the ends of the political spectrum you have the libertarians and the other Communists. Somewhere on the left, you have those who cultivate a certain state dependence, and right, those who cultivate individual rights. Central to everything you have chameleons and "I do not know", some extremists in their beigeur.
In recent months, while reaffirming my right unashamed, I pointed to some inconsistencies and accepted dogma, sometimes wrongly right. Take for example the ultra-religious seeking the intervention of the state he claims to prefer their religious values ... I also questioned the Libertarians thoughtless, dogmatic, which are becoming more and more as a pressure group that aims to influence decisions, without dipping into active politics in an election, issue to get legitimacy, as the unions of the left side.
As of Quebec, I grew up with the Nordiques. I denounced small ones in my class who took the team to another city, the team was always favored by the referees, we had understood before that Ron Fournier has un micro à la radio. J'ai joué au hockey mineur, sur la patinoire que mon père faisait sur le terrain, et dans la rue parfois tard l'été. Je rêvais de jouer dans la ligue nationale... jusqu'à temps que je sois obligé de porter des lunettes dans l'adolescence.
Cela fait 20 ans que j'attends un amphithéatre à Québec. Cela fait 20 ans que je vois mes gouvernements supposément "cassés" distribuer de généreux cadeaux à tout et rien, surtout à Montréal. Annuellement 700 millions en culture... Plus de 10 milliards en 20 ans. Trois toits sur le stade, le prochain coûtera 300 millions... et on a pas le choix... soyez certains que contrairement au projet de Québec ce sera du 100% public. Aucun débat sérieux n'aura cours dans la société Québécoise, ni de vox pop plantés dans des quartiers bohèmes organisés par Radio-Canada.
Saviez-vous que tous les Québécois du Québec paient pour le fonds de pension des employés de la Ville de Montréal? ... comme si nous avions pas assez de nos villes, nos cols bleus.
Le fédéral...
Il faut se rendre à l'évidence, le gouvernement fédéral ne doit pas s'impliquer substanciellement dans le projet de Québec, pour plusieurs raisons. Par contre, it should do so in an amount equal to what was in the last preceding the subject: Winnipeg and Ottawa.
The federal government should reach a few tens of millions in taxes and fees through the construction of complex to be located at the northeast corner of Boulevard Hamel and the Laurentian Autoroute. The federal has contributed $ 6 million in assembling the Scotia Bank Place (formerly Corel Centre) Kanata, a western suburb of Ottawa. In Winnipeg, about the same thing for the MTS Centre.
An amount of $ 15 million (higher due to higher cost du projet de Québec pour les taxes et impôts retirées par le fédéral et l'évolution en dollars constants) serait vu d'une part comme:
1) Une participation symbolique équivalente aux participations pour Winnipeg et Ottawa, qui rapelle que le gouvernement fédéral ne néglige pas le Québec
2) Ne créerait pas le précédent redouté par tous les fiscalo-responsables, qui obligerait de donner des centaines de millions à Edmonton, Calgary, Regina pour leurs projets respectifs.
Ainsi, le fédéral doublerait la mise du "privé" par les contributeurs du groupe "J'ai ma place" de Mario Bédard. Group that all those who say the media "100% public" ignorant, issue of feeding a populist disdain for the project. You will find this contempt for the CBC and La Presse of Plateau Mont Royal. The insistence
participation type "equal" to the federal serves only to feed a spin supporter of the Bloc Quebecois and the Bloc Québécois. Gilles Duceppe knows that it is impossible for any elected federal government is involved in this way. The federal government is already expected for other investments, the Port of Quebec City and International Airport Jean Lesage, who arrives at its full capacity has doubled its passenger numbers in recent years. These are more traditional or federal normally invests at home and abroad.

symbolic participation of the new federal Coliseum is not a good reason to reject the Conservatives in Quebec, on the contrary. Except that it must be admitted that the output with the jerseys, it was not very good from them ... A bad idea that could jeopardize the project and launched the wrong message.
At the provincial ...
Provincially it is quite another thing. Provinces and municipalities have a history of major investments in infrastructure similar or even less structural, cost effective, with far less impact in a regional economy that the Quebec City project. The project is mainly Quebec a project which also consumers of sport and culture of Thetford Mines Trois Rivieres Baie Comeau and Rimouski up, and Roberval-Saguenay-Alma to St. George, a region encompassing nearly 2 million that Quebecers who pay taxes too, who deserve the complex closer to home than the Bell Centre in Montreal.
Just take the examples of costs in Montreal in recent years, both with the entertainment district or the hall of the MSO, where all Quebecers have invested a little unknowingly hundreds of millions in infrastructure they will not use, and even they might never see on TV.
Quebec City is a strategic choice for its visibility, revitalize a neighborhood in ruins, build a modern sports and cultural tool who replaces another public already, it's 61 years outdated, and costly maintenance by its disuse.
This investment n'est en rien une subvention aux "millionnaires du hockey", rien ne garanti l'accession de Québec aux villes du cercle sélect de la Ligue Nationale de Hockey. Même sans Nordiques, l'amphithéatre est nécessaire, incontournable. Et que dire de ces "millionnaires de la F1" qui viennent subventionnés à chaque année à Montréal?
Savez vous quoi? Je n'ai rien contre que l'on soutienne avec l'argent des taxes le Grand Prix de Montréal année après année, parce que le Grand Prix rapporte plus à Montréal et au Québec que ce qu'il coûte aux contribuables, rien ne fait entrer plus d'argent neuf au Québec. Pourtant la piste Our Lady of the island is also public. The example is the project of Quebec ... especially the exploitation of any hockey franchise will be 100% private.
By their stubbornness, some "libertarians" want us to manage public funds as a grandmother. Full of "cash" in a sock hidden the money he would have a much better standard of living than slums rented an old dial TV with rabbit ears. At his death, the money is found at the dump hidden in an old rotten couch.
Why public scrutiny?
Because Quebec City control the costs of its projects. Because public investment will not be a windfall for a businessman insider, who would pay for the control of infrastructure by $ 350 million coming out only a third of the amount. However, managing day to day maintenance, should be offered sub-contracting.
Because this infrastructure replaces the Pepsi Coliseum built in 1949 and administered from the public, public infrastructure that serves municpales and community activities such as international hockey tournament pee wee , the largest minor hockey tournament world for 52 years. Many of the greatest players of several generations around the world are past, which puts to the status of Quebec Capitals hockey in the world, with nearly 2,500 players each year.
No great Colosseum offering free ice at the tournament during his two weeks in February, no tournament.
The public construction and public control of infrastructure prevents the sale of concessions and the sale of the building's name.
Anyway, the construction and operation of such a building to private, non-tax holiday, without subsidies, without land donated, may not be profitable in a number of markets North America who can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Now, forty markets have this infrastructure.
Finally, I would add that all those who will come back as zombies, empty eyes, drooling a "bad patients in hospitals", are pure idiots, and therefore are excluded of any debate you want smarter. We did not finish hearing the CBC ...
You find it odd not to see Radio-Canada invite "libertarians" use arguments of pseudo-budgetary stringency, only when it's time to try to sabotage the project of Quebec? Ms. Dussault RDI and Ms. Drolet's Téléjournal Quebec are yet paid employees of a Crown corporation.
Seriously ... If this bill is blocked , like everything else is blocked, mining of uranium, shale gas wells, dams that we can not build, it will simply close the Quebec. This will mean that there is nothing more to do here, that it's not worth even bother trying.
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