Monday, October 27, 2008

Laptop Monitor Disconected From Bottom

A Few Words About the Kids Club Happy Monkey The Happy Monkey

Un Club pour enfants, qu'ils soient en vacances ou sur place à l'année se doit avant tout d'être ludique (pour faire plaisir aux enfants) and secure (to reassure parents).
Our desire is to develop in a safe maximum activities according to age and interests of children.

An outdoor playground sand was built, another with hopscotch, play ground and bicycles is also available.
The interior space is specially reserved for smaller (3 to 18 months).
An air-conditioned room is reserved for a nap or rest in front of a DVD after dinner where outdoor games for example.
game consoles (PS2 and Wii in mid-December) may distract the greatest.

Our French and Thai staff is experienced in the care and entertainment for children.
activities may be available depending on the day and wishes: sporting, creative, cultural ...

Many development works are planned in November to accommodate children in a completely updated, all clean and everything beautiful for the holiday season!

Soon photos will be available.

How To Orientate Window Curtain Holdbacks

Kids Club briefly

A Club for children, whether on vacation or on site at the year must above all be fun (to please the children) and secure (to reassure parents).
Our desire is to develop in a safe maximum activities according to age and interests of children.

An outdoor playground sand was built, another with hopscotch, play ground and bicycles is also available.
The interior space is specially reserved for smaller (3 to 18 months).
An air-conditioned room is reserved for a nap or rest in front of a DVD after dinner where outdoor play for example.
game consoles (PS2 and Wii in mid-December) will distract the greatest.

French and Thai Our staff is experienced in the care and entertainment for children.
activities may be available depending on the day and wishes: sporting, creative, cultural ...

Many development works are planned in November to accommodate children in a completely updated, all clean and everything beautiful for the holiday season!

photos will be available soon.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Boutique Name & Slogan Only

The Launch! About us ...

We are a French couple (Mathilde and Dara) who decided to settle in Thailand after several visits to the country these past 4 years.
We love the country, people and of course the Thai dishes!

Our son, Simon, was born in March 2008 and we wanted to offer him a better life than that which awaited him in Paris where we lived until October 2008.

Katie and James, an English couple ran the Kids Club Chaweng and decided to sell it, we have seized this opportunity and here we are!

The club was renamed le HAPPY MONKEY KIDS CLUB et propose aux touristes de passage sur l'île et aux résidents un service de garde d'enfants soit au club soit au sein de leur hotel ou villa par nos baby sitters expérimentées.

Trade With Yourself Vba

Starting Up! Who we are ...

We are a french couple (Mathilde and Dara) who decided to move to Thailand we have been visiting each year for the past 4 years.
We love the people, the country and obvisouly the food.
Our son, Simon was born in March 2008 and we wanted to offer him another life than rainy Paris we were living in until October.

Katie and James were running the Chaweng Kid Club and wanted to sell it, we seized the opportunity and here we are in our new life!

The kid Club is now called the HAPPY MONKEY KIDS CLUB and offers tourists and residents child care at the club and private baby sitting at the hotel or villa 24/7.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Getting Aroused During Brazilian Wax

Teens favor criminalizing cyberbullying Cyberbullying


La jeune adolescente de 16 ans recevait des messages textuels menaçants. Ses camarades ont commencé à l'insulter par courriel quand des rumeurs à son sujet se sont répandues à l'école. On l'accusait d'avoir simulé une fracture à un bras.
«J'en ai eu assez des gens qui essayaient de me faire du mal ou qui me harcelaient, a-t-elle dit depuis son domicile de Listowel, en Ontario. Je devrai probablement m'en occuper moi-même, mais je veux que toutes les formes de harcèlement (à l'école) deviennent illégales.»

La Fédération canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants a adopté, le 12 juillet, une résolution demandant the addition of cyberbullying to the Criminal Code, which gives new hope to Miss Neu.
"The Criminal Code already mentioned (harassment) were (...) phone talking about harassment by mail. But the criminal code makes no mention of new technologies, "lamented the president of the federation, Emily Noble. The laws of the Criminal Code were all written long ago. Let's update it where necessary. "

But law professor Michael Deturbide, Dalhousie University in Halifax, believes it may be difficult to criminalize cyberbullying or determine what is acceptable et ce qui ne l'est pas.
«Je serais très prudent avant de faire de l'intimidation en ligne un crime, a-t-il dit. Les formes les plus graves de cyberintimidation sont déjà couvertes par le code criminel.»
M. Deturbide rappelle ainsi qu'il est déjà criminel de harceler les gens au point où ils en viennent à craindre pour leur sécurité, et que la propagation de rumeurs mensongères ouvre la porte à une poursuite en diffamation.
Et si la cyberintimidation est offusquante et déplaisante, poursuit-il, elle est aussi associée à des questions de liberté d'expression.

«La liberté d'expression est permise au Canada et ça signifie qu'on may say something unpopular and even nasty, but there is a line not to cross, "said Professor Deturbide. And this line is already defined by the Criminal Code and I do not see why we would need legislation specifically targeting Internet. "
Robert Frenette, a young man of 19 who joined Ms. Neu to launch the site Internet in 2006, has heard these arguments.
"I was bullied for 11 years and a half and I do not see bullying as a form of expression, he said. If we can charge for intimidation physics, we should be able to charge for cyberbullying. "

Mr. Frenette was cyber bullied by two girls who threatened a site online discussions. The next day they sat behind him on the bus and burned his neck with a lighter.
"When I told school, I brought with me a written copy of their threats," he said. But they said they could not lay charges because it was online product. There were charges if it had happened in person. The judicial system really let me falling. "

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Debuts Opening Prayer

, "a very real problem"

by Christian Leduc connect you
October 6, 2008

Cyberbullying would many victims among adolescents, but few of them tell their parents, a new study published in the United States.
According to psychologists at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), three in four students reported having been victims of cyberbullying in the last twelve months, but only one in ten students has notified her parents.

The study reveals that over 40% of 1454 respondents, all aged between 12 and 17 years were victims of cyberbullying between one and three times during the past year, while 13% were attacked between four and six times. Nearly one in five students said the victim was more than seven times assaults on the Web in the last twelve months.

Among the young victims of bullying, 85% of them reported having been bullied at school, the researchers continue. Nearly three quarters of these young people told researchers they knew who were the protagonists of these acts. But many young victims of bullying reported researchers that they did not know that other children suffered the same fate themselves.

The researchers conclude their study by stressing that parents should discuss cyber bullying with their children before they go to school, to warn them that this phenomenon exists and is not taboo to to talk about. They also suggest parents pay attention to sudden changes in the behavior of their children as well as the emergence of diseases like headache.

Showering After Waxing?

True story - the experience of Elisa

screw up a life in a few clicks
By Emily
Side CyberPresse
The January 12, 2008

In Quebec as elsewhere in the world, cyber bullying is rampant. Whether on MSN or networking sites like Facebook or Piczo, young people are threatened on the Internet. By starting rumors or by posting incriminating photos, students can do their comrades die of shame. Or kill them short as discussed in this series. Even teachers are splashed.

Last year, * Elisa has lived a nightmare. The girl of the versatile Richard Bishop was dating a boy the clique of friends when a girl jealous devoted a page on the networking site Piczo. "Bitch. Bitch "could be read. "Go back to your country."

Elisa did not want to set foot in school. All his classmates were informed. There was even graffiti on his locker.
Last year, Lea also wanted to die of shame because of information that circulated about it on the internet. She even decided to switch versatile full school year. Under the influence of alcohol, the young girl of 14 was photographed naked.

"It was not any there when she took pictures of her, told us his girlfriend Annie. To piss off, another girl put them on the internet. Afterwards, she kept to be disgust. There are people who treated her like a slut, cow, saying that it wanted her to be naked. She was no longer capable. She changed schools in February. "

Each day, young Quebecers come into class shameful head down. According to a survey conducted last winter by the organization Kids Help with 2500 young people, 70% of them have been bullied on the Internet, while 44% have already undergo.
Last year, Shaheen Shariff, a researcher at the Faculty of Education at McGill University, interviewed 500 students in six schools in Greater Montreal (see table). Nearly nine in 10 students knew someone who had suffered tremendously from being cyber bullied.

Cyberbullying is done in several ways. Rumors can be started on social networking sites like MySpace, Facebook or Piczo. Young people also threaten and insult each other on blogs, chats on MSN or texting via cell phones. A multitude of cases have been recounted in La Presse. Some cases are troubling.

As this young girl who had left his friend. This last, frustrated, aired footage of her masturbating, filmed with a webcam. However, he promised that it would remain between him and her ...

From school to home

Bullying has always existed. But today, it continues after school until late evening, from the schoolyard to the bedroom. Cyberbullying is as traditional bullying. Abuse of power and control. But the damage is greater and there is a lot faster.
"On the Internet, youth can bousiller la vie d'un camarade en quelques secondes et quelques clics, explique l'enseignant albertain Bill Belsey, à qui l'on doit le terme cyberintimidation. Ils peuvent également modifier des photos. Ou prendre des courriels privés et coller le texte dans un autre contexte.»

«L'autre jour, quelqu'un me lançait: Une fausse rumeur sur moi sur l'internet? J'aimerais cent fois mieux avoir un coup dans le ventre», relate l'Américain John Halligan. Depuis le suicide de son fils, l'homme de 44 ans est en croisade. Le Vermontois (dont le témoignage sera publié demain) multiplie les conférences. Il veut que les États américains adoptent des lois qui préviennent la cyberintimidation dans les écoles.

Les méchancetés lancées sur l'internet sont plus virulentes que celles lancées dans la cour d'école. «L'écran de l'ordinateur, cela enlève la retenue qu'une personne a naturellement dans le vrai monde. Quand tu es face à face avec quelqu'un et que tu es méchant, tu as un minimum d'empathie car tu vois la réaction. Pas sur l'internet», explique M. Halligan.
«J'avais peur d'aller à l'école et de me faire encercler», a confié à La Presse Félicia, une élève de secondaire un. Pour une histoire de garçon, elle était brouillée avec une amie.

Cette dernière a demandé du renfort to students in secondary two. "I found myself in the middle of a conversation in six out of MSN, said Felicia. They called me bitch, bitch ... It was hard to, especially since I had to change city. "
youth cyber bullied suffer in silence. "They do not relate to adults," said Bill Belsey.

They are afraid that their parents discover their secret garden and they responded by confiscating their computer or cell phone. They want to be online at the same time as the other. "
" When a young person being bullied, it's more often his friends who come to us. The person is embarrassed. They are afraid to Snitch (report) and it falls over them, "says Francis Lassen for his part, special education technician at the high school Mrg Richard of Verdun.

A public diary

If more teenagers and adults have a profile on Facebook, young people aged 12 or 13 years the majority of girls attend many networking sites and

The press has spent hours consult the profiles of students in Quebec. Very often, the pages are full of personal information. Girls of 12 years shall post photos where they pose a air sexy. D'autres jeunes y parlent de leurs états d'âme à livre ouvert. Mais Piczo n'est pas un journal intime. C'est un site dont les informations sont publiques.

Sur son profil, Andréanne*, par exemple, ne se gêne pas pour afficher son célibat. Sa date de naissance est bien en vue, tout comme son adresse de courriel personnelle.
Elle a intitulé une section de son site «La Conne», dédiée à une élève qu'elle n'aime pas. Un clic plus loin, il y a la photo et le nom de ladite «conne». En gros caractères, on peut lire: «Elle gosse tout le monde, elle veut se penser bonne et ça ne marche pas. C'est une grosse tabarnack.» (Le texte original read as follows: "a boy everybody want to be thought good and his walk in. then made nonsense (...) to stun large ******** tabarnack.")

a daily reality for some young people, threats or nasty launched on the Internet are part of everyday life. The bus 193, three students of the second secondary school Pere Marquette had in mind a multitude of examples. Yet, they talked about casually.
"The other day, two girls fought. One was treated the other King Kong Piczo, "says Tifanny between two bursts of laughter. "The girl is small, stocky and has a big nose, "she says. The three friends had a lot to say about a woman named Nikita. Last year Nikita has created a "gossip page" on Piczo. People were invited to write rumors about students. Caroline did not like. "It said that I kissed and sucked Jerome."

In a secondary, Caroline and Nikita haggled often. On several occasions, the best friends became enemies and vice versa. At one point, the two girls had a crush on their same guy. Nikita had the password Carolina. She changed her picture to another. Its côté, Caroline a pris un nom anonyme et elle a traité Nikita de «grosse».
Cette situation est typique. «Les jeunes se donnent leur mot de passe en disant: Allez, t'es ma best, explique Bernard Desrochers, directeur des services cliniques de Jeunesse J'écoute Montréal. Quand il y a une chicane, ils prétendent être l'autre. Ils peuvent faire un faux coming out en écrivant: je suis gai ou je suis en amour avec tel gars.»

«Celui qui est intimidé se sent seul, poursuit Bill Belsey. Il se sait plus qui croire. Il n'a plus confiance en personne. Il faut faire comprendre aux jeunes que ce qu'ils font sur l'internet ne s'efface pas. En premier lieu, cela peut blesser quelqu'un. But it can also affect their own future. "

names are fictitious