Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Back Pain During 22 Weeks Of Pregnancy

Impressions has 8 months of travel in

At 8 months of travel, we really have something to say ...
But almost more than 7 ½ months of travel that would had to write our impressions ...

Because only 7 ½ months of travel, Matthew through a difficult period, both on his perception of the world around them, in fact, regarding the adjustment of behavior he deems necessary to respect of the world. Suddenly, Matthew is a las, vaguement triste (mais il vous dira que non), désillusionné, pessimiste, qui donne naissance à des idées assez noires. Changerait-il vraiment pour être le con qu’il dit vouloir être? Ne plus aider, ne plus se préoccuper, ne plus être ce qu’il appelle depuis des années “trop gentil”. Et moi d’osciller entre confiance en la bonté de sa nature contre laquelle il ne pourra pas aller très longtemps, et peur d’un changement auquel j’aurais du mal à m’accommoder.

Parce qu’à 7 mois ½ de voyage j’éprouve donc un peu de déception, un peu de tristesse de voir mon amoureux comme ça, puis finalement my turn, a little wearily. Weariness to hear these harsh words, sometimes violent for my sensibilities and values that we posted Croy (i) ons both. Then finally, after some small galleys (now good memories, those things that are painful at the time and are ultimately the one that first recounts with a laugh on his return), fatigue of the journey. More want to move every 3 days, feel like this distance as close as the one day. Fancy a day "at home" want to see my friends, want to pampering and easy things because known. This is the first time since the beginning of the journey that this feeling happens to me.

Because only 7 ½ months of travel I think Matthew and I are in our way messed up by the passing of his parents. Modesty prevents me from further describe this feeling but I think the envy of the comfort of familiar things comes in part from the recollection of parental love that I saw and felt during these past weeks with them. Not always easy
the trip, when it lasts so long.

So we consider our neighbors, because this fatigue does not mean that I do more traveling. It dictates: traveling in an area smaller, more time in each location, travel between 4 and 7 months.

And then the trip back and surprises us. We galérions to change a plane ticket and were forced to change our plans and now the "galley" leads us to Tania, and their children Stephen Aydan. And here we are greeted as friends home. Super two days, bathed in kindness and love. Tania, of Paraguayan culture is very cheerful, always smiling, being reckless as positive Stéphane meanwhile, French culture, is a vaguely rebellious adventurer with whom we have great pleasure in speaking and travel misery in the world since ' he knew Tania when son tour du monde… et lequel… On vous a laissé son blog en lien, allez-y faire un tour. Alors entre fête, sourire, décontraction, gentillesse, conscience aigüe de l’état du monde, culture et philosophie, nous prenons un bain de jouvence et rebondissons. Le voyage ce sont aussi ces rencontres exceptionnelles qui, comme un petit moment tout bête peut contenir toute une vie, ont le mérite de modifier votre perception. Rien de magique, nous avons eu d’autres galères juste en les quittant, mais le mouvement intérieur était déjà là.

Le mouvement continue, il pousse les frontières du voyage et, à 8 mois de voyage, on envisage le retour. Moi qui ai ill work on my experiences last year, I wonder how to be less stressed by my job. Work less? Stop the Liberal and turn me into an institution? The trip made me think a lot about education and the relationship between parents and children. I feel that that journey continues. Then change jobs or change the way I work? Things are taking shape gradually.
The return is also how having the right people, so is the pleasure of some good news ... I am a distance as if I could choose what would be my social life, private. From a distance, it was all the cards and there was plenty of time to dictate what we want. This development necessary for me after so many disappointments before you leave, is calmly, serenely. And nothing that through this I see that change is here.

At 8 months of travel I'm good. Satisfied with what one has experienced and what is still alive. I trust in the future which I have the impression of caring.
Today I'm in this for the future that the future looks good.


It's been 8 months of travel and it's always good to enjoy the journey. I say the world is beautiful, but filled Cons: sometimes I have to be one of them. Difficult to always pay attention to the other, to say that we did things for others without expecting anything in return. But when people act of selfishness and wickedness, where should I be? I tell myself that everything has its limits. In fact not easy to stay right in his boots with the principles of honesty, compassion and fraternity. It's probably easier to be a big nag and say that I have no cape. So everyone's shit and if I do not want to eat well and bye-bye beautiful ideas. And then there's that joie de vivre across mixed conditions of life intolerable, sobering. Here, you work for 50 euros per month without artifice, with only possession, a smile, enough sleep (a cell phone, because you have not kidding) and the simple pleasure of living and sharing time with others . Life can, or should, be simple. Without waiting for anything while trying to believe in ideals that will not happen, because if these ideals are lost, they do not stay much, so let's be hypocrites to mourn those who are killed in wars, condemn those who exploit, Ralon our condition (there is always more to be pitied than that "more" than us) and go to bed hoping that nothing happens to us and make us pass to the other side. Because nobody will do anything now.
was always the choice of what we will do what it wants to be and eventually no matter what happens, we must succeed in doing what appears to be important and right. This balance there I think I have acquired, which does not prevent me to always be surprised by human folly, injustice and make my little ant in terms of doing good things and trying to send good vibes around me. By cons, it is not to make me strong and my tolerance has its limits: a little smaller and the consequences of exceeding them even more.

At 8 months, I began to think back on the mainland and then the meeting because it is there that it'll be good to go, just to enjoy a setting that suits me. I do not want to go on, but it must necessarily anticipate the return to something that had a purpose early on and it is with pleasure that I see it.
I also think I'll leave on a trip later, and people everywhere have a philosophy they made me share it with their kindness, their love, sharing their joy, simplicity and beauty. There are people who are worth more than the blow, the guy who lives across the street from me. I just hope I can also easily see around me.
I just want to get more people who are worthwhile and which are not closed-minded: I get attention at home in 2 months!



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