Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Creative Household Lube

Social engineering, something that you say? The annual

Today I inform you about social engineering. Was there ever a time you meet someone and it speaks to you telling you you know? Or maybe you is he ever received a call where the person you say you asked him to remind you, yet you have no memory of that earlier meeting.

So what is it?

This is the most common method currently in the world to steal your information. You ask: But how?

Well it's very simple, having managed to get your attention a few moments, he has now everything in hand to start its work. It will become your friend, your advisor and probably even he will succeed in getting your confidence.

And maybe he will use this technique with your kids!

Once established relationship, nothing easier than to ask for your personal information anyway because it's your friend and you trust them now.

Mais retournons en arrière et comment est-il devenu votre ami exactement?

C'est ainsi que plusieurs réussissent à entrer dans vos bureaux, qu'ils réussissent à entrer chez vous pour vérifier votre connexion à Internet etc.

Une fois qu'il aura eu accès à votre ordinateur, à votre routeur et à votre maison, soyez assuré qu'il en profitera pour trouver une façon de vous voler vos informations pour en tirer profit par la suite.

La règle est la suivante: Si vous avez des doutes sur la personne qui vous parle, Commitment does not take too quickly, you may be highly disappointed and shocked by the result.



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