Monday, May 18, 2009

How Not To Get The Stomach Bug


- In meeting : I start again with that, as the meetings are the fuel of our journey, those that determine the beauty or ugliness of the place ... Bolivia is the land of natives, who present more than 80% of the population, are still well known (to wonder what they call the remaining 20% : les Blancs? Les ex-colons?…). Pour nous, cette couleur de peau, ce teint tiré par les conditions climatiques, c’est la richesse de ce pays, une culture préservée et un environnement non dénaturé, à la différence de ses voisins argentins ou pire, chiliens. On dit que les Boliviens sont timides, et effectivement, cette barrière sans doute courtoise ou discrète, aura été pour nous la cause de notre impossibilité à vivre notre expérience altiplanesque. Mais au-delà de cet aspect, les Boliviens auront été tout le long de notre séjour, un peuple adorable, prévenant, gentil et doux. Sur les marchés, dans les guets, les taxis, les randos, au détour d’un jus de fruit, nous aurons constamment trouvé la même amabilité. La Bolivie est le pays des gens simples, forts de leur culture et de l’histoire qu’ils continuent à écrire fièrement aujourd’hui. Ce n’est pas pour rien si le Che avait choisi ce pays pour poursuivre sa révolution en terre latine : la Bolivie est le cœur de l’Amérique du Sud, et cela se ressent chaque jour pour notre plus grand plaisir.

- En physique : Alors justement, à quoi ressemblent-ils ces “indigènes”?! Le visage assez rond, les yeux légèrement bridés par la météo locale, assez petits, Bolivians have the thick skin of those who work hard. Above all, what we accept the physical Bolivia are two essential things. First, the incredible tradition of dress for women with long hair braided (sometimes with additions!), Knotted tassels, wearing a tiny top hat worn on the head and dressed in multiple layers with at least an apron and a pleated skirt showing hips so wide unlike thin ankles that Matthew has chosen here as one in which they had most wanted to lift their skirts to understand ...! Then we were marked to see the imprint of time on so strong people. At 25 we think 30 to 35 seems to be 45 and from 45, it seems a little old. Do not be deceived by cons is the energy given off by these people, same old, continue to bear child indefinitely or heavy load in the tissue that serves as their bag mounted on the back and shoulders supported by . So, the physical capacity is also a matter of social conditioning ...

- In landscape : Wow ... What you say! Bolivia, as we have known, however, that under the mountain face, is THE Latin American countries that has most impressed us, tant par l’incroyable diversité que la Bolivie offre (encore une fois : et pourtant on n’a pas été dans la jungle!), que par la beauté naturelle de ces nombreux sites. La Bolivie, c’est le pays des paysages surdimensionnés et surnaturels, c’est le pays où on en a plein les mirettes!

- En nourriture : ici, la nourriture peut être pas chère et équilibrée!!! Ah!!! Un peu comme le menu du jour des brasseries françaises, l’almuerzo est le repas du midi comprenant toujours une soupe, puis un plat avec viande ou poisson parfois, riz et frites (le plus souvent), puis un dessert genre compote ou la fameuse gélatine (Mumm ...!). Except here, this almuerzo costs an average of 10 bolivianos, or 1 euro ... It's easy to eat properly for cheap, as do indeed all Bolivians. Besides that of course there are the famous fruit juice, but not having as much now that we are in Peru, I do not dwell at the risk of starting to cry with nostalgia!

- In massage : Yes! I got a massage! Here they offer hot stone massages, that is to say, a quite traditional massage which will add the provision of hot stones do well in the back, and given the temperatures here, I can tell you that this is not a luxury! Frankly, get a massage, it was awesome anyway so I could not even tell if it was particularly well or not!

- In music : So yes, there are some Andean music like "hey, they have released the Paris Metro" (oh okay! Can be messing around too!). More importantly, it yal'influence deleterious Mexican music, cumbia I named. For those who are lucky enough not to know this music (oops bias!), Imagine a pace that does not derogate from "chichichi chichichi chichichi "core plus an additional instrument that should never see the day I called the synth ... It seems there are variations, like" that's the cumbia batchata " "ah", but frankly, it's been two months now that food every day in the cumbia, and for me it's always the same old story! I DO NOT LIKE THE CUMBIA!!

- In art : Unfortunately we did not see in the street, but the carnival, to be also present in almost all museums, deserves mention here. Indeed it Bolivians for an institution, the annual opportunity to criticize and make fun of everything, that is to say in the past, the time of the year or was stored catharsisée anger against the English invaders and administration not at all adapted to life or the Bolivian population.

- On the road : partly paved, but still often rocky road here is something! Each trip takes 3 weights, because no road or borrow almost valley. No! Here we prefer to mount the neck, down the neck and mount the next pass. So as you say de suite si vous comptez voyager en Bolivie : mettez-vous entre les deux essieux, jamais à l’arrière!!! N’ayant pas été du tout dans la jungle, on ne peut que vous raconter ce que l’on a entendu des (parce qu’il n’y en a finalement pas qu’une…) routes de la mort. Appelées ainsi suite à la route de la mort originale (qui porte bien son nom : une piste trop étroite pour laisser passer 2 véhicules, mais pourtant à double sens, cette route improbable surplombe un précipice de plus de 600 mètres. Elle a fait tellement de victimes - des bus entiers qui tombaient chaque année, ne réussissant pas la marche arrière impossible dictée par la nécessité an oncoming car - it was rebuilt farther and wider ...), these roads are clinging to the cliffs to moult sign of the cross to the premises to attract the good graces of the kind up there that could save them a free fall ... Oh well early is probably why we were not there!

- Silver : The local currency is the boliviano, we usually hit about 9.2 Bolivianos per 1 euro. Life in Bolivia is very cheap: a hotel room for two costs between 30 and 60 bolivianos, a meal for two is available for 30 bolivianos drink included and transportation is completely given since 3am bus costs between 10 and 15 bolivianos! However ... The Bolivian handicrafts and we really liked is that two parcels into a half months, it has a price! So we, all inclusive, still spent 24 euros per person per day. Finally you can see, nothing to do with the countries of South America earlier, and that, that's good!

- All : is it worth mentioning? Bolivia, we loved it! We had planned a month for this country and one month in Peru and we will prefer to stay here any longer As we feared the theft and mass tourism in Peru, but also as we enjoyed Bolivia, for its people, its landscapes and the ease of life here. Calm, beauty, tranquility, living cheap, all assets that we have attracted and participated in the success of our trip. Bolivia is the country of South America where you have to move fast, before the tourism distorts the relationship of people to travelers ... Bolivia: the country that you succeed!


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