Monday, July 26, 2010

Sorority Initiation Present

Roadmap Thailand - 4th day

22 August - 6:33 - BANGKOK (not the courage to resolve 6:30 stack)

C'coup it, the clock ran ... Ugh ... It takes little bf and go out to take a cab to the train station to get to Ayutthaya (too much distance to go in tuk-tuk. Ouais, on sait, vous êtes déçus !... Nous aussi.)

Bref, on arrive à 8H10 pour un départ à 8H20. Mais un gentil petit cheminot thaï nous dirige directement au guichet puis nous indique le quai. Du coup, on a presque attendu que le train démarre ! Ah, la solidarité internationale !

Bon, revenons aux vacances… durant le trajet, la digestion des repas de la veille fait son effet. Et voilà notre Toune à la recherche de toilettes dans le train. Il trouve son bonheur et pleure sa mère une nouvelle fois. Imaginez-vous a train hyper unstable, squatting on toilets Turkish, with digestion of spicy Thai meal giga ... nice huh? ... Nope. In short, I come away after some sweating and we continue our journey. During the trip, we count on spending since the arrival ... Horror! We got a little pleasure ... So, we decided by mutual agreement to tighten their belts. The visit will not AYUTHAYA tuk-tuk but tong-tong!

It was a day long ... very long! ... Cool sites, but far from the sites! ...

Admittedly, this former capital of Thailand has an impressive number of historic sites in ruins or not. We visited a (finance requires), but we clearly saw the other three. The streets serving the separation between the historic areas. We saw a new giant Buddha, seated this time, but just as impressive.

Then on the return we stopped on a small island that had marked Pupuce to go (remember, the Global System Pupuce?), On which stands a stele with Buddha ... of course!

While approaching, we passed a statue of a Hindu dancer. Toune guess that's the girl to Buddha and it was decided to call Bouddiche.

After a short break ...

... we put the thongs steering station.

And then we do a sort of crossing the desert. The streets are huge, with some shops, but we seem to be alone in the world. Finally alone with the sun beating super harsh! Miraculously, we see a turn off in its market and narrow and covered.

We feel that the train is approaching. It is 2:30 p.m. ET knock it. Suddenly, oh miracle, a small store with fresh water! Too bad we can not not embrace the Thai, it seems they are strong in boxing ... We arrive at the station at 15.10 for departure at 15.30. And then, all the windows are closed ... On one of them, a sign marked "please, wait" (thank you to expect). We are willing to wait, but it was a train in 20 minutes you! The window finally opens, I take 2 tickets and let's go! On the platform, people expect. The station manager made an announcement and everybody crosses three lanes to wait on the quay farthest. So, we follow.

The trip goes well .... Pupuce look by the window, hair in the wind, and Toune asleep. Ah, it's not n'change habits! During the journey, discovers Pupuce homes within one meter from the tracks. People are sitting on the rails and discuss. Children also play. And there's even a Thai seated at a table set up between two tracks! On arrival in BANGKOK, Pupuce managed to wake up and take a taxi (not a rose, huh!) For the hotel.

It is 17:30 and traffic jams are terrible. Imagine a city in rush hour with motorbikes and tuk-tuks that occur anywhere hand and roll in all directions! We arrive safely.

It is 18:30 and decide to organize a dip appetizer (fô not kidding either!). Back to the room to change clothes (swimsuit in the street is not even a trend) and walk in search of a greasy spoon. We come across a canteen with a big outdoor heated cart on which a score of simmering dishes. The concept is simple: you have a plastic plate in which you used a portion of rice, and you choose the support! The chef asks us: "spicy spicy or Not ? "(Spicy or not). With my experience in the morning, I did not deflate and says "spicy! . It shows spicy food and Pupuce and I choose ...

You sit, I drop a sweat can not overcome me and I cry. Roll on tomorrow! Pupuce cheek wiser by taking a spicy, another mild, with noodles. I finished her plate and still crying ...

Little Digestive and walk back to the room. I finished describing these lines in struggling with paupière (l’autre est déjà fermée), et dodo !


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