Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ashtray Chevrolet Malibu 2010

Impressions 9-month journey

It's official: the end of the trip. Discovery 9 months behind us, landscapes and faces that overlap and begin to form a great mosaic in the heart. The world is in our head, part of the world, but that's a lot of things stored, learned, understood, much misunderstanding, too, but overall, this unfathomable wealth in our mind.

nine months of travel and it is the end, life is well done, as is the end, I am getting tired of traveling! Yeah, the 15h bus loosely paved road, the I-am-I-I-undo-redo my bag, research perpetual guest and places where you can eat anything but meat, all that begins at go for me and I must confess (confession inglorious ...) that this is a good thing we came back in a little over a month.

My friends, I can not wait to see you, my habits to the con, I look forward to recreate Rèunion , as I wait to be there again . What I would usually horror (find accommodation, unpack boxes, open a phone line ...) is part of my desires.

Besides that, at 9 months of travel, I continue to be pleasantly surprised every day. We are in Peru and that country so often described as a country of thieves, appears with great kindness and courtesy between people and people to us. Of course, when we will shura is our bag, we will tell you that it is a country of idiots! But in the meantime, the trip will continue to delight me, move me and seduce me by so much beauty, each day a little more.

9 months traveling is a lot, it's huge. And we en reste encore un peu plus d’un. Cuba, sa musique et sa chaleur nous ouvrent les bras dans 10 jours : ce sera bienvenu!

Mais 9 mois c’est surtout une entente bien accordée entre moi et mon amoureux. Compréhension, amour, partage, harmonie et tolérance, autant d’atouts pour nous… 9 mois, c’est le moment qu’on a choisi pour décider de nous pacser! On nous l’avait dit plusieurs fois depuis le début du voyage : “10 mois de voyage, si ça marche, vous êtes bons pour le mariage!” et bien voici l’heure our PACS!


Well it's been 9 months! That's a bit like a pregnancy, gave birth to a fairly comprehensive travel and we still have another month. It's the little extra that will be the icing on the cake. After several weeks in the cold, it will be very good to find the heat of Cuba, tropical and clear waters of the ocean (even if it's the Caribbean Sea).

nine months of travel, faces, encounters, landscapes, wonderful sites and we still have one of the most beautiful pearl: Machu Picchu, which I heard so much about that seems completely unbelievable given the drafts visited Peru. This is the last place "postcard" and before the wonderful paradise island of Cuba.

At 9 months, I'm happy with the trip, I know that the world is full of people deeply selfish man is instinctively wrong, prétentieux, arnaqueur, parfois stupide, mais il y a des lumières de génie qui illuminent largement par leur simplicité, leur attention, leur gentillesse et rendent en mille les déceptions que j’ai pu avoir.

Je commence à penser au retour, d’abord en métropole, où ca va être encore une jolie petite course pour essayer de voir tout le monde, mais ça va être que du bon, de la fête, des embrassades et la possibilité de raconter de vive voix, de prendre du recul par rapport aux 10 mois de fou, de recherche de guest, d’horaires de bus, d’observation d’autres cultures, de visites, de marche, d’achats et de “c’est quoi déjà le truc que je devais faire?” (non ça, ça va rester, ça y était avant le voyage!).

Je vais être content de rentrer de pouvoir me poser un tout petit peu avant un réel stop à la Réunion et ça aussi je commence à y penser.

Le voyage m’enivre moins, ça fait un peu blazé comme cela, mais l’essentiel reste, et il me procure sans cesse le plaisir de la découverte, change and provided back to the meeting gives me satisfaction, as I already see myself leaving for a week, a month, a quarter as soon as possible.

At 9 months we decided to PACS, as if this were not enough that we all be 24/24, but when you love ...



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