Wednesday, June 17, 2009

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Review Cuba


- En rencontre : ben oui, toujours les rencontres en premier, et autant dire qu’à Cuba, y’a des choses à dire… Après 2 semaines passées ici, nous en arrivons à la conclusion suivante : les Cubains pensent que tous les touristes ont de l’argent (“mais vous pouvez bien vous payer une chambre à 40$!” dédaigne l’infirmière en direction de Matthieu…) et surtout, surtout, les Cubains laissent régir toutes leurs relations aux touristes par l’argent. Du coup, ils sont menteurs, arnaqueurs, En gros, touriste = vache à lait = sourire et gentillesse pour extirper le plus de maille possible du pigeon = mais quelle horreur. Le hic? C’est que énormément de Cubains se comportent comme ça, et pas seulement ceux en contact direct avec les touristes (casas particulares, restaus, transport), comme nous avons pu le voir à tant de reprises… Pourtant, nous pensions vraiment que la salsa allait nous ouvrir des portes, mais à part les portes des chambres, chiottes, voitures et autres portes cochères où j’ai été invitée… Rien.
Heureusement, nous avons eu aussi de bonnes surprises, comme David et Lidia de La Havana, la famille à l’ananas près de Vinales, Amerys et Félix, mes parents de Playa Larga, et surtout, la famille de Dulce, adorables Cubains rencontrés sur un coup de cœur… pour une paire de chaussures! qui auront été jusqu’à venir me visiter à la clinique : simples, brillants, un vrai plaisir. Et nous parions que les Cubains, dans l’intimité ou entre eux, sont, à l’image de la courtoisie demonstrate that they know, caring and considerate. Too bad we do not have experienced more in these conditions ...

- On the road: and rightly, is on the road that we observe the first citizenship of this people turn signals! The pedestrian's right of way! Respect the rules of the road! Incredible! We had almost forgotten it existed! As for local transportation, not a Cuban will remain seated in the presence of a woman or an elderly person. Thank you for them. But the road to Cuba would not be what it is without the presence of cars which we have already spoken, transforming le bitume en pellicule de film poussiéreux. Cuba, ses américaines et son style suranné, prend toute sa saveur là, dans l’allure tranquille d’une Lada lancée à pleine vitesse (60km/h)…
Par contre, Cuba connait, à notre goût, un gros problème de transport tant les bus, trop irréguliers et rares pour accueillir la foule qui s’amasse sur les bas-côtés des routes, débordent de passagers, laissant toujours la moitié des Cubains en partance sur le carreau. Heureusement, ce n’est pas la lecture qui manque, et si l’embargo a préservé Cuba d’une des facettes de la société de consommation - la pub -, ce sont ici les panneaux propaganda that law requires ...

Revolution - In landscape: buildings with crumbling facades of old Havana to the green and tropical generously to the campaign through the turquoise waters of the coast, Cuba has everything to offer the traveler in search of exoticism. And if our disappointment at not being able to leave the label of "tourist" has somewhat spoiled the landscape, we must recognize that the island is beautiful for one just to watch it ... Too bad for us!

- In food: We were told, as in almost all countries of our journey, that food in Cuba was not good and was horribly undiversified. However, if the basic flat rice "Congress" (made with black beans) - chicken or pork is the only flat for sale in small shops of the inhabitant, the menu paladares (restaurant Homestay) or restaurants, a choice of meats, fish and shellfish for grabs. And I would rather tell you that, yes, the French with our kitchen (so sacred that he would well capitalized), we have grown accustomed to being a little hard to convince, we can appreciate the true value to the lobster white wine sauce and tomato! 4 times my friend! Mum!

- In music: ben and let us talk, music. It seems that in Cuba, it would be an insult to say that plays salsa, this music belongs to the Cuban and Puerto Rican community in New York, as the music of Cuba is and must remain the "Cuban music ". Then we heard the sound, yes, but also to the ears of famous bands like Los Van Van salseros or Azucar Negra, in short, desoleee Cubans, good salsa that moves your feet in shoes! Nevertheless, we were disappointed with the poor sound that made it difficult to assess instruments in the famous "Casa de la musica" La Habana (18 euro entry still ...) and the atmosphere "hey, I listen to a CD" of the room that not even applauding at the end of Songs ... Especially, we have heard at least as many reggaton the flipchart pro-U.S. Caribbean, the younger generation as the others now seem to prefer his rival Latin. Deception of the public!

- In dance: dance and then? Same price, same punishment. We were able to dance very little time, so the salsa was often alternating with reggaton and that the atmosphere has often encouraged to go home to participate in the general movement. Yes because I did not mention here the cuban attitude. Here, if half of the female prostitute was 50 years ago and that this trend is still difficult to hunt (a lot of Jinta, "hostess" informal evening), if the Cubans boast of their freedom, however, more conditional that when we know that nothing and no one comes or leaves the country, if we take the measure of unbridled capitalism demonstrated by Cubans against tourists then that is everywhere praised the glory of communism, in short, if one considers some of the contradictions in Cuba, one wonders what is all this "pride" in Cuba, so close to disdain snobbery or ... By cons, we do not ask on what basis the legendary Cuban machismo, or why the national sport seems to be for men to "fish of the White." I never had the sensation that the dance was
- an excuse to drag heavy
for men - an opportunity to move, but when I say ... move for women

- In physics : Well then by cons, I admit, both the Contest huge loaves and short-belt has spun sacred neck pain to Matthew (and you really think I'll complain?), both on my side is the look that I admired ... transition strength graceful bodies of the dancers? For it is true that many Cubans could afford their arrogance and a smile, a look green on a dark skin or muscle protruding Blacks, we confess, we love. Groar!

- Silver: Ben is that correct the problem, money ... Since 2004, Fidel creates the CUC, the convertible peso, understand the currency for tourists to replace U.S. dollar (Same exchange). And while Cubans mostly use their Cuban pesos (25 Cuban pesos for 1 CUC), the products "expensive" is still paying in CUC. Add to that the race-currencies Communo capitalists and that's it, every relationship is changed. Nothing is free, everything is money, and preferably at a high price. Cuba becomes an expensive destination for tourists: 30.5 euros per person per day, between 15 and 25 CUC for a double room, the breakfast 3 CUC per person!, 12 CUC the 2:30 bus and between 4 and 8 CUC for a dish at the restaurant. Especially, tourists pay price for tourists: no access to local buses, and as for the Cuban tourist = rich, each service is offered at a price aberration. The same dish, the restaurant sold CUC 4-5, is proposed in the street at 20-25 Cuban pesos, or 4 to 5 times cheaper ... A journey of 3 hours paid 7 pesos Cuban with local transportation is offered to 100 CUC a car! 300 times the bet!! And then we will say that gasoline is expensive, that Cubans are so poor. Yes they are poor, but we have never heard so many people complain about our whole trip, while they have the health, education, housing if they do not and a minimum of food. So we're a little hard on the issue, but that this financial issue is so difficult that made our relationship with people, changing the mindset of turning the Cubans and tourists traveling in the portfolio ... What a pity ...

- In politics: the question that interested us very much, necessarily, before and during our stay in Cuba was how Cubans lived their political system. We who have learned early on that the Villains Villains were the Cocos and that the Gentiles were we (yes, inevitably), the rich countries that we want more money left to enslave the "small country, "we received by the school the image of a communist dictatorship, claiming a human ideology serving the interests of its vile megalomaniac despots ... However, visiting the country, discovering the health system, literacy and education, discovering that the book was not a book but rather a rationing booklet issued commodity for poor families, yet reading the story, revealing that Fidel Castro was also his ideas to his people, always preferring the interests of the population to benefit individuals and constantly giving the means to realize his ambition and moral principles and ideology, yet talking with people, we always heard, without jargon, the generous appreciation of a population. Admittedly, our sample was poor and we are aware that other echoes must demand more freedom. But for our part, we found that the policy of Castro, right, clear and direct, has considerably increased the country (formerly a brothel, glorious past, but today's difficulties without misery) while respecting the revolutionary will always active : to restore a political destination du peuple et non d’une poignée de nantis.

- En tout : Cuba, c’est la fin du voyage et c’est la désillusion. Il y avait l’image de Cuba : l’exotisme, les vieilles bagnoles, la salsa, la plage, l’ambiance Buena Vista et les cocktails. Et puis il y a eu notre séjour : rencontres difficiles, déception concernant la mentalité cubaine, pas le temps d’aller à la plage, peu de salsa, pas d’alcool pour moi, et surtout, cette fin de rêve de bébé… La conception mais aussi tout ce que nous avons aimé avait participé à dire : “la Bolivie, le pays qui vous réussit”. Très vite une autre term was coined, repeatedly confirmed: "Cuba, the country that you failed." And then the quest for money and that feeling of being taken for a badger often, it almost makes us say "Cuba, do not go." Review comments ...


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