Sunday, June 21, 2009

Kerala Good House Names

Impressions at 10 months of travel, printing at the end ...

long asked question: so what? How does it feel to return? Enter
... But we are not back yet! For now, the return means reviewing our loved ones, find the heat if the significant relationship.
And then return it to what we used to do so, we who live in La Reunion is back to where we come from and still experience that feeling of "never left." In France, everything is as before: I know the signs, I know the streets, I know the faces of people I know (know? ...!) Prices, customs, and especially, I found all of Following my friends as I left. Indeed, yesterday, right?

10-month journey, it was awesome, an experience of crazy life, landscapes and people head full of sacred life lessons. And then 10 months of travel that includes an end. We knew there was a return ticket. Then 10 months of travel is also a preparation insidious at the end of the journey was a natural for several weeks. So ... 10 months of travel, it was great and of course it was over.

I think of all the "tourdumondistes" who have returned, but really back: back home, back to work. For us it is easier: we go without going, we go for vacation with our loved ones in a different environment than our daily then end the trip ... not quite! What luxury! Over time it will return to work and there ... We'll talk!

10 months is a long time and it's short. Today, 10 months is a handkerchief which encompasses my perception of the world. Yeah it is: included in a pocket handkerchief, you take a better measure of our smallness.

live the world and soon for another trip. Because anyway, it starts soon, huh darling?!
Already? Finally! But it was fast! I still want, to live and see things, people, landscapes, cultures and enjoy everything! But no, it ends too soon, too fast, a little forced, a bit fast, but fun to ask ... It's also good to be home.
Yes, we finished the trip without the icing on the cake, an attempt that did not work, that of having a child, the fruit of wealth and pleasure travel. I do not feel too sad, but more by rapport à la situation et ma chérie. La vie n’est pas tout le temps comme on le souhaite, mais elle ne fait que remettre à plus tard ce projet. Finalement c’est sans échéance que l’on va pouvoir revenir à la Réunion, sans être débordé, le temps de se remettre à la recherche d’un nouveau quotidien, retrouver une maison, un travail, une voiture, passer enfin ce putain de permis moto, refaire du Morey, retrouver les potes et faire la cuisine (vivement un petit rougail saucisses!!)
Je suis heureux de ce voyage, de ce temps pris pour moi, pour nous, de vivre d’autres choses dans un contexte parfois et même souvent hors de ce qui nous entoure dans la vie du Western world (not modern). Apart from an overwhelming technology, a consumerism, a pervasive and stultifying gavage. And that's it's happening: one runs at 100 miles an hour to earn money and try to take time when you can not run and take it. Not easy in times of crisis!
So what is the favorite country? Or you would like to return? These are questions that will happen, but I have little preference, so everything has had a positive outcome, even in our small galley (no real tile ...), our shouting matches, beating unlucky. All happiness landscape, with the weather, with meetings with ourselves. I had no revelation, only confirmations on some of my doubts and accuracy of what I like, I want and I do.
Just disappointed by a weak human nature, which is left to drift, because no one looks beyond the tip of his nose, with this need to dominate and still have more than its neighbor.
Just a page is turned, a book that is closed, this dream has been fulfilled, the second for me and there will be others ... What are you doing tomorrow?

PS: A big thank you to everyone who had the courage to nous suivre, de nous lire, de nous voir, de nous répondre.
Un grand merci aux visages rencontres pour une minute, une heure, une discussion, une marche, un transport, un foot, une bière!!
Un grand merci à ma famille qui nous a rejoints dans le voyage.
Un grand merci à ma chérie.
Et un super merci pour Kiki.


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