Monday, July 19, 2010

Brent Coorigan Free Movies

Roadmap Thailand - Day 11

Aug. 29 - 8:00 - JUNGLE (yes but where??)

Gentle wake for all world, because everyone goes at their own pace ... Rambo is preparing my breakfast: toast and omelette, my breakfast of trekkers! This mini adventure created friendships. Being in the middle of the jungle also promotes dialogue.

10:00 - Before taking off, Rambo asks us to pay our slate cocktail. I think it has made us all a little slap on the floor of beers! In short, once paid, Rambo and Ping-Pong Show cried: "Let's Go! Go-Go! And off we went towards the elephant. We descend a very steep mountainside and arrive at the boarding terminal to the elephant while bamboo (the terminal, not elephants!).

We climb on a kind of pier 3 m high, the elephant and its mahout are just below so we can climb on the bench metal Harnessed to the elephant. We are climbing on "Souzy! A beautiful granny n'vaut he better not tease!

Once everyone on board (2 per elephant), the race can start. And it is the casaque jaune qui prend la tête suivi d’une trompe par la casaque rouge… Euh… je m’emballe ! Nous voilà partis avec 4 éléphants bien pépères… POM POPOPOM POPOPOM… Le Livre de la Jungle ! Alister, l’écossais, et Ben, l’anglais, veulent faire une course ! Ils sont derniers et leur virilité en prend un coup ! Ils crient : « FASTER… FASTER ! » (Plus vite !). Et en deux coups de trompe, leur Cornac double tout le monde… Saleté de britishs ! Durant la promenade, nous nous prenons en photo mutuellement. Certainement en ayant tous la même idée de nous échanger les photos par Internet. C’est marrant la relation that develops between us ... We always discover beautiful landscapes and elephant back, the atmosphere is great.

At the halfway mark is the break snacks for elephants. They sweep everything in their path and tear with impressive ease the palm who had the bad idea to push their path. Then the way back ... POPOPOM POPOPOM POM! ... The mahouts are made à notre jeu et essayent de se doubler à tout va. And the winner is… France, twelve points ! C’te raclée qu’on leur a mis ! Une fois tout le monde redescendu sur la terre ferme (nous prenons quand même un « - 3m d’altitude » en 3 secondes !), Ping-Pong Show prend la tête du cortège et entame une rando d’environ 1H30, avec les mêmes conditions qu’hier… Terrible !

Nos 2 guides se placent à l’arrière du cortège de temps en temps, pour que nous puissions prendre la tête. Pupuce s’y colle… Et là, on n’rigole more.

She even manages to locate corny in the vegetation and watch the person behind it, which does the same. Such as all the guides! There must have been a demo on his GPS Thai!

Once again dipped well as yesterday, you know, sweat, hot humidity, rain ... we arrive at an idyllic location. A waterfall in the jungle, where you can swim! In two seconds, Ping-Pong Show finds himself in his underwear and Rambo us plummet phew. We all deg '! It s'déshabille and go!

We swim for half an hour and spend a very relaxing time with the egg challenge: go behind the waterfall. Allister gets stuck, then I go ... The current is terrible. I'm surrounded by swirls and find myself at once prevailed on the side. The vortex allows me to move a little closer to the waterfall, and a hand emerges from the wall of water! It Allister. It helps me move forward. I seized his hand and goes under the waterfall that destroys me shoulders with the force of water. Once on the other hand, I find myself in a small alcove of 2m in diameter with Allister. The place is very very noisy ... I place myself under the waterfall to a small Thai massage. Then a colleague while trying to reach us skinny. I tend to turn my hand, but he can not move the whirlwind! Pfff ... C'te shame ... Pupuce gets stuck ...

current: ok

Whirlpool: ok

Mimine à Toune : ok

Et nous voilà tous les deux sous la cascade (Entre temps j’ai poussé Allister !... Non, il est parti rejoindre les autres !). Nous sommes désormais isolés du groupe, lui-même perdu dans la jungle thaïlandaise. Merveilleux moment ! Puis nous quittons notre planque en nous jetant dans le courant. Pas de tasse thaï ! Trop facile !

La pluie revient… Nous nous rhabillons pour back on the road, fresh, but with clothes wet and hot! ... Phew! Who cares! It is now minis Rambo! Ping-Pong Show us why we're going up the flank of the mountain and we split into 2 groups, because some of us continue the adventure yet another day. We continue with Rambo, Allister, Christine and Ally Branch ... a small village for lunch.

We take a paved road to get there. We have just enough time to arrive and put us away, a heavy rain fell on us. Drops pass through roof bamboo leaves so the rain is intense. We are served a plate of fried rice with vegetables ... Su-CCU-slow! Allister, Christine and I take 2 times! Pupuce, she can not return because she is already over before the end of the first! As usual, what! Then we find our little van that takes us ... rafting! After 20 minutes, we arrive at a camp near a river. Rambo asks us to undress and climb in swimsuit at the back of a 4x4 ouf the American way. The 3 girls as they can cling while and I try qu'Allister the position of the cowboy with one hand. Ouahou! ... We all laughed for five whole journey on a road terribly rugged. The driver, upon hearing our laughter challenge, accelerates and shakes us in every way. Imagine 5 clown, naked, on the back of a 4x4 traveling at the bottom, and through small villages ... The people must take us for nerds!

We arrive at the pier, enfilons our life jacket, helmet our ridiculous and embark on the boat. This will last only 40 minutes because of rain has raise the water level and monos say it's dangerous. Pupuce and I think it's a joke! Some passages wet and many moments in "drift" with no paddle. It's for nuuuls! ...

We're back on dry land. A bamboo rafting excursion was planned, but the water level and the current have canceled the experiment. Too bad!

Once dry, we go back home. After a quarter of an hour, nous nous arrêtons pour embarquer deux couples de jeunes randonneurs, apparemment crevés et tirant une tronche pas possible. Il doit y avoir du ras-le-bol dans l’air ! Avant de reprendre la route Rambo nous fait une proposition : retour à l’hôtel ou dernière visite dans un petit village. Les 4 nouveaux arrivants font la tronche et ne sont visiblement pas motivés… Mais c’est sans compter sur notre bande, gonflée à bloc ! Nous sommes tous les 5 ok pour la visite, donc let’s go !

Nous arrivons dans un petit village montagnard.

On the main road, four craft stalls welcome us ... Small commercial trap? ... In short, we look at the stalls and small veins in the narrow village roads. Ah yes! Small precision: it rained, the dirt roads are super steep muddy and everyone is tong! Except Pupuce and I who are in basketball ... It makes us not us !.... Nice walk! ... Rambo shows villagers doing grading on a mountainside, and they tell us preparing land for building a house. They bossent practically bare hands! Then we come on the air where children play. We find three children playing with a rope suspended (sort of swing). We take photos and show them the result. They laugh out loud ... Suddenly, the smallest of the three of us slowly and timidly said: "Ten baht! "(10 baht!) Incredible! The boy asks for money for having their picture taken! Ah, the vices of tourism!

17.00 - The way home.

We discuss all 5. The other 4 have collapsed and are able to sleeping in the back of a van on a mountain road. We decide to meet at night in town, the Reggae Bar. The day before, we had Rambo said he liked this style of music and ambience of this bar. We arrived at the residence and go directly into our bungalow. Pool ...

... big shower and head for the downtown.

Before leaving the residence we ask Ludo (you know, the boss who believes that everything is 5 minutes!), Where is this bar. It gives us an address but immediately corrected his brother explaining to us that it no longer exists, and gives us a different address ... Yeah! We take a songthaew and arrive at the bar. We have half an hour ahead. We decide to break the crust in the meantime. It is 21:00.

We find a large cafeteria-restaurant near the bar and command, not to change, fried noodles!

21H30 - We return to the bar and not find anyone. We come out to wait it out ... ... 9:45 p.m. 10:00 p.m. ... nobody! Well ... it n'doit not be the right bar! We find another address on a plane and take the road. After 15 minutes of walking we do come across any bar! It sucks ... We did not find! ... We decide to go a little sad not to have reviewed one last time, and especially disgusted because they will think we were punctured or worse that we did not want! Too bad!

We return to the bungalow to prepare our bags because we leave tomorrow morning for the island of Kho Samui. We meet Ludo and he proposes to reserve its usual taxi to take us to the airport. We accept and ask him to apologize to Rambo. Once our siding ready, sleep.


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