Saturday, October 9, 2010


The Federation of ... women?

(this is their amended October 8 WITHOUT referring to the cannon fodder)

This is not the first Once the "Federation of Women" falls into the ridiculous by targeting women. In fact, since as far as I can remember, the Federation of Women Frances same time David had the annoying habit of attacking women, mothers, daughters first ... to serve an ideology to wage another struggle that they are supposed to lead.

Early awakening of my political consciousness, I was doing college radio at Cegep, and I was in the newspaper ... that the funders of the student were "too right". Participating in meetings and, having opposite a student strike, I found at the time that the association levied, with the direction of college, money for students to do more than defend their interests, the core mission of organization. I realized that the loot was used among others to give a contribution to an association of student organizations that also published a newspaper (which is fun to throw in the trash blows handles copies). At the end of the line, the association was remote controlled by a central union of workers (unlike students) who passed the full length of their agenda ideological, it was programmed like that.

Students paid to be leveraged for many other causes, welfare recipients, professors of collective agreements (to be fixed), higher minimum wage, free health services ... Some twenty dollars paid by students were used to almost anything except the mission for which said collecting the money. The well-oiled machine had to be at the service of a company without the company paying such amounts, not to know.

The "Federation of Women" is a bit the same. They are there, before David maintenmant Conradi. Ideology above the critical issues of women. Welfare recipients before the victims of child prostitution (on which they are silent). Or even support the free port of the burka here in Quebec, funny way to defend the emancipation and equality of women ... Have you ever heard that the Women's Federation defended the mothers who do not find a place in day care and who must leave a job? Not me.

Who pays for the federation of women? You and me. If you pay taxes. Yet they do not fulfill the mission for which the organization existe, et pour lequel il est financé, sans trop qu'on ne le sache.

D'ailleurs on dirait que les intérêts réels de la "Fédération" n'est pas la femme moyenne, conjointe, mère, travailleuse, contribuable. Il y a comme un arrière goût d'assisté social, célibataire, en colère contre les hommes de la planète, comploteurs phallocrates responsables de leurs malheurs. Elles semblent surtout extra-terrestres au concret de la vie de la femme hétérosexuelle Québécoise moyenne.

Voilà maintenant que ces bibittes caméléons de politique d'extrême gauche, affirmant représenter les intérêts des femmes du Québec se servent des sentiments de la mère qui a vécu ce qu'il y a de pire, perdre son enfant à la guerre pour passer l'agenda de l'internationale socialiste, le faire avaler de force, profiter de notre insouciance québécoise de tribu qui se sent isolée des conflits d'outre-mer, pour forcer un retrait (qui est annoncé de toute façon) d'Afghanistan.

On pourra prendre ce vidéo, qui n'a pas vraiment jouit d'une diffusion à grande échelle vu qu'il était surtout pour leur site internet, de tous les cotés... il n'y a que de la plus bête bêtise.

Comme je vous le disais... la mission de combat en Afghanistan achève. Le retrait est prévu depuis long time, even if many of us can ask ourselves if it will function as something to go there if it is to get out before finishing, as it remains much work to do ( work that is among others to kill these wild and the Taliban).

Second, the original video is played by an actress in a very ordinary cheap white decor, with the following scenario: His oldest died, his second and returned committed crazy, and the youngest wants to go (we shows one piece of a bikini top ... report?). It is as if the three were due to the same fate, dying in what is called "Cannon fodder". Yet, the tens of thousands of Canadian military who have their turn in Afghanistan, only about 150 were killed ... especially those who were at the wrong time, wrong place, wrong with the ticket number. We are far from the beach at Dieppe, even Juno Beach in Normandy.

Third, the props (it's probably the same person as the camera-woman FFQ), put in your pocket with the infantry green bikini top, a supposed assault rifle that actually form an AK-47 (Kalashnikov), the weapon of choice for Taliban guerrillas and everywhere. The Canadian soldier he has a C-7, de Colt, un M-16 américain modifié sous brevet.

Quatrièmement, même en ayant eu un fils mort en Afghanistan, est-ce que ça existerait une mère qui dirait avec autant de conviction qu'elle regrette d'avoir mis au monde ses enfants parce qu'ils ont servi à la guerre? Les mères normales chérissent leur enfant, et toutes les mères qui ont perdu un fils à la guerre, leur fils est leur héros, elles ne regrettent en rien de leur avoir donné la vie, elles regrettent seulement qu'ils aient perdu la vie. Ce scénario plus qu'improbable me fait encore plus croire que les femmes de la "Fédération" ne sont pas du tout animées par une compassion pour les mères, still less by feelings of mothers.

Finally, what would be the FFQ with this video which was shot on TV because he created a controversy, not because the FFQ was paid "advertising" at the end of the line?

Was it to convince us that the FFQ has no trial ... that it is women who handle roughly heartless? Forever discredit the argument says "peace"? If that was the goal, it Ms. Conradi completely successful.

To settle the case of "cannon fodder"

Returning on Education québécoise qui apprend à tous les petits écoliers qu'il fait parti d'un peuple "spécial", mais victime de méchants anglais... Selon la mythologie nationaliste québécoise, nos grands pères ont servi de chair à canon en Europe dans la 2e guerre mondiale. Il fadrais juste rappeller que l'abbattoir à juifs était en marche, que le monde était à feu et à sang, et que de rester chez soi comme s'il ne se passait rien, c'était comme de jouer le jeu des Allemands. Bien sûr les Québécois ont largement voté contre la conscription en 1942, mais ils étaient aussi sous l'influence d'une élite catholique fortement antisémite, en plus que le Québec n'étant not a country, was part of a whole, that he had decided to get involved. As a Quebecer whose two grandfathers were raised (a volunteer and a conscript) and the two have survived this dark period, I would like some analysis:

1) Quebec has betrayed his cousins mostly French-occupied Germany in the plebiscite of 1942. The argument was that it was still "the war of others".

2) Between 1942 and 2010, we are still numerous in Quebec to bet on the wrong side and believe that we are still victims.

3) Given that Quebecers were more likely to be recruited after 1942, they were less educated, low skilled and therefore less strategic value in the field and trained volunteers.

expression might be more appropriate to comment on the First World War, where soldiers were dying in the trenches, mud, where their bodies many fertilized soil. A war which is still looking for the meaning now almost 100 years later. Again, the French Canadians have served and sacrifice, but not more than the others died by the tens of millions. The world does not revolve around us.


Finally, besides the fact that the FFQ has insulted the memory of the soldiers died for what I believe to still be a worthy cause (our country), and spat in the face of grieving mothers ... if I ignore these aspects shocking, I must thank the "Federation" for having demonstrated once again that the far left serves no one here, that war is crazy extremists like the Taliban and the FFQ . That's the kind of event we do not see coming, but I take comfort in my position.

We do not touch our heroes, including the zeros?



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