Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nadine Jansen Vidèos Grati

Pu capab '

That is so very serious for Radio-Canada Opposition, a former conservative ADQ almost be appointed on the Board Administration of Radio-Canada Opposition ... and another is appointed Vice-Chairman of the CRTC ... The reaction

contempt calculated not something suspicious? This is a new Prime Minister's Office, a government office, make appointments, taking into account some "communion of ideas"?

Did you think the Liberals have appointed a Reform, Alliance, Conservative to these key positions on telecommunications in Canada? Duceppe, Ignatieff Mulcair, Rodriguez, all played with this new scandal. Savient they too after 5 years in power, the more people to replace plus le temps passe, et moins il y aura de bons vieux amis du Parti Libéral du Canada dans les postes-clefs.

Le scandale serait justifié si quelqu'un avait acheté son poste, comme il serait coutume au Québec... Mais le simple fait d'être d'accord avec les politiques du gouvernement n'est en rien un problème à une nomination, au contraire. C'est simplement l'exercice du pouvoir. C'est juste normal que ce ne soit pas le dalai lama de la verdure David Suzuki qui soit nommé par les conservateurs pour s'occupper de l'environnement.

Une nomination libérale fera toujours moins de peine à Gilles Duceppe ou à Thomas Mulcair, monsieur anti-flatulence, c'est tellement mal le gaz de schiste...

Pu capab'

Je ne suis plus capable des chansons subventionnées, de 95% de tout ce qui est chanté en français, surtout s'il y a un son Montréalo-antillais rasta-résine, de l'espèce de Reggae Québécois bâtard ... quelle merde pour fumeux de joints francophiles dans les vapeurs...

" Harper aime les avions de combat, mais y'a rien pour les famille s?" Il y a du travail pour les parents des familles au Canada... Les canadiens ont jamais autant consommé et autant été so rich. Plasma TV, 2nd car, traveling in the south, smartphone ...

" The G8 and G20 have cost a buttered " ... ... But any government would pay the same. It is an obligation to our partners.

" The country has never been so indebted " ... False ... the top of Canada's debt was in the late '90s. Before falling into recession, we had repaid much of the debt. The thick not know the difference between deficit and debt. The thick also did not know what is the "constant dollars". It will make many beautiful songs connes like that, we removed the economics course in high school ... And if the deficit was as high in 2010, due to a costly "recovery plan" that the Harper government has done under threat of being run over by the three opposition parties, including a party who pays this clip. Imagine if we had paid all of the suggestions the Liberals, Bloc, NDP ... Gifts for the unemployed here, subsidies there ... The

" seat at the UN" ... it has not "lost" ... because they had not. For having to wait his turn and vote for that country ass with dictators, vote for us. In recent years, the "dirty" are less appreciated Canada ... so it's an honor to have lost this seat. But all this, the composer of the lyrics, still do not know what kind of seat at the UN and it was about what it was ... the important thing is the "rhymes".

" Conservatives are against Kyoto " ... What happened to Kyoto? Where are your carbon markets? What has been shoveling clouds so far?

" Harper is a friend of the oil " ... but what kind of moron is influenced by this argument démago ? It must be the enemy of oil and we can be teleported by the mystical energy? Who buys the oil? Then you're all "friends of oil"?

" When Harper talks about the death penalty, I have a big thrill for me through the body " ... Why? It was never an issue ... and the death penalty it should scare the Robert Pickton, Paul Bernardo in this country ... The disgusting they are serial killers, not the Conservatives.

" If you do not agree with Harper, they will insult you to scare you "... I have only to open my TV to RDI, and I am insulted all day long. This clip is a ton of insults, prejudice, stereotypes.

I thought that it was bad the "negative publicity " ... Must warn my friend Jean-Marc Leger, he does not like him when it is negative publicity ... Minutes of intentions, in pure demagogy , lies, inventions, fabrications.

Bill 101

I read in letters of opinions in the paper that Maxime Bernier was "blasphemy" by saying on a radio wave Halifax that Bill 101 was useless. A blashême ... is not nothing. It is an insult imaginary creations, insulting a belief. Then I think a point of blasphemy! I had to debate this controversial position, against Bill 101 with "friends of friends" on Facebook. When you ask these proud Francophile rational arguments explaining the retention of Quebecers in the dark to know a second language for exchanging with the rest of the world ... you make yourself say "I'd have plenty of arguments, but it's pointless to argue with you, you know nothing" ... It's like pretending to have a gun under his coat with his fingers, it was tous compris, ceux qui en ont la capacité, un petit sens de l'observation, que ce n'est rien de très menaçant.

Voilà des perles que l'on m'a sorti, sans trop de honte...

Si té pas content de vivre en français ici, pourquoi tu t'en va pas?

J'y ai déja pensé. Je commence à être vieux pour m'en aller. Au fait, je suis chez moi ici et nous sommes toujours en démocratie à ce que je sache, j'ai donc le droit d'exprimer mon désaccord, même si l'idéologie des nationalistes est d'écraser les minorités. Parlant d'écraser la minorité...

I could give you the results of surveys, foreign cultural realities for comparison, to show you the valadité Bill 101 and its benefits to our society!

A "poll" is an argument? This is my friend Jean-Marc Leger, who will be! If everyone thought not so long ago, that the earth is flat, it should be! As proof, we burned those who said it was round! It would have changed shape as humans have changed their minds?
The next is strong

With a city of 3.5 million people, Montreal is the second largest French-speaking metropolis in the world, just behind Paris ... I say this as well, but I prefer that Montreal stands out in French, o ù competition is less fierce, as such, rather it tries to compete by claiming English ...
actually 3.5 million you'll rake up Saint Jerome ... too bad you have to speak French anglophones and allophones. Montreal would pas 2e au monde, mais la 6, parmi plein de villes du tiers-monde. Tu est en compétition avec Alger, Kinshasa et Dakar... Vraiment ça fait une très belle jambe d'être en concurrence juste avec des villes francos! Port-Au-Prince! C'est pas ce qu'on appelle viser bas? Il n'est pas petit le -complexe de supériorité- francophone... Les experts diront que cela masque celui d'infériorité. Métropole de province... mais au moins francophone! Drôle de "compétition"...

Les anglos maintenant:

...mais je ne vais pas pleurer sur leur sort non plus. De toute manière, c'est même pas eux autres qui se plaignent! Les 200 000 qui se plaignaient sont tous partis entre 77-80!

C'est pas pathétique rien qu'un peu... dit en toute fierté nationaliste. Pendant ce temps, le péquiste-journaliste de Charlevoix qui serat le chef du bureau de Cogeco Nouvelles à l'Assemblée Nationale, Louis Lacroix avec ses rires insignifiants au FM93 trouve que Maxime Bernier est vraiment un cave qui veut se faire remarquer et se faire des amis au Canada-anglais. C'est l'espèce de théorie du mauvais-québécois "traitre" qui devient plus puissant en "chiant" sur own. What makes me me, blogger volunteer, for free time, waiting for inspiration to make me "enemies" among this nation so glorious? I confess, I retain a certain pleasure that fills my disappointment a bit. But I pull no friend of more Anglo.

When I go to Ontario, they see me with my plate of Quebec ugly, the ugliest of North America, and I spend at the counter of the Beer Store, I speak in an Englishman with an accent as thick as your arm. I put my yellow ribbon "Support Our Troops" on my car to show we are not all wineries in Quebec ... I remove tape home for me not to vandalize my car, because you know, the nationalist Quebecers who pollute the debates and spirits prey on cars instead of arguing in the face. Tribalism.

nationalism is brave ... in a gang, or sabotage of any equipment, such as yellow.

I have a little more often proud of being a French Canadian, it happens sometimes, rarely. I also get angry when I see that my peers are victims of injustice, or that it puts us all in the one basket. I especially ashamed of Quebec with this intellectual cul de sac demonstrated every day in full control of the media, and I have more in common with citizens of other countries than with compatriots who demeans the whole membership of their "tribe", shit.

Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.
- Albert Einstein


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