Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sharp Pain Between Finger And Thumb

Roadmap Thailand - August / September 2008

Vous l'aviez tant attendu et vous n'y croyiez plus d'ailleurs!...

Mais le voici enfin!....

Notre CARNET DE ROUTE DE THAILANDE est en ligne!...

On a mis le temps!... Oui, on sait!... Mais bon!... Ca valait le coup de patienter... Z'allez voir...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Where To Buy A Beyblade In Melbourne

Roadmap Thailand - 1st day

19 aout – 16H00 - PARIS

En voiture Simone ! C’est parti, direction l’aéroport de Roissy Charles de Gaulle!
Pilot: Claudius
Copilot: Toune
2:00 We arrive with advance ... If it's not the fine team that! ...

In fact, it c'coup we are going in Thailand: noodles and massages!

Liftoff is planned at 19.20. You will not believe maybe not, but it took c't plane and departed on time! But not everything has been so "pink" ... We are already hearing the "Oh! anyway! ... "

The day before, in a burst of incredible anticipation, we said: 'Look, if we started to prepare the bag, just to be relaxed on the day of departure?! . Result: at 14:00 on D-Day, he was missing: walking shoes for Toune, a raincoat for Pupuce and food for our kind of s ... Lapinoux ... Perfect! True to ourselves, we arrive at Lucile and Claude at 16:05 for a departure by car at 16.00.

"I got up at 11:45 anyway! J'comprends not! (Toune)

Anyway .... We arrive on time at the airport and boarding runs smoothly. The plane took off, and Toune breathe again ... We look at the passengers around us. Before us, a guy makes a jerk-reverse with its head early in the film (the nose is found to 20cm Toune folder), right, a kid trying to beat the world record altitude of decibels, behind, the same passion for the technical characteristics of the aircraft and left the door. The theft is happening despite tout sans encombre et après le visionnage de quelques films, nous atterrissons enfin à BANGKOK.

S’il vous plait, un peu de silence dans la classe !... Prenez vos cahiers et écrivez : BANGKOK se dit KRUNG THEP en thaïlandais. Ce qui signifie « cité des anges ». Mais il faut savoir que le nom complet de la ville est le plus long du monde : KRUNG THEP MAHA NAKHORN AMON RATANAKOSIN MHINDRAYTTHAYA MANDILOKROP NOPARATANA RAJDHANI BURIRAM UDON RAJNIVET MAHASATAN ANORN PIMARN AVATARN SATIT. Ce qui signifie : grande cité des anges, autel suprême des joyeux divins, forteresse invincible, vaste and sublime kingdom, royal capital and none of the nine noble gems, the monarch remains magnanimous.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Kates Playground Vids Bathtub

Roadmap Thailand - Day 2

Aug. 20 - 11:30 local time - BANGKOK

We take a bus to get to the hotel in central Bangkok, 30km from the airport. During the journey, the driver moves from the Thai pop music ... an atmosphere of madness sets in, ice everyone, and is Pupuce died of laughter!

During the 1:30 minutes (yes, okay, it's not Alain Prost driving !...), we discover progressively townscape atypical in 3 levels: ground, traditional houses made of wood or metal embedded in a lush tropical vegetation just above, snakes highways waste whose pillars slip between the houses, then again above , new snakes of new highways this time. This vision straight out of science fiction films of Spielberg.

We meet in passing various means of transport: the tuk-tuks (3 wheeled motorcycle with a seat back) and taxis including a multicolored makes us smile every time because all painted pink. Pupuce decides to call it: "Taxi Barbie."

Nous arrivons enfin à destination et prenons de plein fouet un 32°C bien tassé. Nous demandons notre chemin à un thaïlandais qui lève un bras et répond : « This way… One hour ! » (par là, une heure). Je le regarde avec de grands yeux et répond : « One hour ?! ». Il se met à rire en imitant ma réaction et répond : « No !... 5 minutes !»… J’le crois pas ! Premier contact avec un thaïlandais et il se f… de moi ! Au fil des heures, nous constaterons que les thaïs sont très cheerful and helpful, as claimed by their reputation.

We enter the Khao San Road, the street from the hotel, and are amazed by his hyper side trader with huge signs and lil boui-Bouis (carts itinerant) coming out from everywhere and nowhere. Then there is the international population that already abounds in early afternoon.

Nous trouvons l’hôtel et entamons une discussion avec l’hôtesse d’accueil. Nous découvrons alors que le thaïlandais qui parle anglais… bah c’est nul ! On n’comprend rien ! Ils mangent la moitié des mots, ne prononcent pas les « r », mais sourient tout le temps ! Du coup, nous aussi on sourit… mais on n’comprend toujours rien pour autant ! Nous arrivons tout de même à nous installer dans une chouette petite chambre et décidons de visiter la ville et ses temples.

Avant de démarrer, nous nous arrêtons devant un de ces boui-bouis tenus a noodle vendor. We ordered two portions and then we are faced with Bruce Lee in an apron! The guy takes two spatulas and chained 3-4 taken from kung fu to prepare delicious cups of noodles. Delicious!

It is already 4:00 p.m. ... On the way, a Thai explains that most temples close at 16H30. Awesome! ... We decide to take a walk to the Chao Phraya River which runs through Bangkok. We embark on a boat shuttle on the advice of tourists français qui passaient par là (c’est fou, y en a partout !).

Nous arrivons à un magnifique complexe de temples dont l’un est réputé pour son revêtement de mosaïques : le WAT ARUN. Nous escaladons la tour principale. On n’fait pas les malins ! L’escalier est si abrupte qu’il donne le vertige ! « Tu m’aideras pour descendre hein Toune ?! » dit Pupuce.

After half an hour we take the boat ride and back through the river that looks more like a giant river Creek.

Once ashore, we decided to dive straight into the alleys of BANGKOK to find the temple that we saw the top of Wat Arun. Then we fall on a Thai who recognizes the two tourists who we are and shows us the way to the temple. He asks us what country we come from. Just finished the word "FRANCE" the man laughs and chained a monologue of a half-hour presentation of his city and its surroundings! After managing to get rid of, we find that night has fallen and that the temple was that we wanted to see the doors closed! But apparently, the temples were all night-lights so we can admire on the way home, these beautiful illuminated buildings.

We decide to take a tuk-tuk to go to the hotel where you can sample this means of locomotion is so typical of Thailand! We walk on the sidewalk until one of them stopped at our level. We tell the street from the hotel and begin our first trade! As the MALI, negotiation is systematic! It says "6 baths" by 6 with his fingers. We climb in the back and then the serious stuff begin! Imagine a scooter with a motorcycle engine making a terrible racket, with lots of little lights flashing everywhere. Add to that conduct ... in Thai! The thing is, we are behind the driver, or rather, pilot, and we do not see the road! It only needed a music chase and one would have thought! Once there, I tend to 6 baht driver replied: "No, sixty! "(No, 60!). We had misunderstood early in the race! ... On holiday it! ... I made him understand that I'm only 50 baht on me and he agreed.

In the hotel, we do not long to we decide to take a dip in the pool. (We chose a hotel with swimming pool! ... Super gegene !...) We climb ... on the 7th floor with elevator, do not mess around! And find a wooden deck overlooking the city with temples illuminated scattered everywhere. It's beautiful as all!

After half an hour, the wind was right to us, and we descend into the room for a shower that will make us sweat again after 30 seconds ! We are all beautiful for our first Thai restaurant! Before that, we decide to hide our money and find the perfect place: Toune socks on his feet during the day! This should stop the evil intentions ... There has to in there, is not it?

We go out into the street and take a slap huge! The Khao San is filled to the brim! It teems with people and he comes out of everywhere! The music is loud because each brand wants to attract tourists. While walking, we were talking to the right, left ... "Come on, come on, good drinks! "(Come, come, good drink!). The huge signs are illuminated and are more like commercials than anything else!

We find a little further, in a small street, a small restaurant cute held by a smiling woman and her mother talking in the street to catch the eye of passersby. Vegetation on the pergola near the restaurant. We decide to move here. The woman holds out the Menu: writing in Thai and in English only and no photo ... please! Allez hop! In war as in war! We choose to feel each a different dish. Pupuce falls on a noodle dish with shrimp and I found very big on noodles with chicken and peppers. Believing that the peppers were orange seafood, frankly I bite into it and my mother cry! I empty my glass in one gulp ... We finish our meal slowly. A review of food is now more than wise before swallowing! Then we walk in the surrounding streets and discover lots of little restaurants, canteens and other pavement boui-bouis interest to other parties.

On the way back we stopped at a greasy spoon, which offers chocolate-banana pancakes Thai. We request one and Bruce Lee resurfaces again! In 30 seconds and it bent the plate! Super good, but side diet is not! The Thai is like super Breton finally! Oil and butter thrills! ...

Back home. I hang the sign "do not disturb". After 5 minutes we heard knocking on the door. Super! ... I look ... nobody! I removed the sign ... We do not rest in BANGKOK! I finish writing these lines ... and sleep!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Nice Sms Of New Born Baby

Roadmap Thailand - Day 3

Aug. 21 - 8:00 - BANGKOK

The Rise of 7:00 did not come! Motion for battle and we end up at 9:00 am at the bottom of the hotel for little bf. Pupuce Toune takes fruit and rice, of the omelet, bacon and sausage ... Fo not s'louper in my breakfast! Then to the Wat Phra Kaeo and the Grand Palais.

At the entrance, we must change because the legs and bare shoulders are not accepted in religious places. Buddha's lucky him! He can stay half-naked in this heat! So Pupuce dons a superb salmon shirt and green pants Toune goose poop!

We discover a magnificent architectural complex in Thailand! Many of the sculptures, many temples, lots of gold ... and a lot of people who imitate the statues! The sun beats down but we continue.

We arrive at Wat Phra Kaeo, a gigantic temple agglutinate where hundreds of people, tourists and locals. To rentrer, nous devons passer entre une façade du temple et un gros meuble d’1,5m de haut sur 10m de long environ, dans lequel nous devons déposer nos chaussures. On doit être pieds nus devant Bouddha ! Nous rentrons et nous trouvons devant un hôtel d’adoration 10m de haut, entièrement recouvert d’or et sur lequel culmine un Bouddha d’émeraude. Un trésor digne des film d’Indiana Jones ! D’ailleurs : « Indiana Jones et le Bouddha d’émeraude », ça claque comme affiche, non ?! Fô que j’en parle à Steven…

We left the Grand Palace for us to walk to Wat Pho. It is a temple complex in one of which is a reclining Buddha in gold, 45m long and 15m high. We must also remove our shoes to fit ... very impressive moment when I discovered Buddha! The impression is that you build, then built the temple around! He's stuck between two rows of huge pillars and drowns his hat into the ceiling. We see an entry for tourists (paying) and an input Thai (gratos but kept). I knew we should get an eyelid surgery! ... We come out and enchaînons wonders on wonders ... but ... degrees degrees

's Small breaks dictate. "(Dixit Toune)

"Well, here we go!? "(Dixit Pupuce)

We are about to leave this wonderful site of drowning sun, when the drama happens ... Pupuce remember (reading the Routard) that there is in this complex a SCHOOL OF THAI MASSAGE!

hop, handbrake, neutral and reverse gear!

We find very easily (too) small temple dedicated to this school and to penetrate. A chill wind of air conditioning controlled by a shrinking service phew me ... followed immediately by a very soothing scent of camphor balm massage. El Pupuce there does not let down and she chose the "one hour massage for the body with herbs".

My legendary modesty makes me wait in the lobby air conditioning. I take this opportunity to write a little and sleep a lot ... Pupuce wakes me up and we go out every two-mode "super soft massage and nap." Once at the exit of the complex we take a tuk-tuk direction the National Museum. The ride is good for us and is our little toes. But once it becomes "very soft".

The Museum is very complete sculptures, armories, statues, musical instruments, history of the country illustrated with artwork decorations, etc.. But the fatigue strength takes us and make the visit while trailing thongs as if we were doing cross country skiing. Pupuce surprises even me to follow the route Museum without looking at the windows! Oh no ...

Then we go out and take a tuk-tuk to go for a boat ride. It approaches the first, a beating heart, because we do not know what to say at all ... He shows a map of the city and canals, saying: "Boat Tour" (tour boat). The driver said "Ok! . I asked him "how much? And he said "eighty" (80) or rather "label" with their great English accent rots. I replied "pang pai! "(Too expensive). Any word as Thai super heavy we had learned the day before. I suggest "30 baht" and said "Ok! "Smiling. How we are too hefty!

On the tuk-tuk again!

We arrive on a riverbank and find a Thai one on a pedestal. We ask him a ride boat in Khlong (canals to the west of the city bordered by houses on stilts, a poor neighborhood and traditional).

The Thai says 1200 baht for one hour for both. Imagine the time it took to understand everything! In short, once everyone Ok, Thai whistle of a tug and a ship in the distance happens. We climb and find a grandfather at the helm ... We hold the seat, or rather two wooden planks, and Roll!

We discover, after several minutes of chaos on the main river water, great small canals overgrown with wooden houses on stilts or in jail. Super landscape very relaxing. At a time when we walk, we see many terraces with grannies and their grandchildren that we are cuckoo. It's really a different landscape from BANGKOK!

Then back on the mainland.

Proud of our insurance, we take again a tuk-tuk and negotiate the return to 20 baht (40 cents!). Now it only tuk-tuk!

Back at the hotel. Quick shower and we leave Chinatown Branch ... ... tuk-tuk of course! ...

Uh ... there by cons it's a little worse, because in fact it is far thus 90 baht! (2 €! Priceless ...). But for this price it really takes us to China! Everything is written in Chinese, there are signs everywhere illuminated, neon and eateries galore not to know the count.

We find a small canteen outside on the sidewalk. We choose super easy, thanks to photos and we regale. Pupuce taking crumbs and crab curry Toune crumbs crab curry. It's like saying, but it's not like eating. The dishes are served with three sauces spicy giga anyone in the family happen to eat! We try and we realize that Chinese is not p ...!

Then stroll digestive and turning a small street, we come across a movie street wild. Too bad, we come to the end of the movie! Specifically in the end credits! Bon bah s'coucher you go then! ...

We go by tuk-tuk ... That's it, we're Thai! Ching chong chung! It s'prend a little glass of late night, I write a few lines, as Pupuce bed and laughs at once, then sleep ...