Sunday, February 13, 2011

Can Heavy Implantation Bleeding Mean Multipuls

The refusal of the federal government will also be to blame Regis Labeaume

Contrary to what some "opinion leaders" of Quebec as Gilles Parent Analyst (very weak) ... and all anti-conservative if not directly Bloc's refusal to participate in the federal plan Labeaume who refuses an offer of private should not have the impact of "sweeping" out the Conservatives in Quebec.

I even read one in a daily newspaper called " Why do we pay taxes to the federal government? " very stupid question considering the equalization system that inflates the Quebec economy of 8, $ 4 billion coming from taxpayers in other provinces. Moreover, the dispute on hamonisation the GST and QST will certainly involve a big check to the government Charest, then he can spend his way ... to buy votes, the union ...

In the tussle between the king and the Conservative government Labeaume ... the possibility of a draw is more than possible.

  1. The federal refusal does not block the possibility of construction of the amphitheater. Quebec will still have its amphitheater, so the federal government will not block the odious project.
  2. The refusal of federal occurs following the refusal of Labeaume Quebecor to include in the financing of the asset. Labeaume has offered a way out of the federal do not want to open this door that could open up enormous expenses across Canada.
  3. Quebecers are rather divided on the main public financing and those who oppose it are mostly ... Conservatives already. No chance to get them to vote Bloc.

The problem remains the day of the vest ... I repeat, it was unnecessary and has caused confusion on the real need for this infrastructure project with or without professional hockey in Quebec.

In Quebec, several conservatives are firmly in the saddle according to recent polls, even the poll conducted for The Sun which called for the polls with a denial of federal de participer à l'amphithéatre, démontrait que Daniel Petit dans Charlesbourg garderait une avance.  Une perte de 1 à 3 comtés à Québec, pourrait se combler par des gains de 1 à 3 comtés ailleurs au Québec, soit dans l'est, et des espérances sur la candidature de Larry Smith, ex-dirigant des Alouettes de Montréal.

Denis Lebel et Jean-Pierre Blackburn, les 2 ministres du Saguenay Lac Saint Jean pourraient être considérés sûrs, tout comme Lawrence Cannon. Pour ce qui est de Maxime Bernier, c'est un de ceux qui a les plus fortes majorités au Canada, battant ses collègues albertains, peut-importe les efforts de la presse enragée anti-conservatrice de Montréal.

Les chances de Harper d'être majoritaire ce printemps sont peut-être ainsi meilleures que jamais.

Pour ce qui est des investissements dans les infrastructures de Québec, le gouvernement fédéral pourra se ratrapper sur des participations majeures dans un nouvel agrandissement de l'Aéroport Jean Lesage qui deviendra incontournable avec l'atteinte rapide de la capacité maximale des installations agrandies en 2007-2008.

Le port de Québec attend aussi des investissements. C'est moins sexy qu'un amphithéatre, mais ce sont des secteurs où le fédéral s'implique habituellement sans causer de débalancement dans les 9 autres provinces.

In Quebec, it was difficult to get into the context that we are not alone, and an amphitheater of the federal government is no more a "due" with Bloc Duceppe goes into the head that everything must be in Quebec, only by the fact that we exist ... like a big Indian reservation.

The federal government has a reason not to participate in the project of Quebec ... Regis Labeaume gave a reason to not participate in federal, but a symbolic equivalent to that in the Scotia Bank Place in Kanata or the MTS Centre, as I mentioned in my last text, pass better for everyone.


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