid of a Conservative government."
You do not even feel a little discomfort, questioning is not for you?

your "rag" is a shame. It lowers the intellectual level of print, you discredit your profession, you insult the readers of your lack of rigor, subtlety. Shame on you Mr. Leger, you are offline.

Ignore my opinion if you like, but I still share with my friends and on blogs, it is still more thoughtful than yours.

*** Reply by Jean-Marc Leger ***
If he was not ready to publish it, why I have sent it?
I warned that I shared on a blog ...

I hope it feels good to say so much nonsense.

I have great respect for the Conservatives but not for their negative advertising campaigns in American.

Jean-Marc Leger
President Leger Marketing
From my iPhone

I confess, my tone was very direct, could have "abrupt" Mr. Leger. But my message was not the content, or aggressive music, reckless, something controllers as "nonsense" ... Especially since I called out my real name on his email public published in the Journal of Montreal (the journal of Quebec does not work) for something I could call myself a donkey (his Chronic ), but I wanted to show me more precise and subtle than he in his "chronic".
I say that journalists in newspapers that leave their email for the public must receive messages far more aggressive than mine, maybe sometimes totally inappropriate. As usual ... I just wanted to defy someone I consider "the establishment media Quebecers" . Frankly, I'm disappointed.

*** My reply *** end

Stupidities? This is a reply to the exact height of what I thought.
Prétentieuse! This is the second time you insult me now ...
"but not for their negative advertising campaigns in American."
But here's another worthless! ... After your column ...
With all the negative publicity on the backs of conservatives by Radio-Canada ( my taxes ... my wallet is not Switzerland), Gesca and Jean-Marc Leger. .. The Conservatives have the right to respond ...
It is stupid to think we should do Policy throwing flowers at his opponents. It is low to capitalize on anti-Americanism with a nation as complex as the people of Quebec. It is also a form of "negative publicity", focusing mainly on ignorance, mediocrity.
The Americans know they all know what you think about themselves and their democracy? This would help you do better business?
By the way, the link of the Journal de Québec does not work.
XX.XXX.XXX.XXX does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 550-Invalid recipient < >
550 (#5.1.1)
Giving up on XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.

N'ayez crainte... je n'ai pas l'intention de vous harceler personellement, ceci est probablement le dernier message que je vous envoie. Mais au final, vous semblez bien comme on peut l'imaginer. Merci de m'avoir bien éclairé, de votre brillance, fier compatriote bassement alimenté d'anti-américanisme... as the "donkeys" of our press poorly.
You work to make Quebec more with your poor argument mediocre, pretentious son of someone ... You do not fit at all in the definition of "self-made man" ... You do not deserve 1% of the credibility that it gives you.
PS I did not have to listen to the radio mediocre Quebec to find you poor.
PS2. Why a man on the board of TVA (Quebecor) replied by iphone? Videotron does not the iPhone ... Comme bloque FoxNews, 4x plus écouté que CNN, de mes oreilles chastes.
P.S.3. Je suis client pour plusieurs milliers $ de Vidéotron par année, lecteur de Canoe et du JDQ... Respect?

J'étais vraiment fâché. En plus, il est comme un symbole pour moi.
Jean-Marc Leger is economist and president of Leger Marketing , the largest firm polls Canadian-owned.
Leger was Chairman of the Board of University of Quebec at Montreal from 1999 to 2003 and the Advertising Club of Montreal from 2002 to 2003. He is president of Worldwide Independent Network of Market Research , which includes the largest independent firms surveys in the world. There is also a member of the board of the newspaper Le Devoir and TVA .

He appears regularly in interviews or in television specials, especially during elections in Quebec and Canada as a specialist in public opinion . It is also columnist for the Journal de Montreal and Toronto Sun.

Good ... I think I just make a powerful friend. I digress slightly more than conventional print media Quebecer ... Farewell pay $ 85 000 per year job and syndicated to 60 + years of pension funds.

I'm just an "asshole" conservative who writes as "nonsense" Mr. Leger ...

And yes ... it made me much good.
What about when he said that the Conservatives rely on fear of immigrants? The illegal who come by boat unhealthy and gave the smugglers a fortune ... do not show themselves complicit in human trafficking ... It has nothing to do with "building on fear of immigrants". Immigration laws govern, even with a Liberal government, because no rich country can open its borders unchecked. Mr. Leger is too stupid to understand this?

I have more questions after all ... and there's much worse than Jean-Marc Leger, who prevails in the Quebec media, for example, there Normand Lester on 98.5 FM in Montreal every day.

I hate deeply anti-Americanism and "Quebec values" as determined by Gilles Duceppe and now, Jean-Marc Leger. Also, I do not like the "son of", "girls", all kinds of favoritism or discrimination positive. The intelligence, creativity, talent, must rely on networks of contacts, everything. But in Quebec ... we have different values.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Contentwedding Cardshindi

Shootout in Tucson: A report of demagogy Joyce Napier

The "spin" Democrat since the shooting is some debate in American society leads people bothered as "Jared" to commit acts like this Saturday, January 8 at the rally Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson Arizona. The journalist

Radio-Canada's Joyce Napier was sometimes difficult to hide his political agenda, as is its numerous gold bracelets "bling-bling" it lugs around his arms across the United States to Port-Au- Prince, Haiti; It jumps from TV to us, it shines too.

The evil politician is not new, when such an event should be used to project the responsibility of an unreasonable act by a person totally débalancée on political opponents. This is not because Denis Lortie was motivated by an ideology federalist, he hated the PQ to want to kill all Members of this party in the National Assembly, that all federalists are responsible for his actions ...

The other precedent in Quebec is that of Marc Lepine who wanted women: we wanted to celebrate every year on December 6, all the evil that women have suffered in history, made by men, following the acts of a mentally ill ... as if all men shared the evil in them, the responsibility for this crime. 20 years after the tragedy, Lepine, who wanted to shock with her gesture that he wanted to "political", has won the attention of a movie.

Joyce Napier, journalist of experience, falls more and more in this ideological current in which Radio-Canada promotes, ever, with gross demagogy that is increasingly all over the place. The situation deteriorates to information from Radio-Canada, and regularly lowering the level of intellectual rigor to mere "spin" political supporters.

Jared Lee Loughner was not a coherent political ideologue, his speech had nothing logical, it's a pure waste of society that seems never to have been reasoned. It will be directed to capital punishment, that's all he deserves after the premeditated murder 6 people including a judge and a girl of 9 years. But Joyce Napier Radio-Canada does not say that Gabrielle Giffords is a conservative Democrat , for free shipping weapons and possesses itself of weapons , which definitely were not used when would have been necessary. Such important information that contradicts the theory devised by political strategists Democrats to discredit legitimate political opposition, are deliberately excluded from the report for public information depending on a French sided believe the story that the journalist reported, created from scratch: Jared listened to speeches from Republican right "extremist" sauce Tea Party, went to buy a gun, and was attacking a Democrat politician. Simplistic, unfounded, demagogic, sewn with white thread. Irrefutable proof: a graphics site of Sarah Palin using "target".

For people who want to believe this nonsense, this is sufficient, the case is resolved. Does this actually represents reality?

These projections of responsibility on this nasty "right" are not at all related to concrete words uttered, des enregistrements de la radio, des écrits précis. On demeure vagues... parce qu'il n'y a rien de plus que ces "cibles" représentant en réalité des objectifs électoraux , pour appuyer cette thèse partisane.

Bien que je crois que l'idée de l'équipe de Sarah Palin d'utiliser des cibles n'est pas vraiment géniale et plutôt inutile, il n'y a rien de plus banal , dans énormément de présentations powerpoint de commerces, de documentation interne, d'utiliser des cibles pour identifier des cibles au sens du dictionnaire.

Les journalistes qui ont embarqué dans ce délire, comme Joyce Napier, font une démonstration lack of professionalism, taking their audience for idiots, and thus demonstrate that they have a political agenda to swallow. One wonders now if it can work as a journalist in Quebec if it was not the same political agenda.

You do not kill ideas with a shooting. Jared Lee Loughner much, waste of 22 years, had not understood that politicians and journalists who attribute his crime to a legitimate debate in a democracy.

Finally, I do not support the movement of the Tea Party, I am not a libertarian, I do not support Sarah Palin for a nomination for the presidency in 2012. I'm a conservative Canadian generally in favor of economic liberalism. My agenda is not going beyond that, contrary to Radio-Canada, it is not hidden, nor paid, I do not withdraw any amount or benefit in expressing my opinions.


target , noun

Direction 1 Subject , panel that the ' we aims to exercised to take . English target
Sens 2 Goal, goal that we seeks to achieve [ transitive ] . Synonym goal English target
Sens 3 Objective , public referred to a Advertising or a study of market. Synonym goal English (public, target audience) target audience


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Neutral Duluxpaint Colors For Living Room

Melting pot of year-end - Bye Bye artists

The Bouillabaisse brown

Years after we have discussed the importance of looking further into the dirt Quebec politics, central to all major corruption scandals in Canada in recent decades, This year has seen the magnitude of the disaster. Already at the beginning of the 2000s I heard the lawyer Guy Bertrand and host André Arthur evoke the smells of decay surrounding the elite in the Quebec sponsorship scandal, as in the unfinished investigation on juvenile prostitution in Quebec City where supplies of "pizza" were made up fresh in Montreal taxi, and where street gangs in Quebec and Montreal traded ownership of the "pizza" as it is trading hockey cards.

The monster of corruption has its tentacles everywhere, and around vital organs Construction QFL. Reports from Radio-Canada have highlighted the relationship of this plant association with persons associated with organized crime, and business-like-money laundering. The portrait of the situation in 2010 shows that it is even possible to have an influence on the appointment of judges in return for a few envelopes of cash.

You think all this is that some dirty, or large intimidating man with big arms? Détromopez you, Quebec is rotten in depth, in its culture. Martin Patriquin in Maclean's explained the link between the "model" defended tooth and nail and the disturbing fact that Montreal PQ seems to be the center of gravity of corruption in Canada.

There remained a sponsor receives a bullet between the eyes sitting at his table, though his home in Montreal.

Yes Quebec is tolerant ... it tolerates the intolerable, it tolerates corruption. Everyone knows someone who makes passes p'tites notes, directly encourages organized crime by smoking small joints or cigarettes. After that, strangely one enters the store, take a copy of the Journal de Montreal and is said to the cashier as they say "it's cold today ".... "S'toute a gang of crossers ein

...?" Well sure ... but you?

Tolerance Quebec culture of abuse, and youth on the road ...

I open the newspaper today, a survey reassures me again on my conviction that the people of Quebec are less civilized, more corrupt, irresponsible, thoughtless, crossers than others: 37% of Quebecers admit to driving while intoxicated in 2010, at least, close to the limit. In the rest of Canada, this proportion was 24%. Quebecers take chances ... to be Pogner, break their car (and to pass the bill to the insurers), to kill, kill other people ... and even spend a few years in prison. Edifying! Be proud!

We have all heard, if not repeating ourselves, that English-Canadians are "flat", you know, their bars close an hour before big in Ontario ... dramatic. As if absolutely necessary to close the bar at 3:15, get a breath of old empty bottle, have eyes that link different directions and a smile for the thick "Fonne. With the Germans, Australians and Englishmen who are quite unbeatable this point, Canadians top the list of the biggest drinkers beer and alcohol in the world say, civilized *... but for us Quebecers still better than the "cursed English," there are "flat".

Personally, I do not mind the idiots who do not judge me are "flat". I passed the age of smoking the drug, for giving me cancer, liver inflict a crisis every week. Cursed worse I think those who have not evolved, which are now in adulthood, the prime ... are very flat in their downfall.

imagine and understand now that these people all notes, impossible to keep up, who want to have "Fonne" ... have children, reared in the same "surtolérance", the same laxity, and at 16, one month after they are given the keys to a car, even before having completed high school. It's easier and for parents who do not want to make "Taxi".

yet be tanned to the taxi for her teen ... we can only tell him to take the bus. The car before the age, maturity necessary, the main thing is subsidized by cheap education in Quebec. The parking lots are full of Vocational cars, sometimes young people who have not even worked in their lives. Unlike elementary logic of compliance priorities ... burning stage. We can still not ask young Quebecers to be more mature and responsible than their parents ...


Bye bye, bye bye ...

Once again CBC has used a pitch-bullshit-libertario integral to defecate on the amphitheater project in Quebec, while dealing with "con", the Prime Minister of Canada, holder an MA in economics ... I have not met anyone who calls a "con" Stephen Harper who has a degree (even less intelligent arguments) that confirms, proves that he is less stupid.

And in this issue, saying that Harper is "con", literally you invent a debate on abortion has never been opened by the Conservative government. To enter head this invention, there is 2 times mentioned.

Thick Montreal handsomely enriched in the entertainment industry (is it the culture with a capital "C"?), The millionaires of humor, or TV subsidized insult People of taxpayers, represented by 70 000 people on the Plains of Abraham, who just want to pay anything other than care of a health system badly fucking ingrates and artists.

Louis Morissette, who has nothing lifestyle of Quebecers who just works hard and who must work overtime to get you deals caves, you who want an amphitheater in Quebec ... after Montreal had caused the ruin with its elephantine projects mismanaged ... especially after Louis has cashed his check from Radio-Canada.

I have always said ... if you find that lack of money for an amphitheater, a stadium, a road or a hospital ... send So the "artists" find a real job. I do not propose to cut the Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of Civilization, which are tools for transmitting culture, the real ... Instead, I propose to cut grateux guitars that have a cottage in the Laurentians have sold hundreds of albums, or actors who want a moratorium on shale gas, thus limiting the potential for creating jobs and creating the wealth, which then pays health, education, and culture.

Because the lesson to the taxpayers of Quebec ... say who to vote for ... greased the artist in the system are misplaced ... It's like they say: "You have to have the front all around the head."

I ask you: What is the share of family assets Cloutier / Morissette does not come from taxpayers Quebecers?

In the generic Bye Bye :

- Véronique Cloutier, Queen multimillionaire Radio-Canada, heiress of Guy Cloutier, spouse of Louis Morissette.
- Louise Richer, producing content (National School of humor), wife of Guy A Lepage pope's platter.
- François Avard Head scénatriste, who before being subsidized entertainment industry (Les Bougon), was on welfare.


* Russia is not part of the civilized world.